
fén shāo fǎ
  • Incineration method;burning method/procedure
  1. 对回收有困难或不经济的含VOC废气,建议采用焚烧法或催化燃烧法进行处理。

    Setting on fire or catalytic combustion was suggested for the VOC waste gas difficult to recycle .

  2. 对辽化84#BI、86#CI、21#LI三种高浓度废液,采用化学絮凝与氧化法替代焚烧法脱除废液中有机物的研究,进行了详细的论述。

    Removing organic compound from three sorts of heavy concentration wastewater ( 84.BI . 86.CI . 21 . LI ) by chemical coagulation and oxidation instead of burning is reported .

  3. 对目前城市白色垃圾的2种普遍处置方法&厌氧卫生填埋法和焚烧法进行了LCA分析评估,得出焚烧法可使环境负担相对较轻的结论。

    In view of two popular disposal methods of urban ′ s white wastes & the anaerobic hygienic burying and the burning were assessed and analysed by LCA method , a conclusion was reached that the burning can make the environment ′ s burden relatively light .

  4. 按新加坡的废弃物管理优先等级原则,废弃物最小量化(减量,再利用和循环利用,即称之为3Rs)优先等级最高,其次是焚烧法,最后是填埋处理。

    The hierarchy of solid waste management in Singapore is waste minimization ( reduce , reuse and recycle or so-called 3 Rs ), followed by incineration and landfill .

  5. 国内、外用焚烧法处理垃圾,均没能彻底解决防止污染的技术问题。

    The incineration treatment method used abroad can completely solve the problems .

  6. 目前针对这些废气的最好的处理方式就是焚烧法。

    Currently the best treatment of the exhaust gases is the incineration .

  7. 焚烧法处理硝基化合物生产过程中产生的碱性废水

    Treat basicity wastewater during nitryl compound production by incineration method

  8. 造纸污泥处置新技术&流化床焚烧法

    A New Technology for Paper Mill Sludge Treatment : Fluidized Bed Incineration

  9. 焚烧法处理木材干馏废水初步探讨

    Discussion on Incineration Treatment of Liquid Wastes Produced in Wood Pyrogenic Distillation

  10. 焚烧法处理油毡厂沥青烟气

    Treating Asphalt Felt Plant Smoke by High Temperature Burning

  11. 用焚烧法消除氧化沥青装置有害尾气的污染

    Eliminating the tail gas pollution of asphalt oxidation unit by combustion with air

  12. 焚烧法处理环己酮生产中的皂化液

    Treatment of saponification liquid from the production of cyclohexanone by means of incineration

  13. 目前,国内外处理废碱液的方法主要有化学法和焚烧法。

    Nowadays , chemical methods or burning are used to treat with the waste lye .

  14. 医疗垃圾的热解焚烧法处理

    Pyrolytic Incineration Treatment of Hospital Wastes

  15. 采用焚烧法处理城市固体垃圾,在我国正逐渐得到推广和应用。

    Nowadays incineration is gradually being used to dispose municipal solid waste ( MSW ) in China .

  16. 采用焚烧法处理高浓度有机废液,二次污染控制是非常重要的。

    It is very important to prevent the secondary pollution in incineration of high concentration organic wastewater .

  17. 在法国,填埋和焚烧法处理垃圾的采用率约占到80%。

    In France , the rate of treating urban refuse with landfill and incineration is about 80 % .

  18. 焚烧法是目前普遍使用的一种城市生活垃圾处理方法。

    The incineration treatment has been widely used for Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) treatment in the world .

  19. 焚烧法和热解法正是顺应这种趋势而发展起来的两种有前途的污泥热化学处理方法。

    To conform to the new trend , combustion ( incineration ) and pyrolysis has become two promising disposal methods .

  20. 采用焚烧法,利用原有20吨锅炉,处理24.1t/d高浓度有机废水。

    By using existing 20-tonne boiler to treat 24.1 T / d of high concentrated organic wastewater with incineration process .

  21. 随着固体废弃物焚烧法处理技术的发展,高温腐蚀问题越来越受到关注。

    With the development of solid waste incineration technology , more and more attentions were paid to the high-temperature corrosion behavior .

  22. 在含油污水处理过程中易产生含油污泥、活性污泥及浮渣等固体废物,利用传统的焚烧法、分离法、填埋法、生物降解法处理这些废物具有一定的缺陷和局限性。

    There are some faults and limits in the treatment of solid waste products from oily wastewater disposal using traditional methods .

  23. 结果表明其设备投资及运行成本均低于焚烧法,是一种经济可行的城市污泥处理技术。

    The results show that both the investment cost and the operational cost are lower than those of the burning method .

  24. 在环境保护和治理方面常用的污染物处理方法有:物理吸附法、化学氧化法、微生物处理法、高温焚烧法及光催化技术。

    Common methods of pollutant treatment include : physical adsorption , chemical oxidation , microbial processing , high-temperature incineration and photocatalytic technology .

  25. 比如,传统的焚烧法不适合用来处理不可燃废物,需要进行预处理,焚烧后的残余物需要进一步的处理后才能进行填埋。

    For instance , the conventional incineration is not suitable for treating non-combustible waste . Thus , pre-sorting of waste is required .

  26. 与直接焚烧法相比,热解&焚烧法具有如下优点:(1)燃烧效率高,污染排放低,设备可紧凑化。

    Compared with incineration , pyrolysis and combustion has the following advantages : 1 . High combustion efficiency , low emissions and compact .

  27. 传统的处理方法是露天焚烧法或露天爆轰法,没有物尽其用,且造成环境污染。

    For many of these ammunition items the traditional method of disposal is open burning / open detonation which makes no profit and causes pollution .

  28. 本文针对工业中沥青烟气处理的问题,提出了一个新的方法,采用微波加热焚烧法处理沥青烟气。

    Therefore , his paper proposes a new method in view of the treatment of asphalt smoke in industry : using microwave incineration to treat asphalt smoke .

  29. 焚烧法因其在无害化与减容化上具有突出的优势,已成为公认的处理医疗垃圾的有效方法。

    The incineration technology has many advantages such as volume reduction , quantity reduction and harmless treatment . It has become an effective method of medical waste treatment .

  30. 对城市固体废弃物的处理,无论是采用焚烧法、堆肥法、卫生填埋法,还是土地填埋法,都会或多或少地对周边的生态环境造成负面影响。

    Disposing of municipal solid waste will have negative effect on neighboring environment , no matter adopting ways of burning , composting , hygienic land-fill or land land-fill .