
  • 网络Genoa
  1. 那时苏联专家A.A.卡斯巴申(A.A.Каспарсон)还在我院工作,在他的建议下,在我们的实验室内进行了模型试验以研究热那亚港外堤的破坏原因。

    A. Kasparson ( A. A. ) , then working with us , a model test for investigating the cause of failure of breakwater at Port Genoa was conducted in our laboratory .

  2. 1955年2月19日,在意大利热那亚港发生了一件巨大的外堤破坏事故。

    On the 19th Feb. 1955 , a great damage of the breakwater at port Genoa , Italy occured . At the suggestion of the Soviet specialist A.

  3. 大约在同一时期,都灵(意大利)附近的一个名为Chieri的小镇在文艺复兴时期制作牛仔布裤子,并在16世纪开始流行。这些裤子在热那亚港出售,那里是独立的热那亚共和国的首都。

    At around the same time , denim trousers were made in Chieri , a town near Turin ( Italy ) , during the Renaissance , and were popularised in the 16th century . These trousers were sold through the harbour of Genoa , which was the capital of the independent Republic of Genoa .