
  1. 他比你更爱我。

    He loves me more than you do .

  2. 我认为她爱我。

    I think she fancies me .

  3. 我真心实意地爱我全家人。

    My own family I loved with all my heart .

  4. 那里的孩子都很爱我。

    The children there were very loving to me .

  5. 爸爸很宠我,很爱我。他总是护着我。

    Dad spoils me . He loves me . He sticks up for me

  6. 我爱我的父母,但他们彼此之间极为不和。

    I love both my parents , but they 're horrid to each other .

  7. 他说:“我爱我的妻子、我的马和我的狗。”他大致上就是这么一个人。

    ' I love my wife , my horse and my dog , ' he said , and that summed him up

  8. 我非常爱我爸爸。

    I love my dad very much .

  9. 我丈夫非常爱我。

    My husband loves me dearly .

  10. 爱我中华,修我长城。

    Love the Chinese nation , repair the Great Wall . ; Love China , Repair the Great Wall .

  11. 但事实上:我爱我的“低层次的”大学。

    But here 's the thing : I loved my " lower-tier " university .

  12. 我想说的是,我爱我的大学,因为它把我们所有人都教得足智多谋,让我们可以用自己的智谋达成心愿。

    What I 'm saying is , I loved my university because it taught us all to be resourceful and we could make what we wanted out of it .

  13. "我妈妈爱我胜过爱任何人。"

    " My Mummy loves me more than anybody . "

  14. 你为什么那么爱我?……

    Why   do   you   love   me   so   much ? ...

  15. “我让我姐姐欺负我,因为我妈妈说她欺负我只是因为她爱我。

    " I let my big sister pick onme because my Mum says she only picks on me because she loves me . "

  16. “我知道我姐姐是爱我的,因为她把所有的旧衣服都给了我,还要出去买新衣服给我。”

    " I know my elder sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new clothes . "

  17. 我可以很肯定的说我超爱我的中国手机——小米的红米Note3pro,这款手机很便宜,但用起来像是值手机定价280美元的两倍,而且它完全可定制、灵巧,并且内存很大。

    I would definitely have to say that I love my Chinese-brand Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro3 . This phone is cheap , performs as if it costs twice it ’ s $ 280 price , is completely customizable , slick , and has a whole lot of memory storage .

  18. 我知道她非常爱我。

    I know she loves me way down . Way off ( base )

  19. 你从来都没……如果你爱我,你就会……

    You never ... for me . If you loved me , you would ...

  20. 当我的皮肤变得又老又松弛时,你还会爱我吗?

    Daisy : Would you still love me if I were old and saggy ?

  21. 所以,每当他在我耳边轻语:“你爱我,真的,假的?”我便告诉他:“真的。”

    So after , when he whispers , " You love me . Real or noe real " ” I tell him , " Real . "

  22. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。

    In your life , there will at least one time that you forget yourself for some one , asking for no result , no company , no ownership nor love .

  23. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你,爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

    At least , there is one time that you forget yourself for someone . Asking for no result , no company , no ownership . And don 't ask you to love me , but let me meet you in my most beautiful life .

  24. 你知道你是爱我的,XOXO,绯闻少女。

    You know you love me , XOXO , gossip girl .

  25. 人们会说,“没人爱我。”

    People will say , " No one loves me . "

  26. 让我认识到我有多么爱我的丈夫。

    Made me realize just how much I love my husband .

  27. 有些天感觉不错我会觉得他爱我。

    Some days are good and I think he loves me .

  28. 我唱得越大声,他们就越爱我。

    The louder I sing , the more they love me .

  29. 但我也记得你说过你爱我。

    But I also remember you told me you loved me .

  30. 但刚肠穷男孩无人爱我。

    But Im just a poor boy and nobody loves me .