
  1. 咖啡(Coffea)是世界三大饮料作物之一,是典型的热带经济作物。

    Coffee ( Coffea ) is known globally as one of the most important beverage crops and extensively cultivated and distributed in many tropical countries .

  2. 椰子作为海南重要的热带经济作物之一,就有着广泛的种植及加工基础。

    Coconut is one of the most important tropical cash crops in Hainan that has broad planting and processing base .

  3. 沿海平原和中部山地之间的台地,多开辟为热带经济作物区。

    Follow the mesa between the sea plain and central mountainous country , develop for the tropical cash crop area much .

  4. 海南岛是橡胶、椰子、油棕、剑麻、胡椒等热带经济作物的主要产地。

    Hainan is the main production area for tropical cash crops such as rubber , coconuts , oil palms , sisal and pepper , etc.

  5. 海南岛这块中国最大的热带经济作物基地,物产丰富,风光旖旎。

    Rich in natural resources and noted for its glorious scenery , Hainan Island is also the most important supplier of tropical cash crops in China .

  6. 梅州山区热带水果和经济作物的地域布局&梅州市99寒害水果经作受灾调查

    Regional distribution of tropical fruit plants and cash crops in mountain regions of Meizhou

  7. 粤西热带是我国三大热带区域之一,是热带经济作物、水果和蔗糖生产的重要基地。

    Tropical Guangdong area , as one of the three largest tropies in China , is the important production bases of tropical crops , fruits and sugarcane .