
rè jiāo huàn
  • heat exchange
  1. Nd∶YAG激光用于热交换管的现场修复

    On-site repair of heat exchange tubes with Nd ∶ YAG laser

  2. 大型U形管热交换设备工艺装备研制

    Research for Craft Equipment of Large-scale U-tube Heat Exchanger

  3. 填料塔热交换系统的模糊模型PID优化控制

    The fuzzy model PID optimization control designed for a heat exchange system in a packed tower

  4. 用于CD/DVDROM的LinuxIDE设备接口并不支持热交换。

    The Linux IDE device interface for CD / DVD ROM does not support hot swapping .

  5. IDE生产力增强:格式化、动态的错误标记,和调试器热交换

    IDE productivity enhancements : formatting , dynamic error markers , and debugger hot swapping

  6. 2H2+O2爆轰波后壁面热交换测量

    Heat transfer measurement on the wall behind detonation waves

  7. 为了研究模糊模型PID优化控制的策略,我们在浙江大学工业控制技术国家重点实验室建立的填料塔实验装置的基础上,建立了一套填料塔热交换系统。

    In order to study the strategy of fuzzy model PID control , we established one set of packed tower heat-exchange system in the laboratory .

  8. 例如,RAID和热交换CPU卡在单一服务器层次上通常都具备冗余特征的。

    For example , RAID and hot swap CPU cards have been common hardware redundancy features at the single server level .

  9. 北太平洋中纬度地区海气热交换场的EOF分析

    EOF analysis of air-sea heat exchanges in middle latitudes over the North Pacific

  10. 其他RAS特性包括动态固件维护以及用于服务器和I/Odrawer的可热交换磁盘托架。

    Other RAS features include dynamic firmware maintenance and hot-swappable disk bays for servers and I / O drawers .

  11. 元过程热交换量dQ及循环效率问题

    On quantity on the heat transfer DQ concerning element of process and cycle efficiency

  12. 虽然它支持热交换,但修改插装只需要升级该文件和JVM周期就可以了。

    Modifying the instrumentation simply requires an update of that file and a JVM recycle , although hot swap is widely supported .

  13. 国外在七、八十年代已经普遍采用辐照的方法灭菌SPF鸡用饲料,辐照灭菌的优点是在灭菌过程中几乎不发生热交换。

    The irradiation has been generally adopted to sterilize fodder for specific pathogen-free ( SPF ) chickens overseas since 1970s .

  14. 其中,重点论述了双monitor备份设计、自适应热交换系统设计、外时钟滤抖设计:双monitor备份设计是将monitor(监控引导程序)做一个备份。

    Which focuses on a dual-monitor backup design , adaptive heat exchange system design , external clock shaking filter design : dual-monitor backup is designed to monitor ( monitor the boot process ) to do a backup .

  15. 热交换机组在BOPET生产中的选型和应用

    Selection and Application of Heat-exchanger on Processing of BOPET

  16. 针对供热系统的自动化控制,采用PC/104嵌入式工控模块和WINDOWSCE操作系统构建热交换机组控制系统,并详细论述了相关的硬件和软件设计方法及实现。

    The heat exchange unit concerned is made up by an inbuilt PC / 104 Industrial control module and a Windows CE operating system . This article elaborates the design and realization of correlative hardware and software .

  17. 首先利用空气动力学法,计算分析了敦煌戈壁2000年9月&2001年9月的感热交换系数Ch的特征,计算得到Ch的年平均值为0.00203±0.00045。

    At first , the transfer coefficients ( C_h ) of sensible heat from September 1,2000 to September 30,2001 over the Dunhuang Gobi were computed and analyzed by aerodynamic method .

  18. 深入研究沉积过程中的热交换、物质输运,有助于制备薄而致密的具有进行良好光电性质CdTe薄膜。

    It can be helpful to prepare thin and compact CdTe thin films with fine light , electronic characteristics that the heat exchange and mass transportation in CSS process are studied deeply .

  19. 恢复操作系统之后,就可以以安全的方式热交换坏磁盘并更换它,而不会危及硬件上的其他LPAR。

    And after I recovered the operating system , I could then hot-swap the bad disk out in a safe manner and get it replaced without compromising the other LPARs on the hardware .

  20. 中性条件感热交换系数和潜热交换系数(CHn,CEn)对天气变化的反应不够敏感。

    And the sensible ( C_ ( Hn )) and latent ( C_ ( En )) heat exchange coefficients were not sensible to the synoptic change .

  21. HPL-2000型激光器热交换系统的改进

    The improvement of HPL-2000 laser 's heat exchange system

  22. 最近,IBM发布了blade服务器BladeCenterHS12和JS12服务器,它们支持热交换SAS驱动器,但是它们都是单处理器机器。

    Recently , IBM announced blade servers , the BladeCenter HS12 and JS12 servers , with support for hot-swap SAS drives , but both are uniprocessor machines only .

  23. 详细分析被控热网的工艺条件和控制要求,根据热网的工艺特点和系统要求,通过对控制设备的比较及工程实际调研情况,选择用西门子公司的PLC设备作为热交换站主控制器。

    The process conditions and the requirements for controlled heat-supply network are analyzed in detail . Depending on the comparison of the controller and the realities of the engineering situation , the PLC system of Siemens is selected as the master controller of the heat exchange station .

  24. 用热交换法由熔体生长Nd:Y3Al5O(12)(Nd:YAG)

    Melt growth of Nd : Y_3Al_5O_ ( 12 )( Nd : YAG ) using the heat exchange method ( HEM )

  25. 通过模拟计算讨论分析了侧面热交换对不透明样品光热辐射信号(PTR)频率特性和径向分布的影响,并在两种材料样品的实验结果中得到验证。

    The influence of side heat exchange on frequency characteristics and radial distributions of photothermal signal for opaque sample was analyzed by computed simulation , two series of experimental data were showed for verification .

  26. 极端密度计算机等的Cray-2可以使用额外的散热器,以促进热交换。

    Extreme density computers such as the Cray-2 may use additional radiators in order to facilitate heat exchange .

  27. 地下热交换系统的塑料大棚,喜温蔬菜的春季定植期可比普通大棚提早20~30d,秋季定植期可比普通大棚延后25d左右。

    The transplanting date of vegetable in the vinyl-house with underground heat exchange system was 20  ̄ 30 days earlier than that in ordinary vinyl-house in spring , and in autumn the transplanting date could delay 25 days .

  28. 以NEM为理论基础,开发了两个程序并成功地应用到求解凝固过程中随时间而变化的金属/铸型界面热交换系数以及铸件、铸型中的温度场。

    Based on NEM principle , two programs were developed and applied successfully to compute the time-variable interfacial heat transfer coefficient at the interface between metal and mold during the solidification of castings as well as the temperature fields in castings and molds .

  29. 采取的措施有:①在推力瓦盖上增加12个直径为40mm的通油孔,使油流畅通,增加推力瓦面的油流速度,增大热交换量;

    Some measures are taken to deal with the above problems , including adding of 12 pores with the diameter of 40 ? mm on the bearing pad to make the oil stream flow more smoothly and rapidly and to increase the amount of heat exchange ;

  30. 本文对QCS-006液压实验台热交换回路的液压系统及管道布置进行了详细的分析,找出了系统中温升过快的原因,提出了改进措施。

    The paper makes a detailed analysis of hydraulic system and pipeline arrangement of heat exchanging circuit in QCS-006 hydraulic teat table , finds out why the temperature increases too fast in the system , and presents the improving method .