
rè jī
  • heat engine;heat machine
热机 [rè jī]
  • [heat engine] 把热能变为机械能的各种机器的统称,如内燃机等

热机[rè jī]
  1. 导出了Diesel热机更一般的输出功率和效率的解析表达式。

    The analytic expressions of power output and efficiency of generalized Diesel heat engine are derived .

  2. 广义不可逆Miller热机循环的性能优化

    Performance Optimization of a Generalized Irreversible Miller Heat Engine Cycle

  3. λη+(1-λ)P/Pa最大时卡诺热机的η和P

    η and p of a Carnot Engine at Maximum ηλ + ( 1 - λ) p / p_a

  4. E目标下量子卡诺热机有限时间热力学性能界限

    Finite Time Thermodynamic Performance Bound for Quantum Carnot Engine at Maximum Point

  5. Cu基形状记忆合金弹簧热机性能研究

    Study on Thermomechanical properties of Cu-based shape memory alloy spring

  6. 按照效率表达式中n取不同的值,得到了卡诺循环、通过辐射热和热传导进行热传递时的热机效率具体表达式。

    According to the different value of n , we get the concrete efficiency formula for Carnot'Cycle , radiating heat exchange and heat conduction .

  7. 本文导出斯特林热机工作于非线性传热情况下,最佳功率N与效率η之间的关系。

    This paper derives the relation between the optimal power output and the thermal efficiency of a Stirling engine with nonlinear heat transfer law .

  8. 传热规律为Q∝(ΔT)~m时热机的内可逆热经济学

    The Analyses of Endoreversible Thermoeconomics for Heat Engine with Heat Transfer Law of Q ∝(Δ T ) ~ m

  9. 导热规律服用q∝(ΔT)~n广义不可逆卡诺热机的最优性能

    Optimal Performance of a Generalized Irreversible Carnot Engine with Heat Conduction Law Subordinate to Q μ( DT ) ~ n

  10. 本文以奥托内燃机为例,讨论了热机的输出功与热效率的关系及在循环中吸热Q1可变的情况下与热机最大输出功和对应的效率。

    This paper , giving an example of otto internal combustion engine , discusses the relation between the work output and thermal efficiency ;

  11. 得到了生态学目标函数E最大时量子ST热机的最佳热效率和最佳输出功率。

    The corresponding optimal thermal efficiency and the optimal power output of the engine at a maximum point of the objective function E are obtained .

  12. 作者的Laser模型基于如下假设:马氏体相变可看作一种以电子气为工质的量子热机。

    The author 's " Laser model " for martensitic transformations ( MATs ) is based on the assumption that MATs can be taken as a kind of quantum heat engine using electrons as working substance .

  13. 非线性传热条件下的内可逆卡诺热机最优性能有了一些讨论,本文将导出不可逆卡诺热泵工作于非线性传热Q■条件下,最佳供热系数д与泵热率π的关系。

    This paper derives the relation between optimal performance coefficient and heating rate of an ir - reversible Carnot heat pump for the case Q ∝ T ~ n.

  14. 我把这些都这些这里,是正的,q1,is,positive,热从高温的热源,传到循环工作的热机,对外做功。

    So the way I 've got things written here , q1 Heat 's flowing from the hot reservoir to the engine that runs in a cycle .

  15. 这就是说,任何可逆热机的效率都是,负T2除以。

    So what this says is the efficiency of any reversible engine T1 has to be one minus T2 over T1 .

  16. 最大功率密度输出时Atkinson热机的效率

    Efficiency of an Atkinson Engine at Maximum Power Density

  17. 在珀金-埃尔默热机分析仪TMA-7上,对3种成分的化学镀Ni-P镀层的热膨胀进行了测定,3种成分分别为含磷量13.0,11.55和8.2wt%。

    On Perkin Elmer TMA-7 , the determination of thermal expansion of three electroless Ni-P deposits with different P content , which was 13.0, 11.55 and 8.2wt % respectively , was carried out .

  18. 在热机运行过程中产生,所以-w是正的,也是正的,and,this,minus,q2,is,positive,这是流入低温热源的热量。

    A positive amount of work is being generated and is coming out , so minus w is positive , q2 that is heat is also flowing into a cold reservoir .

  19. Marc,采用三维热机耦合有限元模型和静力隐式算法,对多道次连轧稳态轧制过程进行模拟分析。

    Marc , this paper deals with modeling of steady deformation process in multi-pass continuous rolling process with a 3D thermo-mechanical coupled FE model and static implicit algorithm .

  20. 80t转炉托圈温度场测试及热机耦合应力分析

    Temperature Field Testing of the Ring Carriage of 80t Converter and Analysis on Thermal and Mechanical Coupling Stress

  21. 华能海门电厂1000MW机组工程热机设计优化

    Thermal Dynamic Design Optimization of Huaneng Haimen 1000 MW Power Plant

  22. 但以往的研究很少考虑成型复杂热机历史造成的制品残余应力及微结构分布对ESC行为的影响。

    But there are little researches about the effect of residual stress distribution and the inhomogeneous microstructure in injection molding caused by complicated thermal-mechanic history on ESC .

  23. 采用热机分析仪对CBN-28、Cu:KNSBN晶体的热膨胀曲线进行测量。

    Thermal expansion of CBN-28 and Cu : KNSBN were measured by thermomechanical analysis .

  24. 在内可逆卡诺热机模型的基础上,以η~λ(P-μT0σ)为目标函数,导出内可逆卡诺热机的效率、功率和平均熵产的优化关系。

    We take η ̄λ( P - μ T0 σ) as an objective function based on the model of an endoreversible Carnot engine . We derive the optimal relation of the efficiency , power and the rate of average engine .

  25. 根据P-V图、T-S图、热力学第二定律,对任意循环过程的热机效率极大值问题进行了研究。

    Starting from the graphs of P-V and T-S and the second law of thermodynamics , the extreme value of the efficiency of heat engines in the process of arbitrary cycles is studied .

  26. 研究受热阻和热漏影响的不可逆费米量子卡诺热机输出功率和熵产率的协调优化性能,得到了E目标最大时量子热机的最佳特性参数。

    This paper investigates the optimum performance of a irreversible fermi quantum carnot engine influenced thermal resistance and heat leak with the power in cooperation with the entropy production rate . The optimal performance parameters of a quantum engine at a maximum point of the objective E are obtained .

  27. 可以方便、快捷地建立参数化有限元模型,给合ANSYS有限元分析软件对滚动球轴承进行静力接触分析、热机耦合分析和动力接触分析,得到合理的计算结果。

    Using it , the finite element model can be established quickly , and the static / dynamic contact analysis and thermal-mechanical coupling calculation can be completed conveniently by the help of the software of ANSYS . The analysis results show the accuracy of this program .

  28. 用TMS-2型热机分析仪测量热释蠕变

    Thermally Stimulated Creep Experiment by Using TMS-2 Thermomechanical Analyzer

  29. 以内可逆卡诺热机模型为基础,考虑工质与热源间传热服从线性唯象传热定律Q∝(ΔT-1),寻求循环频率与热机特性的关系。

    On the basis of endoreversible Carnot heat engine model , the frequency-dependent performance was analyzed while the heat transfers between working fluid and heat reservoirs obey linear phenomenological heat transfer law Q ∝(Δ T - 1 ) .

  30. 得出的结论为:温度的提升有利于SOFC输出功率的增加,但却使发电效率降低,当温度超过1000℃时,SOFC相对于普通热机已没有明显优势。

    The conclusion is : the increase of temperature has a positive influence on the output of SOFC stack but it makes the efficiency decrease . When the temperature is higher than 1000 ℃, the efficiency of SOFC has little advantages over the traditional engines .