
  1. 每一次呼吸之后我就更爱你一点,真诚、疯狂而深深的爱着你

    I love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do

  2. 心里没有为爱留一点空间?

    Do you not have room your heart for love ?

  3. 我也爱你一点都不成熟

    Love you , too . LETl : So immature .

  4. 有时为爱失去一点平衡,也是平衡生活里的一部分。

    Sometimes , to lose balance for love is part of living balanced life .

  5. 我爱喜剧一点也不在悲剧之下。

    Otherwise , he will be inhuman , I love comedy every bit as much as tragedy .

  6. 他是一个胖胖的和蔼的老人,爱种一点珠兰、茉莉之类的花木。

    A fat and kindly old man , he liked to grow flowers such as chloranthus and jasmine .

  7. 她太爱发火——一点就着。

    She is very touchy1 -- the least thing sets her off .

  8. 再会了。我那么那么爱你,一点也不遗憾。

    Bye * I love you so much still with no regret .

  9. 告诉我什么是爱-没有一点头绪。

    Show me what love is-haven 't got a clue .

  10. 这个世界真正需要的,是多一点爱和少一点文件作业。

    What the world really needs is more love and less paper work .

  11. 每见你一次,爱都深一点。

    And more as we met each other .

  12. 爱我少一点我更愿意

    Love me little , more than such ,

  13. 你两次结婚都不是为了爱,这一点是不是不寻常呢?

    Is it unusual that you didn 't marry for love in either marriage ?

  14. 爱我少一点,爱我久一点,这是我歌的主旨。

    Love me little , love me long , is the burden of my song .

  15. 只有各国政府的严爱才能做到这一点。

    Only tough love from governments can make that happen .

  16. 我会永远站在你的背后支持你,我会永远爱你,这一点永远不会改变。

    I 'm here for you and I love you-that will never change .

  17. 他爱她,这一点是明摆着的。

    That he loved her was evident enough .

  18. 自爱是和寻找和别人体验爱的最重要一点。

    Self-love is most important when it comes to finding and experiencing love with others .

  19. 我要你爱我一直到老爱我少一点,爱我久一点

    Love me little , Love me long

  20. 因爱而受苦的你,爱得更多一点吧。

    Ye who suffer because ye love , love yet more .

  21. 要是您知道我是如何祝福您,我的爱,那么您也会觉得您爱我的心一点也不亚于我想您知道我是多么爱您。

    If you knew how I need to know that you are happy , my beloved , almost as much as to know I am loved by you !