
  • 网络Audemars Piguet
  1. 百达翡丽(Patek)或爱彼(AudemarsPiguet)怀表的价格也快速上涨。

    special escapements or perpetual calendars . The prices for those Patek or Audemars Piguet pocket watches have escalated exponentially as well .

  2. 显然,是爱彼迎,优步,脸书。

    Of course , Airbnb , Uber , Facebook .

  3. 贾斯汀:嘿,伙计们,请进!爱彼在那?

    Justin : Hi , guys . Come on in ! Where 's Abby ?

  4. 但在我加入爱彼迎的一周后,

    But after my first week ,

  5. 玛丽:贾斯汀,这是我们家的闺女,爱彼,11个月大。

    Marie : Justin , this is our daughter , Abby . She is 11 months old .

  6. 国际租房平台爱彼迎和沙发客就传出少数狡猾房东的骇人事件,导致女性房客蜂拥入住最近酒店的女性专属楼层。

    A minority of horror stories of dodgy Airbnb and Couchsurfing hosts can see women flocking to the nearest female-only floor in a hotel .

  7. 房东韦恩?纳特在爱彼迎上出租房子已有两年,拥有40多条租客评价。

    The condo 's owner , Wayne Natt , has been an Airbnb host for two years , and has more than 40 renter reviews .

  8. “过夜”是一个类似于爱彼迎的网站和应用软件,可让旅客向当地住户租房。它已经与专属女性的网络社区“女生爱旅行”达成合作,推出“小组”功能,让屋主和旅客利用可靠的社交网络共享住家。

    Overnight - a site and app similar to Airbnb , which allows you to book accommodation with local residents - has teamed up with Girls Love Travel , a women-only online community , to launch " Groups , " which will allow home-sharing through trusted networks .