
  1. 力拓董事长杜立石(janduplessis)在致词后活跃地跳下讲台,向中铝董事长熊维平打招呼。

    Rio chairman Jan Du Plessis bounded from the stage after his remarks to greet Xiong Weiping , Chinalco president .

  2. 但熊维平表示,通过对力拓持股,中铝学到了很多。

    Mr Xiong says holding shares in Rio has taught Chinalco a lot .

  3. 熊维平表示:“目前,我们并不打算增持或减持我们的股份。”

    Mr Xiong said that " at present , we do not plan to increase or decrease our shares . "

  4. 熊维平扼要介绍了中铝的扩张计划,即从一家以铝为核心业务的企业,发展为一家跨国矿业公司。目前,铝业务很难实现盈利。

    Mr Xiong outlined their plans to expand from their core aluminium business , which has struggled to make profits , into a global mining house .

  5. 熊维平拒绝将交易失败归咎于澳大利亚政府。力拓的大部分矿产业务都在澳大利亚。

    Mr Xiong refused to blame the failure of the deal on the government in Australia , where most of Rio Tinto 's mining operations are .

  6. 熊维平上述有关战略合作的言论,突显出中国矿商在海外扩张时面临的挑战。它们的扩张步伐在澳大利亚等资源丰富的国家遭遇了政治阻力。

    His remarks on strategic co-operation underline the challenges that Chinese miners face as their expansion plans run into political opposition in resource-rich countries such as Australia .

  7. 熊维平表示,他正在物色高品位的铜、铝矾土、铁矿石和煤炭资源,这些都是中国推进其城市化进程所必需的矿产。

    He said he was hunting for high-grade copper , bauxite , iron ore and coal resources , the minerals that China needs to fuel its urbanisation .

  8. “我们觉得,我们需要与我们地位相符的董事会席位,以保护我们的战略及商业利益,这是双方建立长期战略合作关系的重要基础,”熊维平表示。

    " We felt we needed to have board representation commensurate with our position in order to protect our strategic and commercial interests and that this was a basic fundamental for a long-term strategic partnership , " Mr Xiong said .

  9. 熊维平表示,中铝本已同意缩减在力拓持股18%的计划,解决英国股东在可转债上的优先购买权问题,并简化铁矿石业务的营销及公司治理架构。

    Mr Xiong said Chinalco had agreed to reduce its proposed 18 per cent equity stake in Rio , address the concerns of UK shareholders over pre-emption rights for the convertible bond portion of the deal , and simplify the marketing and corporate governance structure relating to iron ore operations .