
  • 网络Weld zone
  1. 参数优化后焊缝区Mg元素的烧损和蒸发量减少。

    After the parameter optimization , the burning loss and evaporation of Mg element in the weld zone reduced .

  2. 裂纹扩展在焊缝区和半熔化区之间交替进行,并非严格按W/F界面破断。

    Crack propagation conducts alternatively between the weld zone and the partially molten zone , and is not strictly to rupture at W / F boundary surface .

  3. TIG重熔工艺对焊缝区残余应力的影响

    Affection of TIG remelting welding seam process on the residual stress in weld area

  4. C-Mn焊缝区缺口和裂纹试样的宏观断裂行为

    Macro-fracture Behavior of C-Mn Weld Zone in Notched and Precracked Specimens

  5. 焊接工艺对GMAW堆焊焊缝区温度场影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Welding Processes on Temperature Field of GMAW Surfacing Weld Zone

  6. 基体中析出的VC颗粒大小变化不明显;铁素体晶粒长大,焊缝区的强度降低。

    Of M-A island becomes vague , and the size of VC precipitated from ferrite matrix is not obviously changed , and ferrite grains grow and the strength of welds is reduced .

  7. 20G钢焊缝区碱脆开裂及Ni-Cr-Fe涂层的防护特性

    Caustic Embrittlement of 20G Steel and Its Protecting by Thermal Spraying Ni Cr Fe Coatings

  8. 焊态下CLAM钢经腐蚀后,焊缝区表面元素无明显变化,内部无锂铅元素渗透,腐蚀层较为均匀。

    By corrosion , the elements in the surface of weld zone did not significant changed , no lithium-lead penetrated is inside , corrosion layer became more uniform .

  9. 金相试验发现:TIG接头热影响区组织明显长大,大量的合金元素偏析于焊缝区晶界割裂组织的完整性,导致材料的性能恶化。

    Microstructure analyses show that : Grain size grows in HAZ . A large amount of alloying element was segregated in the grain boundaries , the integrity of the structure was lacerated and the mechanical property deteriorated .

  10. 对焊缝区、变形区及热影响区的金相组织分析结果表明,淬火45钢LFW过程中,焊件不同部位的显微组织随着回火温度的变化而相应变化。

    The microstructure observation showed various structures were evolved at different regions of joint , which corresponds to different temper temperatures during LFW .

  11. 焊缝区和热影响区粗晶区组织均为贝氏体板条和M-A组元组成的粒状贝氏体;

    The microstructure of the weld metal and the coarse-grained heat-affected zone are both granular bainite that consists of the bainite lath and the M-A constituent .

  12. 石油钻杆摩擦焊焊接接头冲击韧性低的原因是焊后热处理金相组织不理想和焊缝区存在灰斑及FeS·MnS复合夹杂物缺陷。

    The reasons for the low impact toughness of the friction welded joint of drill pipe is that the metallurgical microstructure of the joint heat-treated after welding is not ideal and there are grey spots and FeS · MnS inclusions in the weld zone .

  13. 通过分析L245钢埋弧焊焊缝区质量、微观组织和拉伸性能关系表明,焊接工艺参数的合理制定是低合金钢L245焊管产生裂纹等缺陷的关键因素。

    By analyzing the relation of microstructure , weld zone quality and tensile property , it is concluded that the welding technological parameter of L245 steel is the main factor of the welding crack .

  14. 工艺焊接性试验结果分析表明,在进口NiSB-162-200纯镍焊缝区存在气孔和显微裂纹,接头熔合线附近有方向性很强的晶粒长大倾向。

    The process weldability testing result indicates that the pores and the metallographic micro-crack are present in the welding zone of pure imported nickel metal NiSB-162-200 , and the very obvious tendency of grain growing up exists adjacent to the welding joint fusion line .

  15. 金相观察分析发现接头中热影响区不明显,焊缝区组织致密,晶粒细小,晶界上均匀分布着脆性相(Mg17Al12),但内部易产生气孔、裂纹等微观缺陷。

    By metallurgical analysis it is found that the heat affected zone is not distinct , and the microstructure in fusion zone presents compact fine grains with brittle intergranular precipitates ( Mg17Al12 ), which often accompanies with micro defects such as porosity and cracking .

  16. 加氢裂化反应器焊缝区脆断研究

    A study of brittle fracture of weld zone in hydrogenation reactor

  17. 焊缝区的塑性和抗腐蚀性质增加;

    Plasticity and corrosion resistance in the welding zone was increased .

  18. 搅拌摩擦焊焊缝区温度分布及对材料流动的影响

    The Distribution of Temperature and Material Flow of Friction Stir Welding

  19. 增大焊接电流使焊缝区组织粗大,晶粒内部针状马氏体增多,接头硬度、强度和塑性都有所提高。

    Hardness and strength and ductility of weld joint had been increased .

  20. 液化气管线焊缝区开裂泄漏原因分析

    Analysis of Cracking and Leak at Welding Region of a Liquefied Petroleum Gas Pipe

  21. 初步分析了典型工件焊缝区和热影响区的显微组织。

    The microstructure of weld center zone and thermo-mechanically affected zone ( TMAZ ) also were analyzed .

  22. 但焊缝区形成金属间化合物使其硬度波动较大。

    However , the fluctuation of hardness in FSW weld of dissimilar metal was large due to intermetallics .

  23. 冲击处理使焊缝区和母材区的强度和伸长率均有所增加。

    The tensile strength and the elongation percentage of the parent metal and the weld zone increased slightly .

  24. 除了焊接参数以外,接头的装配和对焊缝区的保护也很重要。

    In addition to welding parameters , stalling the joint and protecting welding seam area are also very important .

  25. 对于相同的焊接状态,板材焊缝区的硬度取决于不同的热处理状态;

    To the identical welding state , the hardness of board welding seam area depends on different heat treatment states .

  26. 焊缝区金属变形程度大是产生焊合纹的关键;

    The large degree of deformation of the metal in the weld seam is the key caused the weld stripes .

  27. 通过模拟温度场结果与焊缝区组织的比较,验证了不同的温度场与不同焊缝组织的对应关系。

    The corresponding relations between temperature field and microstructure of welding zone were validated by comparing simulation results with microstructure morphology .

  28. 焊接接头的应力腐蚀发生在焊缝区,应力腐蚀裂纹是沿着奥氏体枝晶间的δ-铁素体扩展的。

    For the weldment , SCC occurs in weld fusion zone and propagates along δ - ferrite phase between austenite dendrites .

  29. 腐蚀挂片试验及电化学试验表明,焊缝区腐蚀形式主要为点蚀与晶界腐蚀。

    Hanging patch test and electrochemical corrosion tests showed that the mainly corrosion of weld joint is pitting and intergranular corrosion .

  30. 焊缝区组织主要为等轴晶和树枝柱状晶,熔合区组织主要为柱状晶。

    The crystallizing morphology on the weld seam was equiaxed grains and dendrites and that on the fusion area were columnar crystals .