
  • 网络gas vane
  1. 并将流固耦合面的温度与静压力仿真结果作为热结构耦合应力分析的边界条件,在Ansys中对喷管及燃气舵片进行了热结构耦合应力分析。

    I select FSI surface temperature and Static-Pressure simulation result as the boundary conditions of Thermal-Structural coupling to analyze Thermal-Structural coupling stress for nozzle and gas vane flake in Ansys .

  2. 固体火箭燃气舵气动设计研究

    The Aerodynamic Design Research of Gas Vane of Solid Rocket

  3. 碳/碳化硅燃气舵的烧蚀及抗热震性

    Ablation and thermal shock resistance properties of C / SiC jet vane

  4. 推力矢量发动机燃气舵绕流场数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Circumferential Flow Field of Thrust Vector Motor et Vane

  5. 推力矢量发动机燃气舵气动性能分析

    Analysis of Aerodynamic Performance of Et Vane of Thrust-vector Motor

  6. SiC/Al梯度功能材料燃气舵样件的应变测试

    Strain testing of sic / al functionally gradient material gas helm sample

  7. 非定常燃气舵绕流场的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis on Unsteady Around Flow Field of Jet Vane

  8. 燃气舵在流场受到的各方向压力和粘性力;

    All pressure and viscous force interior rudder caused by fluid body ;

  9. 燃气舵外围流场计算

    Numerical analysis of flow field around gas rudder

  10. 空空导弹推矢燃气舵用钨渗铜材料与工艺

    Materials and Process Techniques of Copper Infiltrated Tungsten for Thrust Vector Jet Vane of Airborne Missile

  11. 对燃气舵沿气流方向的横截面进行其外围的二维流场计算。

    Two-dimensional flow field around the cross Section of gas rudder in gas flow direction is calculated .

  12. 以超声速导弹为对象,初步研究了燃气舵系统的设计。

    The design of jet vane system is investigated preliminarily , which is based upon a supersonic missile .

  13. 结合工程实际,论述和分析了推力矢量发动机燃气舵气动特性的设计过程。

    The aerodynamics design process of jet vane of the thrust-vector motor is discussed by combining the practical engineering .

  14. 研究的结论可以为推力矢量发动机及燃气舵的结构设计提供直接的参考。

    Therefore , this research would provide a instructive reference straight for the structure design of thrust-vectoring motor and jet et vane .

  15. 该文所用方法对于燃气舵的气动设计、辅助发动机点火试验具有指导意义。

    Results show that the method is useful for the aerodynamics design of jet vane and ignition experiments of the aided engine .

  16. 将舵的气动特性要求和舵的强度、刚度及烧蚀量等要求综合起来考虑,可以使燃气舵的研制一次成功。

    Integration of aerodynamic characteristics with strength , stiffness , as well as ablation magnitude of vane will make development of gas vane more smooth .

  17. 给定初始边界的处理方法,采用k-ε两方程湍流模型对燃气舵模型进行了纯气相湍流计算。

    Given initial boundary , the processing method of the pure gas phase flow around the jet vane based on k - ε two equations .

  18. 针对两种燃烧室条件和不同的舵片尺寸,对发动机和燃气舵的组合模型进行了计算。

    According to the two kinds of combustion chamber conditions and different sizes of et vane s , the article also calculated the combination model of motor and jet et vane .

  19. 文中根据某型号固体火箭发动机燃气舵的实际工作情况,建立精确的几何模型,并根据其工作环境对计算模型进行了一定的简化。

    The accurate geometrical model is established based on the actual working cases of rudder in one solid rocket motor , and the account model is simplified according working conditions of rudder .

  20. 建立了燃气舵气-固两相绕流流场的物理模型,给定初始边界条件,对该模型进行了气-固两相绕流流场计算。

    Established the gas-solid two-phase flow around the jet vane of the physical model , given initial boundary conditions , studied the model of the gas-solid two-phase flow around the jet vane .

  21. 分别计算了在六种工况下,燃气舵周围三维流场的特性参数以及燃气舵表面的三维温度场分布;

    These things are computed respectively in the six working circumstance : characteristic parameters of three dimension fluid body around rudder and the three dimension temperature 's distributing on the surface of rudder ;

  22. 多舵风洞测力试验表明:当喷流出口静压小于环境压力(<1.0)燃气舵的气动性能重现了地面试验的结果;

    The wing-tunnel measured force tests of multi-vane shown that : when the static pressure of nozzle exit is less than environmental pressure ( p1.0 ), the aerodynamic performance of jet vane reappears the data of ground test .

  23. 主要研究内容为:1、建立了燃气舵纯气相绕流流场的物理模型。

    The main research contents are as follows : 1 . Established the physical model of the pure gas phase flow around the gas rudder . This paper established the physical model of the pure gas phase flow fields around the jet vane .

  24. 另一方面,基于销熔技术的考虑,为了部分降低或完全消除燃气舵阻力对发动机推力的影响,本论文还对舵片的热效应进行了数值模拟。

    On the other hand , basing on the consideration of ablation technology , we also simulated the heat effect of combustion gas vane to reduce partly or eliminate completely the influence of drag force which will affect propulsive force of motor in this paper .

  25. 赖斯在致美国大使的谈话要点中表示,当年至少有10个从朝鲜至伊朗的航班搭载了燃气舵,此类部件用于稳定飞行中的弹道导弹。

    Jet vanes , parts meant to stabilise a ballistic missile in flight , had been sent from North Korea to Iran on at least 10 flights that year , Ms Rice said in talking points for the US ambassador to deliver in a demarche to Beijing .

  26. 固体火箭发动机工作过程中,燃气除了将热量传递给推进剂以维持继续燃烧以外,同时还把热量传给燃烧室壁、喷管以及燃气舵片等部件。

    During SRM ( Solid rocket motor )' s working process , the gas transfers heat to propellant for keeping combusting and at the meanwhile heat is also transferred to the combustion chamber wall 、 nozzle 、 vane flake and some other components .