
  • 网络Panda
  1. 这种动物仅生活在中国,所以我国专业些铸造大熊猫金币。

    Which live only in China , so China minted a Giant Panda Gold Coin .

  2. 在采访中他说:“我喜欢黄金”,同时从他口袋里取出一块中国的熊猫金币。

    ' I like gold , 'he said in the interview , pulling a Chinese Panda gold coin from his pocket .

  3. 手表背面透明,镶嵌一枚由中国人民银行发行的2011版1/20盎司熊猫金币,图案元素清晰可辨。

    Watch the medal , with transparent issued by the people 's bank of China of the2011 version of1 / 20 ounces panda gold , design elements , legible .