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  • alkylating agent
  1. 3种化学诱变剂是丝裂霉素C(MMC,DNA交联剂)、博来霉素(BLM,似X线剂)、甲基甲烷磺酸酯(MMS,烷化剂)。

    The three chemical mutagens were mitomycin C ( MMC , DNA crosslinker ), bleomycin ( BLM , radiometric agent ), methyl methanesulfonate ( MMS , alkylating agent ) .

  2. 推测阳性有机磷农药作为烷化剂,主要是使鸟嘌呤的N-7位甲基化,引起碱基置换;或形成加合物,造成交联,从而引发DNA重组修复而致突变。

    The results suggest that positive OPPs may be a kind of alkylating agent , mainly methylated the N-7 position of guanine and induced base pair substitution of formed adduct , and cross linkage to induce DNA recombination and mutation .

  3. 烷化剂EMS处理水稻愈伤组织诱导突变的方法初探

    Study on the Method of Mutant Induced by EMS Treating Rice Somatic Callus

  4. DNA聚合酶β在烷化剂MNNG引起的非定标性突变中的作用

    Study on role of DNA polymerase β in alkylating agent MNNG induced untargeted mutagenesis

  5. 烷化剂EMS诱发花生性状变异的效果及高产突变系的选育

    Effects of Peanut Character Variations Induced by EMS and Breeding of High Yielding Mutant Strains

  6. 某些DNA损伤,如烷化剂诱导的次级损伤(无碱基位损伤)可作为诱导性易错修复功能的靶损伤。

    Certain DNA lesions , apurinic sites , the secondary DNA lesions induced by alkylating agents , for example , are the proper substrates of the inducible error-prone repair activity .

  7. 用双向凝胶电泳分析低浓度烷化剂N-甲基-N′-硝基-N-亚硝胍引起的人羊膜FL细胞蛋白质的表达差异

    Differential protein expression induced by low-concentration N-methyl-N ′ - nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in FL cells using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis

  8. 低浓度烷化剂MNNG对MAPK信号通路的作用

    Low Concentration MNNG Effect on MAPK

  9. 前者主要作用于增殖周期各期的细胞,包括G0期细胞,这类药物包括烷化剂和大部分抗肿瘤药物,其疗效与剂量成正比,即呈现出剂量依赖性,以大剂量冲击治疗为主;

    The former mainly contributes to the cells of reproductive cycle , including G_0-stage cells , and this kind of drugs consists of aldyl agents and antineoplastic antibiotics , whose therapeutic effects are dose-dependent .

  10. 目的观察衰老的人胚肺二倍体成纤维细胞(2BS)对烷化剂甲磺酸甲酯(MMS)诱导的DNA损伤的应答。

    Objective To explore the cellular response of human senescent diploid fibroblasts ( 2BS ) to the DNA damage caused by methyl methanesulfonate ( MMS ) .

  11. 目的探讨乳腺癌中MGMT蛋白的表达与烷化剂疗效的关系。

    Objective To investigate the expression of MGMT protein in breast carcinoma and the sensitivity of tumor cells to alkylating drugs .

  12. 结果现有C级临床证据表明,霉酚酸酯能提高IMN合并NS患者的蛋白尿缓解率,对激素或烷化剂耐药的患者也有一定疗效,但能否提高肾脏的长期存活率尚无可靠证据。

    Results The available Level C ( low quality ) evidence showed that Mycophenolate Mofetil was effective for the remission of proteinuria , and effective in patients who were resistant to steroid or cytotoxic agents .

  13. L615小鼠白血病对各类抗肿瘤药物都有不同程度的敏感性,尤其对抗代谢类及烷化剂类药物更为敏感。

    The results of our experiments showed that the mouse leukemia L615 was sensitive , in varying degrees , to various anti-tumor agents , especially the anti-metabolic and alkylating agents .

  14. 环磷酰胺、顺铂是临床常用的非选择性烷化剂。

    Cyclophosphamide and Cisplatin are all nonclassical alkylating agent .

  15. 大剂量烷化剂为主的预处理方案在造血干细胞移植中的相关毒性与疗效

    Curative effects and regimen-related toxicity of alkylate-based preparative regimens for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

  16. 烷化剂、抗代谢肿瘤药化疗引起的恶心、呕吐的治疗对策

    Treatment Countermeasure of Nausea and Vomit Caused by Chemotherapy with Alkylating Agent and Antimetabolism Tumor Drug

  17. 人衰老二倍体成纤维细胞对烷化剂损伤的应答

    Cellular response to DNA damage caused by methyl methanesulfonate ( MMS ) in human senescent diploid fibroblasts

  18. 传统的化疗药物主要有抗代谢类药物、烷化剂类、抗生素类、铂类和植物类等5大类药物。

    Traditional chemotherapy medicine has five kinds , including anti-metabolism , alkylating agent , antibiotics , platinum and plants .

  19. 苯环上取代基及烷化剂醇对还原&烷基化合成N-烷基芳胺的影响还原胺烷基化合成对二乙氨基苯甲酸

    Effect of substituents on benzene ring and aliphatic alcohols on preparation of N alkylamines from aromatic nitro compounds by reductive alkylation

  20. 治疗常用烷化剂、利妥昔单抗及以上述两药为基础的联合化疗。

    Treatment for LPL / WM always includes alkylating agent , rituximab , and combination chemotherapy that bases on the two agents above .

  21. 目的:体外观察甲氨蝶呤与烷化剂联合应用对类风湿关节炎患者淋巴细胞凋亡的作用,为临床治疗提供基础医学依据。

    Objectives : To observe the apoptosis effect of combination therapy with chlormethine and methotrexate on lymphocyte cells taken from rheumatoid arthritis patiences in vitro .

  22. 儿童低危型霍奇金氏病不必使用烷化剂、博莱霉素、鬼臼乙叉甙或大剂量扩野放疗等也可治愈。

    Pediatric patients with low-risk Hodgkin 's disease can be cured with therapy without an alkylating agent , bleomycin , etoposide , or high-dose , extended-field radiotherapy .

  23. 肿瘤的化疗是临床治疗的三大常规疗法之一,目前化疗已经发展成为包括烷化剂、抗代谢剂、分化诱导剂、生物反应调节剂等多个体系。

    The chemotherapy of tumor is one the three general therapeutics in clinic therapy , now chemotherapy is developed into many systems which includes alkylating agent 、 antimetabolite 、 biologic response regulator .