
chǎo jī dàn
  • fried egg;omelet
  • fry eggs
  1. 二分之一勺的小苏打加到3个鸡蛋里可以做出既清淡又蓬松的炒鸡蛋。

    1 / 2 tsp of baking soda added to3 eggs makes a light and fluffy omelet .

  2. omelet:煎蛋卷,炒鸡蛋Alfonso给我做了蛋饼,Bellini:(带有气泡酒及桃泥制成的)鸡尾酒,贝利尼饮料我可能喝了一两杯,贝里尼酒把它灌下去了。

    Chuck : Alfonso made me an omelet . I may have washed it down with a bellini or two . -

  3. 唐恩都乐(Dunkin'Donuts)在2013年推出了釉面甜甜圈早餐三明治——釉面甜甜圈夹熏腌肉和辣椒炒鸡蛋——解决了这样一个让早餐爱好者永远都难以抉择的难题。

    Dunkin ' Donuts ( DNKN ) solved this eternal struggle for breakfast lovers in 2013 with the creation of its Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich , comprised of bacon and a pepper-fried egg nestled between two sides of a glazed doughnut .

  4. 我们头道菜点了炒鸡蛋配熏鱼。

    We have a starter of scramble eggs with smoked salmons .

  5. 请让厨师给孩子们做些炒鸡蛋和烤面包。

    Please ask cook to make the children scrambled eggs on toast .

  6. 你炒鸡蛋的方法不对。

    You aren 't frying the eggs the right way .

  7. 他想尝尝蘑菇炒鸡蛋的味道。

    He wanted to try some mushrooms with his eggs .

  8. 他真是鸡蛋(特别是炒鸡蛋)爱好�

    He really was an egghead ( especially fried eggs )

  9. 我的室友向我展示如何做更好的炒鸡蛋。

    My roommate showed me some tricks to make better scrambled eggs .

  10. 我要番茄汁、夫饼、炒鸡蛋和茶水。

    I 'll have tomato juice , waffles , scrambled eggs and tea .

  11. 我可以再要一份炒鸡蛋吗?

    May I have another portion of scramBled eggs ?

  12. 你喜欢吃煮的,煎的,荷包蛋,炒鸡蛋,还是摊鸡蛋?

    Boiled , fried , poached , scrambled or would you prefer omelets ?

  13. 如何吃:与炒鸡蛋相混合或者放在任何蔬菜碟中。

    How to eat : Mix with scrambled eggs or in any vegetable dish .

  14. 从炒鸡蛋到微温的土豆泥,飞机餐真是难吃得丧病。

    From rubbery scrambled eggs to lukewarm mashed potato , airplane meals can be dire .

  15. 玛丽正为早餐而炒鸡蛋。

    Mary is scrambling eggs for breakfast .

  16. 如果想让宝宝早些出生,你可以吃些蓖麻油炒鸡蛋。

    If you want your baby born early , you can eat scrambled eggs castor oil .

  17. 姜黄:是“香料的超级巨星”,它可能具有抗炎和抗癌特性。食法:混合炒鸡蛋或放在任何素菜中。

    Turmeric : The " superstar of spices ," it may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties .

  18. 她炒鸡蛋供早餐食用。

    She scrambled eggs for breakfast .

  19. 有可能是缺钙引起的,虾皮炒鸡蛋可以补钙。

    May be caused by calcium deficiency , calcium can be dried small shrimps fried eggs .

  20. 油炸面包丁是7克,炒鸡蛋是100克。

    For croutons , it 's 7 grams , and for scrambled eggs , 100 grams .

  21. 接着我们开始用大火慢慢炒鸡蛋,但是动作不要太大。

    Then we can gently stir fry the egg but still don 't move your egg too much .

  22. 今天中午带的是韭菜炒鸡蛋,茄子焖豆角。

    At noon today , we brought Chinese chive fried with egg and mad apple stewed with bean .

  23. 他们只是普通人&迈克尔·甘本会讲黄色笑话,艾伦·里克曼会谈论炒鸡蛋。

    They 're just people – Michael Gambon tells filthy jokes , and Alan Rickman talks about scrambled eggs .

  24. 我带着一夜没睡的青年人的好胃口吃着炒鸡蛋和苦味的果酱。

    I ate my scrambled eggs and bitter marmalade with the zest which in youth follows a restless night .

  25. 西红柿炒鸡蛋先洗几个西红柿,把西红柿切开放在一边,再把鸡蛋打到碗里。

    First , clean several tomatoes , cut them apart and set aside , then breaking eggs into a bowl .

  26. 该公司的下一个目标是制造一种可以做成炒鸡蛋的不含蛋液体。

    The company 's next goal is to make an eggless liquid that , when fried , turns into scrambled eggs .

  27. 很快,这是捏造的熏鲑鱼和炒鸡蛋堆在一个烤饼,后来讲究糕点之后。

    This is soon trumped by smoked salmon and scrambled egg piled on a crumpet , later followed by dainty pastries .

  28. 我从来不吃鸭舌头,从鸭嘴里取出来的东西,多脏啊,我要吃炒鸡蛋。

    I never eat duck tongue , out of his mouth from duck , how dirty , I want to eat eggs .

  29. 第二天中午她给他买了饭,有一个鸡腿,好像还有西红柿炒鸡蛋。

    Next morning , she bought something for his lunch , including a chicken leg , and tomatoes with eggs , maybe .

  30. 但蒂特里克说,他认为公司用不了多久就能创造出完美的无蛋炒鸡蛋。

    But Mr. Tetrick says he believes that it won 't be long till the company creates the perfect eggless scramble . '