
  • Alice;IRIS;Elise
  1. 多亏爱丽丝的帮助,他们的猫正在康复。

    Their cat was recovering , thanks to Alice 's help .

  2. 我们开派对是因为爱丽丝快2岁了!

    We ' re throwing a party because ALICE IS TURNING 2 !

  3. 我惊讶地看到爱丽丝很担心。

    I was surprised to see Alice was worried .

  4. 有一个上学日,爱丽丝很晚才回家。

    One school day Alice returned home very late .

  5. 一个女人打电话找爱丽丝。

    A woman called to speak to Alice .

  6. 回家后的爱丽丝听到这个消息很高心。

    Upon her return home , Alice was filled with joy at the news .

  7. “妈妈,我希望自己做对了,”爱丽丝说道。

    " I hope I did the right thing , Mom , " Alice said .

  8. 爱丽丝十六岁的时候,我是那个想离家出走的人。

    When Alice was sixteen , I was the one who wanted to run away from home .

  9. 爸爸让我坐下,说:"爱丽丝,我知道这很难,但这件事需要坚持。"

    Dad sat me down and said , " Alice , I know it 's hard , but it 's all about persistence . "

  10. 爱丽丝是一名大学生,现在正在实习。

    Alice is a college student and in her internship now .

  11. 爱丽丝:您好!我是爱丽丝。请问您是?

    Alice : Hello ! Alice speaking . Who 's that ?

  12. 爱丽丝和我妹妹南希一样今年都是8岁。

    Alice and my sister Nancy are 8 years old .

  13. 爱丽丝:不客气。保持联系!

    Alice : You 're welcome . Keep in touch !

  14. 男孩是杰克,女孩是爱丽丝。

    The boy is Jack and the girl is Alice .

  15. 爱丽丝习惯于通过购物来奖励自己。

    Alice has been used to rewarding herself through shopping .

  16. 我问爱丽丝为什么她学习这么努力。

    I asked Alice why she studied so hard .

  17. 爱丽丝认为帮助别人比独自玩耍更能使她快乐。

    Alice thinks helping others can make her happier than having fun alone .

  18. 你好!我叫爱丽丝,来自美国。

    Hello ! My name is Alice , and I 'm from America .

  19. 爱丽丝生下来就得了一种怪病。

    Alice was born with a strange disease .

  20. 但爱丽丝不知道她母亲的生活很艰难。

    But Alice didn 't know that her mother 's life was very hard .

  21. 一天,十岁的爱丽丝让卡罗尔给她讲一个新故事。

    One day , ten-year-old Alice asked Carroll to tell her a new story .

  22. 爱丽丝:真遗憾!我们能做些什么来帮助他们?

    Alice : What a pity ! What can we do to help them ?

  23. 爱丽丝现在十五岁了。

    Now Alice is fifteen years old .

  24. 周末的时候,南希和我喜欢和爱丽丝和杰克一起去玩。

    At weekends , Nancy and I like to go to play with Alice and Jack .

  25. 如果爱丽丝听从这个建议,我想她会和她妈妈相处得很好。

    If Alice follows the advice , I think she will get on well with her mother .

  26. 众所周知,刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是根据给爱丽丝·利德尔讲的故事改编的。

    Famously , Lewis Carroll 's Alice in Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland is based on Alice Liddell .

  27. 卡罗尔开始创作著名的爱丽丝故事,以及爱丽丝掉进兔子洞后发生的事。

    Carroll began to create his famous tale of Alice and what happened after she fell through the rabbit hole .

  28. 爱丽丝:我听说动物园里生了一只熊猫宝宝。我们去看看吧。

    Alice : I heard a baby panda was born in the zoo . Let 's go and have a look .

  29. A:我是爱丽丝。布鲁斯医生。我感觉不舒服。我今天早上能见你吗?

    A : This is Alice . Dr. Bruce . I 'm not feeling well . Can I see you this morning ?

  30. 爱丽丝:当然可以。不过在那之前,我会上网搜索一下,看看能不能给你一些建议。

    Alice : Sure . But before that , I can search online and see if I can find some advice for you .