
  • 网络Love Contract;TVBS-G
  1. 对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧。

    The43 of you , I have unconditional surrender , you sign the love contract .

  2. 加油」是贺军翔和「甜心教主」王心凌首次搭档,王心凌说,对贺军翔的第一印象是他在「爱情合约」里的演出,觉得他很真诚,当时很期待他未来的发展。

    Cyndi says that her first impression of Mike He is his performance in Love Contract , thinking that he is very sincere and she anticipates his developments then .

  3. 贺军翔,昵称贺小美,凭借《爱情合约》、《恶魔在身边》、《我们结婚吧》等偶像剧的男一号,成为大受欢迎的美型男。

    Mike Ho , nickname as Xiao Mei , become a popular and well-received handsome man with " Love Contract "," Devil Beside You "," Marry Me " and other idol dramas .