
  • 网络Love call;The call of love;The Voice Of Love
  1. 我听到你心中对爱的呼唤。

    I hear your heart cry for love .

  2. 她相信驾驭社会关系的应该是人道的伦理观念,爱的呼唤。

    She believes that morals can control social relations , and she calls for love .

  3. 可是幸福此时正高兴得找不着北了,他没有听到爱的呼唤。

    But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn 't hear Love calling to him .

  4. 上天总是无视人们对爱的呼唤,直至人们呼唤得精疲力竭。

    Nature does not often answer a call for love , until the caller is tired of calling .

  5. 他们都在回应这个爱的呼唤,希望自己的父亲用宽广的双臂迎接他们。

    They were all answering the call for love , hoping it was their father inviting them home with open arms .

  6. 求祢与我们同在,在安静默想中,让我听到祢爱的呼唤。

    Be with us , Jesus , and in the silence of our heart , let us hear the voice of thy love .

  7. 与此同时,我们也期待正面的新闻不断出现,并同时能够听见那些负面新闻背后所发出的爱的呼唤。

    Together , we can envision positive news happening , and we can hear the cry for love that is hidden in every negative report .

  8. 对爱的真切呼唤&论莎士比亚《李尔王》中的基督教倾向

    Earnest Call for Love On the Christian Tendency of King Lear by Shakespeare

  9. 我深爱的季节呼唤我。

    My beloved season call me .

  10. 她寻着她所爱之人的呼唤。

    She followed the calling of that she loved .