
  • 网络Hit;Click
  1. 时报不得不权衡得到Facebook用户所带来的好处、及其所附带的广告收入,因为这种做法涉及到免费提供自己的内容,失去自己网站点击数,让Facebook得到这些点击数的前景。

    It would have to weigh the benefits of reaching Facebook 's users - and the ad revenue that comes with them - against the prospect of giving away its content and losing the clicks on its own site that would instead stay within Facebook .

  2. 然而,平均位置也会从1.5跌至2.3,日平均点击数也会随之降低。

    However , the average position dropped from 1.5 to 2.3 and the average clicks per day dropped as well .

  3. N并非总点击数,而是每分钟点击数。

    N is not the number of hits , N is the number of hits every minute .

  4. GOOGLE会在一天的时间内均匀地发布你的广告,使你的点击数在日预算内或低于日预算。

    If your daily budget is lower than the recommended amount , Google will deliver your ads evenly throughout the day to keep your clicks at or below your daily budget .

  5. 这个视频,引发了越来越多的恶搞和剪辑,打败了加拿大歌手贾斯汀•比伯拥有超过80300万点击数的歌曲《baby》。

    The camp video , which has spawned a growing number of spoof and clips , wrested the title from Canadian singer Justin Bieber 's Baby , which has more than 803m views .

  6. 快:您可以在更新后的点击数为2;

    Is quick : you can post update in2 clicks ;

  7. 含有链接的推讯发出一分钟后,所获得点击数如下

    During that first minute after the tweet , I would get this many clicks

  8. 而在二季度,付费点击数的同比增幅则为25%。

    But in the second quarter , paid clicks were up 25 percent from a year earlier .

  9. 如果一个帐号的点击数增长得非常快,那么信贷总额可能会稍稍超过信贷限额。

    The amount billed may be slightly in excess of the credit limit if an account accrues clicks very quickly .

  10. 有效边界发现,2011年第2季度的按点击数付费广告环比增长了22%。

    Efficient frontier found that cost-per-click ads increased by 22 per cent in the second quarter of 2011 compared with the first .

  11. 虽说如此,但从本博首页的点击数来看,访客还是源源不断。

    Despite this period of silence , according to the counter at the bottom of the blog 's first page the high rate of visitors continues .

  12. 如果仍有出入,可能是因为我们作为广告服务方,有能力全面统计点击数,而别的追踪软件却可能漏掉。

    If there are still discrepancies , it could be because we host your ads and therefore are able to record clicks that other tracking software programs may miss .

  13. 在某些情况下,就成本、功率效率和大小的实际极限而言,扩展内存、处理和存储单个节点可集成点击数。

    At some point , scaling the memory , processing , and storage a single node can integrate hits a practical limit in terms of cost , power efficiency , and size .

  14. 总结强夯法处理山谷回填地基施工中的经验工艺数据,诸如夯击能量、单点击数、布点形式等。

    The empirical technological data was summed up from the dynamic consolidation processing of valley backfill foundation construction in aspects such as consolidation energy , one-shot points , stationing form and so on .

  15. 从读者对数据库不同检索功能的点击数分析了读者利用外文数据库的习惯和外文数据库利用率低的原因,进而提出提高外文数据库利用率的对策。

    The user habits of using foreign language databases and the reasons for low utilization ratio are also analyzed from the hitting numbers of different kinds of search functions in foreign language databases , and then some proposals are presented to increase the utilization of foreign language databases .

  16. 今年年初,欺诈点击占手机广告总点击数的10%。

    At the start of the year , fraud accounted for 10 % of mobile-ad clicks .