- 名thermal neutron

The cadmium ratio RCA and thermal neutron flux are usually measured in a re - ' actor .
Evaluation of thermal neutron capture cross section of ~ ( 197 ) au
Some physical properties of the Th - ~ ( 223 ) U thermal-neutron breeder reactor
As a non-destructive testing technique , fast neutron radiography has many unique advantages comparing with X-ray and thermal neutron radiography .
The study of the structure in γ - Fe_2O_3 by means of thermal neutron transmission gage
Today scientists use thermal neutrons , X-rays , or ethyl methane sulphonate , a harsh carcinogenic chemical-anything that will damage dna-to generate mutant cereals .
Mass and kinetic energy distribution of fragments in thermal-neutron in-duced fission of U are calculated by a α decay-like model .
The absolute determination of cumulative yield of several nuclides from thermal neutron and fission spectrum neutron induced fission of ~ ( 235 ) u
Inelastic scattering spectra of thermal neutrons by aluminium hydride ( alh_3 ) _n
The measurement of cumulative fission yields of ~ ( 235 ) u induced by thermo-and fission spectrum neutrons by using GE ( li ) detector
For ' He and BF , proportional counters , the measured detection efficiency of thermal neutron is consistent with the theoretic value satisfactorily .
Study of taking out thermal neutron by using D D sealed tube neutron generator
CR-39 SSNTD for thermal neutron measurement
Computing with MCNP the thermal flux density due to the delayed fission neutron generated in processing the clads of burned-up fuel roads
Based on the statistical fission theory , we have calculated the mass and kinetic energy distributions as well as other physical quantities of ~ ( 235 ) U fission induced by thermal neutron using microscopical method .
For a system consisting of both high energy external neutron source and thermal neutron zone , a neutronics calculation method is developed based on the combination of the Sn and cell parameter calculation codes .
The epithermal neutron activation analysis ( ENAA ) using BN and BN + Cd as thermal neutron shielding materials was used to determine the contents of iodine in 20 Chinese biological standard reference materials ( SRMs ) .
A pre-irradiation chemical seperation neutron activation analysis and instrumental epithermal neutron activation analysis are used for determination of trace elements in DZ Σ - 1 and DZ Σ - 2 std.
Rqcs : a code for the generation of multigroup constants for thermal neutron reactors
Running Environment and Operating Method of Profile Refinement Program in Thermal Neutron Powder Diffraction
The Monte Carlo calculating software packet was developed for wall epithermal neutron time spectrometry logging on the basis of MCNP . The wall epithermal neutron time spectra of simulated open holes were calculated , which vary with the porosity of formation .
Pulse fast thermal neutron analysis technology ( PFTNA ) is a better method than chemical analysis used in coal industry .
Some of the features and problems involved in the thermal neutron law code RSLT-1 which is based on the method of Fourier transform are discussed . The analyses of the calculated results of some actual moderators are presented .
In the paper , the calculation result shows that every one thermal neutron acts on the outside surface of the converter , 0.131 4 fusion neutrons with a spectrum ranging from 13.5 to 15.5 MeV are produced inside the converter .
A method of cutting , editing and printing screen picture in thermal neutron diffraction pattern , which is provided by two profile refinement programs ( RIETAN & FULLPROF ), is given through the combined application of several software programs on personal computer .
Analysis of Time spectrum Recorded in Thermal Neutron Time spectrometry Logging
On the detection efficiencies of thermal neutron counters with typical shapes
Measurement of moisture in pottery materials using thermal neutron transmission method
Thermal neutron inelastic scattering and its application to the material science
Determination of arsenic in subcellular fractions of rat liver by ENAA