
ài qínɡ niǎo
  • lovebird
  1. 它们来自非洲海岸线外的马达加斯加岛屿上,它们是爱情鸟中最小的。

    They come from the island of Madagascar off the coast of Africa and are the smallest of the lovebird species .

  2. 沙特阿拉伯的利雅得国家动物园中,爱情鸟(鹦鹉)正在凝望来访者。

    Love birds look at visitors at the Riyadh National Zoo in Saudi Arabia .

  3. 当你有你的馈线松鼠吃,你所有的爱情鸟会吓怕。

    Once you have squirrels eating out of your feeder , all the birds you love will be scared away .

  4. 这两只爱情鸟都是做高空清洗工作的,所以他们决定把高空绳索加入到他们的仪式中。

    These two lovebirds both work as exterior cleaners of tall buildings , so they decided to incorporate rappelling into their ceremony .

  5. 高效力精细:全年公式适用于锥尾、吸蜜、公谊会、鸡尾、爱情鸟、鸽子和其他小型到中型的鹦鹉。

    HIGH POTENCY FINE : Year-round formula for conures , lories , quakers , cockatiels , lovebirds , doves and other small to medium parrots .

  6. 这对爱情鸟还为这个特殊场合请人专门设计了他们的结婚礼服。芬妮根穿的是多层的白色婚纱,她和福尔摩的礼服一样,下摆都要拖长些,以免不小心走光。

    Finnegan will wear a white gown and Fulmore will be in a tux with tapered tails to ensure their clothes don 't reveal too much .