
  • 网络Lighting line;illuminating line
  1. 照明线特性及FSK鉴频接收机性能分析

    Lighting Supply Line Characteristics and Performance of an FSK Discrimination Detector

  2. 交流照明线载波通道特性的研究

    An investigation on carrier channel characteristics of AC lighting mains

  3. 基于匹配检测技术的照明线数据通信系统

    Communication System of Power Wire Based on Matching Detection Method

  4. 照明线介质计算机局网的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of A Powerline Medium Computer Network

  5. 采用了一种新型LED线光源获得高强度均匀照明,多线阵CCD拼接成像完成幅面分割。

    A new LED line light source is adopted to obtain a high intensity and uniform illumination , and field of view is partitioned by means of multiple linear CCD sensors parallel imaging .

  6. 照明电路中性线断路故障分析

    Illumination circuitry failure analysis

  7. 胶新线中小站室外照明设计胶济线提速改造及客流组织方案

    Exterior illumination design for medium and small-sized stations in Jiaoxin Railway line Transforming the Ji'nan Qingdao Railway By Raising Speed And The Organization Scheme Of Passenger Flow

  8. 关于住宅中照明回路增加PE线的思考

    Consideration of Adding PE Line of Lighting Ruturn Circuit in Residence

  9. 它由超过1000盏小灯来照明,靠近海岸线的这边平台常常成为各大精彩活动的美丽布景。

    It 's illuminated by more than 1000 of the little lights , and its shoreline deck often becomes a backdrop for glamorous events .

  10. 引入冗余照明的概念,以实现波带板的空间相干照明以及降低束线对光源不稳定性及元件振动的要求。

    The concept of redundant illumination is introduced to ensure the coherent illumination of zone plate and reduce the effect of source instability and element vibration .