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  • heat-phlegm
  1. 支气管哮喘炎症特点及其与中医寒痰、热痰证型关系的研究

    The Characteristics of Inflammation in Asthma and the Association of It with Cold-phlegm and Heat-phelgm Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  2. 肺热痰瘀合并痰蒙心窍证,治以化痰开窍、平肝熄风;

    The sixth syndrome was the retention of heat and phlegm in the lung accompanied by mental confusion due to phlegm .

  3. 肺热痰瘀兼气滞肺痹证,治以泻肺豁痰化瘀、宣痹宽胸;

    The fourth syndrome was the retention of heat and phlegm in the lung accompanied by Qi stagnation and pain in the chest .

  4. A组所用中药遵循辨证论治分为肺脾气虚、肺热痰湿、肺胃阴虚和气滞血瘀型。

    Four types were found in the group A : the Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency type , the Lung Heat and Phlegm-Dampness type , the Lung-Yin and Stomach-Yin Deficiency type and the Qi stagnation and blood stasis type .

  5. 结论热、痰和瘀是SIRS的主要病机;

    Conclusions : Heat , Phlegm and Stagnation are the main pathogens of SIRS .

  6. 湿热咳嗽是咳嗽中的一个类型,以往医家少有论述,临床辨治多归入痰热或痰湿咳嗽进行治疗。

    Heat cough cough one type , in the past few physicians discuss clinical Treating Multiple phlegm or phlegm cough classified for treatment .

  7. 临床表现多呈火、热、痰、瘀之证,主要病机为内生热毒挟痰瘀。

    The clinical manifestations are mostly fire , heat , phlegm and blood stasis syndromes , and its pathogenesis is endogenous heat toxin with phlegm and blood stasis .

  8. 通腑泄热豁痰法治疗急性脑出血42例疗效观察

    Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage by Zang - Fu Dredging , Heat - Purging and Sputum - Expelling Therapy : A Clini - cal Observation of 42 Cases

  9. 病性证素涉及血瘀、气滞、湿、热、痰、阳亢、阳虚、阴虚、气虚、血虚。

    Disease of blood stasis syndrome involving , qi stagnation , wet , heat , phlegm , Yang deficiency , yin deficiency , Yang , Qi , blood deficiency .

  10. 由热或痰或瘀等致郁,以及由热或郁或瘀致痰的概率极高,也基本上是治疗前后极少变化。

    By thermal or induced sputum or blood , etc. Depression and depression from the heat or phlegm or blood stasis caused by high probability , it is basically little changed before and after treatment .

  11. 痹证发病,风、寒、湿、热、痰、瘀等邪气是痹证发生的条件,而正虚是其发生的内在基础。

    Arthralgia disease , wind , cold , wet , heat , phlegm , blood stasis is Arthralgia occurred in such evil conditions , and is the internal virtual is the basis of its occurrence .

  12. 结论消瘅汤具有改善2型糖尿病肝热肾虚、痰瘀阻滞型患者葡萄糖脂肪代谢紊乱的作用。

    Conclusion This Decoction is effective for sugar and lipid metabolism disturbance in patients with type 2 diabetes . the toxic action of PZA on liver is greater than that of other antitubercular drugs .

  13. 小儿肺炎从热、郁、痰、瘀论治研究

    Treatment for children pneumonia based on the theory of fever , gloom , phlegm and blood stasis

  14. 结论:1.热、郁、痰、瘀是病毒性肺炎急性期的基本病因病机病理。

    Heat , constraint , phlegm and blood stasis are the basic pathogenesis of the acute viral pneumonia .

  15. 证候从痰证、痰热证发展至痰瘀证、痹阻心脉证和痰热瘀证;

    The syndrome manifestations developed from phlegm and phlegm-heat syndromes to phlegm-stasis , stasis of heart vessel and phlegm-heat stasis syndromes .

  16. 结果中风病急性期血糖升高中医证候多分布在风痰瘀血、痰热腑实、痰热蒙蔽心神证,提示与痰浊有关。

    Results : The stroke patients with hyperglycemia mainly had wind ? phlegm and blood stasis syndrome , phlegm ? heat and excess of fu ?

  17. 在改善热、郁、痰、瘀及其关联病机方面,中医试验组疗效优于西药对照组。

    The TCM experimental group is better than western medicine group in improving the heat , constraint , phlegm , blood stasis and its associated pathogenesis .

  18. 由瘀致热或郁或痰的概率往往大于由热或郁或痰致瘀的概率。

    Stasis caused by the heat or the probability of depression or sputum is often greater than the heat or depression or the probability of stasis caused by phlegm . 3 .

  19. 病理因素以虚、瘀、热、湿、痰、燥为主,贯穿于糖尿病肾病病理演变的始终,是糖尿病肾病加重的关键因素。

    Pathological factors with asthenia , blood stasis , heat , dampness , sputum and dry primarily , throughout the evolution of DN , are always the key factors in increasing DN . 3 .

  20. 导师周岱翰教授根据肺癌的病理机转,认为大体上可将肺癌分为肺郁痰瘀、脾虚痰湿、阴虚痰热、气阴两虚,痰瘀毒结等四个证型。

    According to the pathogenesis , lung cancer were determined form four pattern : lung depression with phlegm stasis , spleen deficiency with phlegm damp , yin deficiency with phlegm heat , qi and yin deficiency and meeting phlegm stasis toxin .

  21. 证素与血生化指标的相关性:总胆红素、谷草转氨酶升高可能与湿、热形成有关;凝血酶原时间可能与气虚、阳虚、湿的形成有关;血红蛋白可作为热、痰证的参考指标之一。

    The correlation between biochemical indicators and syndrome factor : Total bilirubin , elevated aspartate aminotransferase may be associated with wet , heat formation ; may prolongation of prothrombin time be related to deficiency of Qi , Yang and the formation wet .

  22. 病毒性肺炎热郁痰瘀病机理论的主要内容:在病毒性肺炎中,多数由热致病,热致气郁,热炼痰蓄,气郁血瘀。

    The main content of heat-constraint-phlegm-stasis pathogenesis theory about viral pneumonia : In viral pneumonia , the majority of pathogens from the heat , heat induced Qi constraint , phlegm accumulation due to heat , blood stasis due to qi constraint .