
róng róng
  • melt;melt-out;fusil;frused;diatexis;six-zone-pass
熔融 [róng róng]
  • (1) [fusil]∶加热熔化至能流动

  • 在银上面浇上熔融的金

  • (2) [frused]∶借热的作用液化

  • 镀金属之前应将被镀的金属加热熔化成熔融的液体

  • [melt-out] 溶化

熔融[róng róng]
  1. 熔融法合成高粘度PET的研究

    An Investigation of preparing High Viscosity PET by Melt Polymerization

  2. 熔融渗入法制备Al2O3基玻璃复合牙冠材料

    Making composite porcelain crown material with al_2o_3 and glass by melt infiltration

  3. 包体为部分熔融形成寄主花岗岩岩浆的源区岩石残余。

    The enclaves are remnants of rocks which partially melted to form granitoid magma .

  4. 熔融法在X荧光分析硅锰合金中的应用

    Application of the Melting Method to Si - Mn Alloy 's XRF

  5. 炭/炭复合材料熔融渗Si研究

    Study of melting and infiltrating Si for the C / C composites

  6. 固相缩聚工艺与PET熔融行为的研究

    Melting behavior of PET after solid state polycondensation process

  7. 用DSC研究PET的结晶和熔融性质

    A study on the properties of petin crystal and melting states by DSC

  8. 抗孕-53差向异构体的键合相正相HPLC分析与熔融温度测定

    Bonded normal phase HPLC determination of ANORDRIN

  9. 熔融温度对PP中成核剂的异相成核作用的影响

    Effect of melting temperature on heterogeneous nucleation of Polypropylene Nucleated with different nucleating agents

  10. PP的熔融指数越小,共混体的性能越好。

    The lower the melt index , the better the properties of the blend .

  11. 成核PP的结晶过程与熔融过程研究

    Study on Crystallization and Melting Processes of nPP

  12. PP/EPDM/滑石粉体系的结晶熔融行为

    Crystallization and Melting Behavior of PP / EPDM / Talc

  13. 研究了PAN/PU共混物的熔融纺丝工艺。

    The melt-spinning technology of PAN / PU blending polymer was also studied .

  14. 熔融还原合成渣中碳还原Fe2O3的发泡特性参数

    Foam Behavior Parameters for Foaming Caused by Reducing Fe_2O_3 with Graphite in the Synthetic Slag of Smelting Reduction

  15. 采用熔融共混法制备了纳米锡酸锌/丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(ABS)/聚氯乙烯(PVC)复合材料。

    The nano-zinc stannate / ABS / PVC composites was prepared by melting blend - ing method .

  16. SBS的顺酐化改性可在熔融态进行,也可在溶液中进行。

    Maleation of SBS can be carried out in molten state or in solution .

  17. 采用DSC方法研究了纳米二氧化硅(SiO2)填充线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)的熔融特性。

    The melt property of LLDPE filled with nano-scale SiO 2 was studied .

  18. 熔融织构YBa2Cu3Ox中碰通钉扎的各向异性及211相对钉力的影响

    Anisotropic flux pinning and effect of 211 phase on pinning force in MELT-TEXTURED yba_2cu_3ox

  19. 用DSC分析不同条件下PA66/TLCP共混物的熔融与结晶行为

    Melting and Crystallization Behaviors of TLCP / PA66 Blends Obtained in Different Conditions Based on DSC Analysis

  20. 熔融相PA6的后缩聚反应

    Finishing Reaction of PA 6 in the Melt Phase

  21. 在HDPE/LDPE材料中,熔融峰温随HDPE含量的增大而逐渐增大;

    In HDPE / LDPE , the melt temperature is increasing with the increasing of HDPE .

  22. 采用DSC测定共聚酯的熔融、结晶行为和非等温结晶动力学。

    DSC was used to investigate the melting , crystallization behavior and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of this copolyester .

  23. DSC研究表明辐照接枝产物的熔融温度和结晶温度均降低。

    The DSC results showed both the melting temperature and crystallization temperature of the grafting products were decreased .

  24. 熔融分相法是制备负载型纳米TiO2光催化材料的新方法。

    The melt - phase separation process is a new method that prepares the loaded nanometer TiO2 photocatalytic material .

  25. 研究了纺丝温度、压力及卷绕速度对PCS熔融纺丝的影响;

    The influence of temperature , pressure and winding velocity on spinning of PCS was studied .

  26. 采用熔融缩聚法合成了PEG(1)-己二酸酐(2)聚合物。

    Poly ( PEG ( 1 ) - adipic anhydride ( 2 )) was synthesized by melt polycondensation .

  27. 熔融指数的测定结果表明,PCL的加入可以改善PC的加工性能;

    According to the result of melt index , the process property of polycarbonate was improved by introducing PCL .

  28. 采用熔融共混方法,用深度萃取脱油硬沥青和尤里卡沥青两种高软化点硬沥青材料,对聚苯乙烯(PS)进行改性。

    Polystyrene was modified by filling into two kinds of hard pitch of different high softening point by melt-mixing method .

  29. LLDPE在熔融加工和热氧条件下的稳定化

    Stabilization of LLDPE in melt processing and thermal oxidation

  30. 采用熔融共混工艺研制了阻燃、抗静电增强尼龙6(PA6)。

    Through mixing melt technology , the fire-retardant and antistatic reinforced PA6 has been developed .