
róng lú
  • furnace;melting pot;crucible;smelter;smelting furnace
熔炉 [róng lú]
  • [furnace] 金属冶炼炉。比喻能锻炼人各方面素质的场合或岗位

  • 军队是个大熔炉

熔炉[róng lú]
  1. 从熔炉里倒出来的未加工的铁块(铅块)。

    A crude block of lead or iron poured from a smelting furnace .

  2. 电磁搅拌装置在铝熔炉上的应用

    Electromagnetic Stirrer Applied to Aluminum Smelting Furnace

  3. 这个共和国是多民族的大熔炉。

    The republic is a melting pot of different nationalities .

  4. 事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。

    Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons .

  5. 该政权成为右翼思想和右翼价值观形成的熔炉。

    The regime served as a crucible for the forging of right-wing ideas and values .

  6. 美国是个文化大熔炉。

    Usa is a cultural melange .

  7. 锤熔炉计算机控制系统中Fuzzy控制器的设计

    The design of fuzzy controller in the computer-controlled system of suspended sintering furnace

  8. WebSphere还是最新的Web技术的熔炉。

    WebSphere is also the melting pot for the latest Web technologies .

  9. PLC在电子束单晶熔炉控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in control system for electron beam single crystal furnace

  10. 基于PLC和PC机的铝合金熔炉温控系统研究与开发

    Development of temperature control systems based on PLC and PC

  11. 基于DSP的铜材成型机熔炉温控系统设计

    Copper-Molding Machine Melting Furnace Temperature Controlling System Based on DSP

  12. 大熔炉这个词有很多的创造者,包括J。

    The phrase has many fathers , including J.

  13. n.火炉,熔炉我们学校校舍在冬天使用油炉取暖。

    furnace An oil furnace heats our school buildings in winter .

  14. meltingpot熔炉(指的是同化许多名族的国家或者城市)夏威夷的海滩是无与伦比的。在夏威夷,你能够享受到世界上最棒的度假胜地。

    Howaii 's beaches are unmatched , you 've got some of the most extraordinary resorts in the world right there in Howaii .

  15. ZrO2测氧元件在玻璃熔炉上的应用

    Application of Zirconia Oxygen Sensor in Glass Tank Furnace

  16. 在熔炉温控范围内,SER型硅碳棒可以被替换。

    SER Elements can be replaced while the furnace is at operating temperature .

  17. 论文分析了保护气体在镁合金熔炉内的流动过程,建立了镁合金熔炉内保护气体湍流流动的数学模型,应用FLUENT流体计算软件进行了数值模拟。

    With the aid of the software & FLUENT , the mathematical model of turbulent flow in the magnesium alloy melting furnace is established .

  18. 根据相似理论,对50t电铅熔炉进行了冷态模拟试验。

    According to similarity theory , cold simulation experiment has conducted in 50t electric lead-smelting furnace .

  19. 最大电渣锭重200t,正在设计建造360t电渣重熔炉。

    The maximum ESR ingot is 200 t and a 360 t ESR furnace is designing and building .

  20. 通过对电渣重熔工艺的系统研究,在国产10t大型电渣重熔炉上开发了以递减功率模型为核心的钢锭结晶质量控制、渣皮厚度控制和防止增氢等先进工艺技术。

    Based on the completely research of electroslag remelting process in 10 ton large ESR furnace , the advanced technologies taking descending power model as the core were developed , including ingot crystallization quality control , slag crust thickness control and hydrogen pick-up prevention .

  21. 核电厂熔炉熔毁泄露放前所未有的大量的放射性元素进入海洋,铯134的踪迹显示在日本海岸线附近的水域该放射性物质的含量比科学家Buesseler和他的团队所发现的含量高出一千万倍。

    The power plant meltdown released unprecedented amounts of radioactive elements into the ocean , with cesium 134 traces in waters off Japan 's coast tens of millions of times higher than what Buesseler and his team have found here .

  22. 玻璃电熔炉钼电极铸造式水套结构的研制

    Research & Development for Cooling Water Jacket Structure of Molybdenum Electrode

  23. 单回路调节器在垂熔炉上的应用

    Single Loop Controller and its Application in the Vertical Sintering Furnace

  24. 硼硅玻璃电熔炉设计和调试过程的体会

    Design and Test Run of Electric Melting Furnace for Borosilicate Glass

  25. 试制了一台样机用在低电压大电流的电渣重熔炉上。

    A prototype is developed and used for a electroslag remelter .

  26. 中频感应连熔炉温度场分布的研究

    Research on Temperature field Distribution in IF Induction Furnaces in Succession

  27. 微型全电熔微晶玻璃电熔炉的研制

    Design and Calculation of the Miniature Full Electric Glass Melting Furnace

  28. GLR-160J中频感应石英玻璃连熔炉

    GLR 160J Type Medium Frequency Quartz glass Continuous Induction Melting Furnace

  29. 铸造镁合金熔炉内保护气体流动数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Protective Gas in the Furnace of Magnesium Melt

  30. 工程师们相信升高熔炉的温度还将进一步提升燃烧效率。

    Engineers believe that hotter boilers would raise yields even more .