
  • 网络explosives;blasting equipment;Explosive material
  1. 淮南煤矿深部岩巷掘进用爆破器材优化

    Optimization of driving explosive materials in deep-seated rock at Huainan coal mines

  2. 正确使用煤矿爆破器材,确保煤矿安全爆破

    Properly Using of Explosive Materials for Coal Mine and Ensuring of Safely Blasting

  3. 确保高原雷电气象环境下爆破器材的安全;

    Ensuring the safety of equipment in thunder rich climate ;

  4. 浅析爆破器材外包装现状及其对策

    Discussion on current status of outer pack of explosive material and Solutions

  5. 采用防水抗冻爆破器材,提高爆破的准爆率;

    Using waterproof and antifreezing blasting equipment to increase the detonating efficiency ;

  6. 炮(航)弹及过期爆破器材销毁研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Destruction of Bombs and Discarded Explosives

  7. 近年来国内外爆破器材的发展

    Development of blasting materials recently in China and abroad

  8. GB15745-1995小型民用爆破器材仓库安全标准

    Safety standard on site magazines of commercial blasting materials

  9. 煤矿许用爆破器材生产中存在问题及其原因与建议

    Problems and Causes and Suggestion in the Production of Coal Mine Permissible Explosives

  10. 爆破器材信息化管理政府政务信息化管理方式改革刍议

    A Tentative Discussion on Promoting the Reform of Information Management of Government Affairs

  11. 爆破器材和爆破作业发生的危害;

    Perils arising from demolition apparatus and demolition operations ;

  12. 美国爆破器材贮藏间距标准

    American Table of Distances for Storage of Explosion

  13. 爆破器材与工程爆破新进展

    Progresses in Explosive Materials and Engineering Blasting

  14. 爆破器材库选址与总图设计要点

    Key Points for Site Selection of Storehouse for Blasting and Explosive Materials and Design of General Layout

  15. 介绍了有关信息化管理的基本概念,分析了爆破器材信息化管理的目标、对象;

    In this paper , the basic conception , aim and objective of informatization management are introduced .

  16. 文中对民用爆破器材市场的制度形成和演变进行了辨析性探讨。

    The paper analytically discusses the establishment and evolvement of the system for industrial explosive material market .

  17. 介绍了一种用于销毁废弃爆破器材的爆炸硐室。

    The paper introduces a kind of blasting cave which is used for destroying abandon explosive materials .

  18. 黄金矿山地面爆破器材库设计中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on a few of problems about design of surface demolition equipment and material warehouse in gold mine

  19. 文中分析探讨了民用爆破器材行业的改革与发展,认为:一是要继续加大改革力度,推动行业的市场化和集团化战略;

    The reform and development in the field of explosive materials for civil purposes is explored in this paper .

  20. 同时概述了爆破器材行业信息的特点和信息管理的主要内容;

    At the same time , the characteristics of information and main contents of information management in explosive material industry are outlined .

  21. 随着我国的经济发展,国内越来越多的民用爆破器材企业想要跻身国际市场。

    With the development of Chinese economy , more and more domestic civil blasting equipment enterprises want to seek opportunities to enter the international market .

  22. 概述了民用爆破器材销毁的程序、方法及安全措施,对实际销毁过程具有一定的指导意义。

    This article summarizes the procedure methods and safety measures in destroying civil explosive materials . It has a certain guiding significance in the course of destruction .

  23. 经对事故现场施工操作过程和现场人员进行调查,排除了爆破器材质量及自然因素等原因。

    The operation process and presented staff in the accident field are investigated . The causes such as the quality of the explosives and natural factors are ruled out .

  24. 由此认为,民用爆破器材工厂应加强管理,提高作业人员素质,严格执行技术规程,以保障生产安全。

    Thus , the management of commercial explosive factory should be improved and the quality of workers should be enhanced to work strictly according to technique regulations for safe production .

  25. 影响非电起爆网路可靠性的因素很多,有爆破器材自身的可靠度、起爆网路的敷设形式、网路的敷设工艺以及施工技术管理等方面。

    The factors which affecting reliability of non-electric initiating system is the reliability of blasting supply , arrange form and technology of initiation system , and control of construction technology .

  26. 随着民用爆破器材用量的不断增加、爆破规模的不断扩大,极大地促进了爆破器材规模和技术的迅速发展。

    With an amount of blasting materials , the continuous increase in the scale of the bursting of the expansion has greatly promoted development and technology of the blasting materials and scale .

  27. 从目前的爆破器材、爆破技术和作业方式等方面论述了平巷中深孔爆破的可行性,以及它对提高掘进工效、速度,适应机械化作业线施工的必要性。

    The feasibility of middle_ deep hole blasting in roadway is discussed from present blasting apparatus , blasting technology and work way and the necessity of lifting excavation efficiency velocity and suitability .

  28. 然而,由于我国很多现行的爆破器材检测标准很难被国外认可,且标龄比较长,标准系统性不强。

    However , unfortunately it is hard for many existing blasting equipment inspection standards to be accepted , and what is more is that there is a lack of system for these standards .

  29. 介绍了如何在民用爆破器材企业建立职业安全健康管理体系,包括领导者的决策和作用,初期准备,文件编写,体系运行和保持等。

    It is introduced how the enterprises of industrial explosive materials build a administrative system of safety and healthy , which includes the leader 's decisions and actions , the primary preparation , documentation , operation and maintenance of system etc.

  30. 就煤矿许用爆破器材实施煤矿矿用产品安全标志过程中,在生产中发现的问题,特别是煤矿许用爆破器材产品说明书中产品适用范围上存在的问题,分析其原因并提出相关建议。

    In this paper , Problems of production of Coal mine permissible explosives , especially in application range of products on directions were discovered in the process of carrying out Safety Certificate of Approval For Coal Mining Products , the causes were analysed and suggestions were made .