
méi yáo
  • coal pit;coalpit
煤窑 [méi yáo]
  • [coalpit] 小型煤矿,一般用手工开采

煤窑[méi yáo]
  1. 瓦斯隧道煤窑采空区处理施工技术

    The Techniques for the Treatment and Construction of the Coal Pit 's Workout Sections of the Gas Tunnel

  2. 今天他看上去很干净、很光鲜,是因为小煤窑已经被整顿关闭,他无活可干。

    Today he looks clean and attractive that 's because the small coal pit has been closed and now , he lost his job .

  3. 小煤窑开采对环境与水土保持的影响

    Influence of Small Coalpit Developing on Environment And Soil And Water Conservation

  4. 小煤窑行为策略博弈分析

    Analysing behavior and strategy of small coal-mines in games theory

  5. 小煤窑采空区地基处理

    The foundation treatment for the area of coalpit goaf

  6. 小煤窑采空区钻孔灌浆地基加固施工技术

    Construction Technology of Foundation Consolidation in the Excavated Region of the Small Coal Mine

  7. 因此,治理小煤窑自燃火灾迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , governance of spontaneous combustion fire in small coal mines is imminent .

  8. 矩形钻孔灌注桩煤窑采空区地段冲击钻孔灌注桩施工

    Rectangle-section Bored Piles Construction of Impact Drilling

  9. 三高测量技术探测小煤窑采空区

    The application of " three-high " measurement technology in minded-up zone detection of small coalmine

  10. 并为客户提供煤窑、油窑、电窑的设计和创造。

    And to provide customers with coal , oil furnace , electric furnace design and creation .

  11. 强夯法处治浅层小煤窑采空区机场弱膨胀高填土浅层强夯加固参数设计

    Design of Parameters of Airport Weak Expansion High Fill Earth Shallow - Layer Strong Ramming Consolidation

  12. 曙光矿井底车场小煤窑遗留采空区支护技术

    Support technology for goaf left by small coal mine in mine shaft bottom of Shuguang Mine

  13. 孔中电磁波透视在煤窑采空区勘探中的应用实例

    The application of borehole electromagnetic wave fluoroscopy to the exploration of mined out areas of coal pits

  14. 小煤窑的塌陷对公路、桥梁建设危害较大。

    The collapse of these small coalpits dose great harm to the construction of the road and bridges .

  15. 本实用新型不仅适用燃气窑,亦适用于油窑,煤窑等。

    The utility model is suitable for not only fuel gas kilns , but also oil kilns , coal kilns , etc.

  16. 山西省乡宁县的一个煤窑外,被困矿工的亲人们在焦急地等待着,等待着关于他们亲人的消息。

    Anxious relatives waited outside the pit in the Xiangning county in the Shanxi province , for news on their family members .

  17. 小煤窑开采形成的采空区极不规则并难以探测,对隧道建设安全构成极大危害,研究采空区对隧道围岩稳定性的影响具有重要意义。

    Small coal mining goaf is very irregular and difficult to detect , so it is a great danger to the tunnel construction safety .

  18. 方法采用问卷调查、资料研究等方法,对我省25家国有煤炭企业和34个小煤窑的职业卫生状况和管理模式进行研究。

    Methods The state of occupational hygiene and management model of 25 coal mines and 34 small coal-pits in Anhui were investigated with questionnaire .

  19. 我见过十岁、十一岁的孩子被放到桶里,吊到五十尺深的煤窑里挖煤。

    I have seen children , of ten and eleven years put in buckets and lowered down fifty feet below the ground into coal pits .

  20. 随着煤矿资源整合,大量小煤窑因乱采滥挖导致采空区煤层自燃显得尤为突出。

    With the integration of coal resources , a large number of small coal mines due to unauthorized mining goaf seam spontaneous combustion are particularly prominent .

  21. 根据外因条件不同将乌达矿区16个火区划分出大矿采空区起火、小煤窑起火和煤层露头起火3种类型;

    According to different external conditions , 16 fire blocks are divided into 3 types : mine vacant space fire , small coal-pit fire and seam outcrop fire .

  22. 沿河小煤窑的无序开采是这种地质灾害产生的根源,而地质及环境因素是灾害产生的必要条件。

    The origin of the hazard is the disordered mining of coal pits along a river , and geological and environmental factors are the necessary conditions of the hazard .

  23. 小煤窑破坏性无序开采,造成了许多采空区,给红会三矿八采区生产带来安全隐患。

    The destructive and disorderly operation of the small coal mines results in a lot of work-out sections creating hidden troubles for the eighth mining section of Honghuisan mine .

  24. 外在条件包括地质构造、气候、水文地质、地形地貌、煤层的赋存状况、大矿和小煤窑的开采情况等。

    The external conditions include geological structure , climate , hydrogeology , topography and landforms , mode of occurrence of coal seams and mining of large mines and small coal pits .

  25. 如果把治理污染、保护资源、修复生态的费用计算在内,这些小煤窑对经济增长的贡献很可能是负数。

    If the costs for pollution control , resource protection and ecosystem rehabilitation are included , the contribution of these small coal pits to economic growth is very likely to be negative .

  26. 周星海(音译)帮矿主从几百英里以外招来农民工在煤窑工作,每月600美元的工资对农民工是很高了,但是风险也很高。

    Zhou Xinghai helped recruit migrant workers from hundreds of miles away to work the seams . The $ 600 monthly salary was high for migrant labor , but so were the risks .

  27. 近年来,湖南煤炭工业通过深化企业体制改革、整顿关闭小煤窑、加大技术改革和创新投入以及全体湘煤人的共同努力,逐步走上了快速发展的轨道。

    In recent years , Hunan coal industry has gradually embarked on a fast track of development by deepening the system reform , closing the small coal mines and increasing the technological innovation and so on .

  28. 本文论述了我国煤炭资源开发过程中存在的资源回收率低、小煤窑发展失控以及资源级差收益悬殊等主要问题及其后果;

    This paper discusses the main problems in the exploitation of coal resources , including the low reclamation rate , the runaway increase of small collieries as well as the great differential revenue , and points out the consequences .

  29. 最后,利用综合防治技术对065-2综放工作面小煤窑破坏区进行成功的治理,对火灾治理和工作面安全开采发挥了重要。

    Finally , we achieve a successful control on the destructive area of small coal mine of 065-2 cave using integrated control technique . This success plays an important role in fire control and safe exploit of work face .

  30. 在影片中,覃培军扮演了一位经历过煤窑塌方的幸存者,他拼命抓住每一个可能让他在镜头前露脸的机会,即使只是作为背景。

    In the film , Qin Peijun , a survivor from a coal mine collapse , goes all out to seize every possibility to get his face in the lens of the camera , even if only as an extra .