
  • 网络Ellen;allen;Alen
  1. 爱伦及其同事应用从头计算法来考查SCFMO计算对于预示分子平衡几何形的适宜性。

    Allen and co-worker did ab initio calculation to test the adequacy of SCF MO calculations for predicting molecular equilibrium geometries .

  2. 他们是约翰,汤姆,萨拉和爱伦。

    There were John , Tom , Sara and Allen .

  3. 爱伦闭上眼睛开始祷告,声音时高时低,像催眠又像抚慰

    Ellen closed her eyes and began praying , her voice rising and falling , lulling and soothing .

  4. 爱伦的小说风格奇特恐怖,充满了神秘感。

    The style of vagary and ghastfulness and the sense of mystery are full of thestory of Allan .

  5. 柯爱伦于塔夫斯大学(Tufts)获得机械工程学士学位,之后于西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)获得管理硕士学位。毕业后,她曾就职于通用电气(GeneralElectric)。

    With a master 's degree in management from Northwestern University which she received after studying mechanical engineering at Tufts Ellen Kullman headed to General Electric .

  6. 杜邦CEO柯爱伦表示,更多地聆听客户的声音有利于推动能源领域的创新。

    DuPont ( DD ) CEO Ellen Kullman said that innovation in the energy sector can be spurred by listening more to your customers .

  7. vt.使溺毙vi.淹死和爱伦分手后,乔治就一直就借酒浇愁。

    George kept drowning his sorrows after breaking up with Ellen .

  8. iStock的总经理爱伦•戴斯迈拉斯指出:“随着工作量越来越大,预算越来越紧张,企业的创造性水平日益降低。”

    Notes Ellen Desmarais , general manager at iStock , " rising pressure from increasing workloads , ever-tighter budgets , and constrained budgets are wearing creatives down . "

  9. 爱伦·坡短篇小说叙事的修辞特征

    On the Rhetoric Aspects of Narrative in Poe 's Short Novels

  10. 爱伦·坡:文本与人格的统一体

    Edgar Allan Poe : Unity of the Text and the Personality

  11. 爱伦·坡及其小说《黑猫》中的哥特式特征

    Allan Poe and the Gothic feature of his novel Black Cat

  12. 厄谢府邸:爱伦·坡眼中的世界

    The House of Usher : the World in Poe 's mind

  13. 我的名字叫爱伦。我是这里的一名游客。

    My name is helen . I 'm a visitor here .

  14. 爱伦·坡是一位优秀的诗人及作家。

    Allan Poe is an outstanding writer of poems and stories .

  15. 爱伦·坡的诗歌:书写与死亡的生命沉思

    Meditations on Writings and Death in Edgar Allan Poe 's Poetry

  16. 爱伦·坡的诗歌之哲学解读

    Title : The Philosophy reading of Edgar Allan Foe 's poetry

  17. 爱伦·坡幽默讽刺小说创作成因探析

    An Analysis of Poe 's Writing Motive for His Satirical Novel

  18. 爱伦·坡对恐怖小说作出了极大贡献。

    Edgar Allan Poe made great contribution to horror fiction .

  19. 爱伦·坡恐怖小说创作的原因

    Reasons For Composition of Edgar Allan Poe 's Horrible Stories

  20. 语用预设与爱伦·坡的推理小说

    Pragmatic Presupposition and the Reasoning Stories of Edgar Allan Poe

  21. 他们是凯德、爱伦、鲍比和大卫。

    Ada : They are Cade , Ellen , Bobby and David .

  22. 爱伦·坡小说中四种死亡模式研究

    A Study of the Four Models of Death in Poe 's Fiction

  23. 桥治爱伦是来自维吉尼亚的一位共和党参议员正在参加竞选。

    George Allen is a Republican senator from Virginia running for re-election .

  24. 爱伦·坡和惠特曼文论观点之比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Literary Viewpoint of Allan Poe and Whitman

  25. 论爱伦·坡的美学观中艺术、生命与死亡之美

    Poe 's Aesthetic Perspectives of Beauty in Art , Life and Death

  26. 在爱伦?坡开始写作的时候,恐怖小说已经很盛行了。

    Horror stories already were popular when Poe began writing .

  27. 两年后,爱伦?坡也去世了,年仅40岁。

    Poe died two years later , at the age of forty .

  28. 试论爱伦·坡文学创作中的死亡之美

    The Beauty Of Death In Edgar Ellon Poe 's Works

  29. 爱伦?坡的作品在法国备受赞誉。

    Poe 's work has been praised most in France .

  30. 爱伦小姐,我们一直都很担心你。

    We was getting worried about you , Miss Ellen .