
rán liào
  • fuel
燃料 [rán liào]
  • (1) [fuel]

  • (2) 燃烧用以产生热或功的物料(如煤,焦炭,可燃气体,油,泥煤,木材)

  • (3) 从其中能够释放出原子能的任何材料,尤指在核反应堆中使用的可裂变材料

燃料[rán liào]
  1. 飞机在机场上空盘旋以耗掉多余的燃料。

    The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel .

  2. 目前这个国家是燃料净输出国。

    The country is now a net exporter of fuel .

  3. 电力工业消耗大量的矿物燃料。

    The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels .

  4. 他们有足够的燃料过冬。

    They had enough fuel to see the winter out .

  5. 核能可能会超过石油成为主要燃料。

    Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel .

  6. 汽车发动机中的燃料由火花点燃。

    A spark ignites the fuel in a car engine .

  7. 这些飞机需要添加燃料才能再次飞行。

    The planes needed to refuel before the next mission .

  8. 没有使人们节约燃料的鼓励办法。

    There is no incentive for people to save fuel .

  9. 他们制订并实施了一项降低燃料消耗的计划。

    They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption .

  10. 制造业受燃料短缺的影响最为严重。

    Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage .

  11. 燃料计出毛病了。

    The fuel gauge had gone on the blink .

  12. 铀用作核电厂的燃料。

    Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants .

  13. 我们好像燃料不多了。

    We seem to be light on fuel .

  14. 全球77%的能量产生自化石燃料。

    On a global scale , 77 % of energy is created from fossil fuels .

  15. 冲撞使两个燃料箱都爆裂了。

    The impact ruptured both fuel tanks .

  16. 他们燃料不够用了。

    They had run short of fuel .

  17. 这个锅炉烧固体燃料。

    The boiler uses solid fuel .

  18. 哪种燃料燃烧效果最佳?

    Which fuel burns most efficiently ?

  19. 他们的燃料快耗尽了。

    They were low on fuel .

  20. 我们把燃料用光了。

    We ran out of fuel .

  21. 机组人员丢弃了多余燃料,紧急着陆。

    The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made an emergency landing .

  22. 用煤作燃料的火力发电站的成本有望降低。

    The cost of electricity from coal-fired stations is expected to fall

  23. 调查员说燃料爆炸有可能是失事的根源。

    Investigators say that a fuel explosion may have caused the crash

  24. 核燃料生产出来后被装在金属罐中。

    When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans

  25. 化石燃料(如煤和石油)属于有限资源。

    The fossil fuels ( coal and oil ) are finite resources .

  26. 5月份工程师们在一条氢燃料管线上发现一条裂隙。

    In May engineers found a leak in a hydrogen fuel line .

  27. 坦克要耗费大量的燃料,而且会破坏道路。

    Tanks are heavy on fuel and destructive to roads .

  28. 他们不得不去寻找衣服和燃料。

    They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel .

  29. 当局已经敦促人们储备燃料。

    The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel

  30. 现在,这架飞机的燃料快用完了。

    By now the plane was running out of fuel