
  • 网络Gas turbine power generation;OCGT
  1. 针对实际工作中,燃气轮机发电厂NOx排放情况,就燃气轮机发电厂执行大气污染物排放标准问题进行了讨论。

    In accordance with circumstances of NOx discharge in gas turbine power plant , as for the gas turbine power plant execute standard of atmospherical pollutant discharge to discussing .

  2. 燃气轮机发电机组静止变频启动装置研究

    Study on the static frequency converter for gas turbine generator sets

  3. 基于回热循环的燃气轮机发电系统技术分析

    The Analysis for Heat Recuperated Gas Turbine Cycles for Power Generation

  4. 我国通信用燃气轮机发电机组的应用和发展

    Application and Development of Gas Turbine Generator for Communication in China

  5. 燃气轮机发电在焦化厂的应用

    Application of Power Generation with Gas Turbine in Coking Plant

  6. 基于液化天然气冷能的燃气轮机发电循环

    Gas Turbine Power-Generation Cycle Based on Cold Energy of liquefied Natural Gas

  7. 燃气轮机发电机组可靠性评价指标的计算公式

    Calculation Formulas for Reliability Indexes of Gas Turbine Generating Units

  8. 统计评价燃气轮机发电机组可靠性的术语定义

    Terms and Definitions for Use in Reporting Gas Turbine Generating Unit Reliability

  9. 燃气轮机发电机组的开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Gas Turbine Generator Sets

  10. 热电厂燃气轮机发电机组噪声控制

    Noise Control of Gas Turbine Generator in Thermal Plant

  11. 国内外燃气轮机发电技术的发展现况与展望

    Development and Prospect of Gas Turbine Generation Technology both in Domestic and International

  12. 燃气轮机发电机组的振动信号监测与分析系统

    The System of Test and Analysis on Signal of Electric Generator of Gas Turbine

  13. 高炉煤气燃气轮机发电&利用高炉煤气的好形式

    Gas Turbine Generation with Blast Furnace Gas & A Good Utilization of Blast Furnace Gas

  14. 燃气轮机发电机组润滑油母管温度高故障处理前隔板润滑系统温度计

    Deal with the malfunction of the high oil header temperature for gas turbine generator unit

  15. 最后用Matlab/simulink软件对燃气轮机发电机组进行了仿真研究。

    Finally Matlab / simulink is used to research the simulation study of gas turbine generator .

  16. 本文针对海洋石油平台使用的小型透平燃气轮机发电机组搭建了一套计算机仿真平台。

    The electric power system of the offshore platform universally adopts gas turbine to generate electricity synchronously .

  17. 论提高我国燃气轮机发电设计制造和运行维修的整体水平

    Discussions on raising the integral level of design-manufacture and operation-maintenance of gas turbine power generation in China

  18. 利用系统仿真技术,基于模块化的建模思想,对船舶发电系统进行模块化建模,建立了一套船舶燃气轮机发电系统仿真模型。

    Base on modularization modeling thoughts , the simulation module of the ship integrated power system is modelled .

  19. 相比之下,燃气轮机发电单位容量的成本可以低于其五分之一。

    Capacity fired by gas turbines , for comparison , can cost less than a fifth of that .

  20. 介绍分布式发电的研究背景及意义,分析电力系统的负荷特性,研究典型分布式电源(风力发电、光伏发电和燃气轮机发电)的发电特性。

    The research background and significance of Distributed Generation is introduced . The power system load characteristics are analyzed .

  21. 本文通过对飞轮储能系统的研究,提出对燃气轮机发电机组在大负荷波动情况下,采用飞轮储能装置进行平稳,以减小大负荷波动对发电机组的冲击作用。

    Point out using the flywheel energy storage to reduce the large impact of the high load fluctuation to the power generator .

  22. 燃气轮机发电用于天然气换热转化&大型氨厂节能降耗研究

    Application of Gas Turbine to Generate Electricity in Self Heat Exchange Type Natural Gas Conversion-A study on energy saving of large ammonia plant

  23. 近年来,随着分布式发电系统的深入研究与广泛应用,以高速永磁同步电机为核心的微型燃气轮机发电系统受到了人们的广泛关注。

    With in-depth study and wide application of distributed generation , the micro-turbine power generation system based on high-speed permanent magnet synchronous motor has received widespread concern .

  24. 近年来随着全球范围内的能源与动力需求结构的变化以及环境保护要求的提高,微型燃气轮机发电机组得到大力发展。

    In recent years , with global demand for energy , changes in the structure and the improvement of environmental protection requirements , micro-gas turbine generator develops rapidly .

  25. 近年来以燃料电池发电技术,微型燃气轮机发电技术,光伏电池发电技术和风力发电技术为代表的新型分布式发电技术发展迅速。

    Recent years , some new distributed generation technology , such as fuel cell , micro gas turbine , solar cell and wind power generation , developed rapidly .

  26. 叙述燃气轮机发电机组、燃气往复式内燃发电机组及各种可燃气体的特性,揭示利用燃气往复式内燃发电机组发电的难点和可观经济效益。

    Expounded character of gas-turbine generating set , reciprocating internal combustion generating set and all kinds of fuel gas , and difficulty and economical benefit using all kinds of fuel gas .

  27. 高速永磁同步电机控制性能决定了微型燃气轮机发电系统供能指标,而高性能高速永磁同步电机控制系统依赖于可靠的位置传感器和精确的检测技术。

    The performance of micro-turbine power generation system depends on the control performance of high-speed PMSM . The high performance control system of high-speed PMSM needs reliable and accurate detection sensor .

  28. 应用机理分析建模和灰箱建模相结合的方法,建立了单轴燃气轮机发电机组及其控制系统的数学模型。

    Applying the method of combining the mechanism analysis modeling and gray box modeling , the mathematic model of the single-shaft gas turbine generating units and the control system was established .

  29. 厌氧消化技术就是制造堆肥,肥料被转化成富含电能的生物沼气,再利用微型燃气轮机发电。

    Through anaerobic digestion , similar to the process by which you create compost , manure can be turned into energy-rich biogas , which standard microturbines can use to produce electricity .

  30. 介绍了我国首套回注蒸汽燃气轮机发电装置,分析运行后的经济效益,并对其应用前景进行探讨。

    A brief account is given of the first in China steam-injected gas turbine generating set with the economic benefits resulting from its operation being analysed and potential application prospects discussed .