
  • 【电影】The Gift of Love
  1. 这似乎是她这份爱的礼物的真正原因;

    This seems to be the real reason behind her love gift .

  2. 爱的礼物&论童话的母题及其功能

    The Love - gift : Motifs and Function of Fairytale

  3. 是每个女孩梦中最爱的礼物。

    Is the dream of every girl 's favorite gift .

  4. 爱的礼物无法给予只能等待爱人收取。

    Love 's gift cannot be given , it waits to be accepted .

  5. 最需要爱的礼物不是钻石玫瑰或巧克力。它是集中的注意。

    The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolate .

  6. 这就是绝对爱的礼物。

    This is the gift of absolute love .

  7. 我认为当我们从天真的孩子们那里收到爱的礼物时,能够最透彻地明白这个道理。

    I think we understand this lesson best when we receive innocent gifts of love from young children .

  8. 我心里一直挂念着她,于是我决定送一份象征着爱的礼物给她。

    Thoughts of her tugging at my heart , I decided to send a gift as a token of my love .

  9. 但是这块圆石,不仅是爱的礼物,也还有其实际用途――它们是建造家园的重要材料。

    But the pebbles , as well as being a gift of love , also have a practical use-they 're the important materials used for building nests .

  10. 当上帝在谦卑的马槽里给世界他的爱的礼物时,圣诞老人传播爱心和柔情,这就让他成为圣诞节的完美象征。

    He radiated a love and gentleness that made him the perfect symbol of Christmas , when God gave the world the gift of his love in a humble manger .

  11. 我们的动机必须是:我们所给出的这些金钱,是我们回馈宇宙的爱的礼物,是我们对宇宙赋予我们的生命的礼物的感恩和欣赏。

    Our motivation must be that the money we are giving away is a gift of love we are giving back to the Universe in gratitude and appreciation for our gift of life .

  12. 你给我希望、欢笑和爱的礼物,让我充满了惊喜,你让我相信曾不太相信的事情:梦想可以成真。

    You have surprised me with the gifts of hope and laughter and love , and you have made me a believer in something I never used to have too much faith in : the notion that dreams really can come true .

  13. 我希望给我所爱的人礼物。

    I love giving people I love presents .

  14. 基于体验营销的B2C网络购物网站浅析为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。

    Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience .

  15. 如果你送他跟他最爱球队有关的礼物,肯定错不了。

    You can 't go wrong purchasing a gift with that sporting team 's logo or them .

  16. 为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。

    Here is an example : Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience .

  17. 我们给所爱对象最好的礼物也许就是拟人化他们。

    The best thing that we could do for our loved ones is , perhaps , to anthropomorphize them .

  18. 我对您的过去不关心,我爱上午我们的礼物,我将爱上午我们的未来!

    I did not care about your past , I love am our present , I will love am our future !

  19. 这是一位不具名的爱慕者送来的情人节礼物。为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。

    This is a Valentine from a secret admirer . Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience .

  20. 一旦你把母亲的概念从具体的一个人上脱离,学会“当妈”的行为是一份爱和力量的礼物,那么现在来看看在哪些时候你可能会更需要“母爱”。

    Once you 've detached your concept of motherhood from a particular human being and learned to see mothering as a gift of love and strength , it 's time to assess where you could use more mothering .

  21. 这是你能够给予你所爱的人最好的礼物。

    it 's the most valuable present you can give your loved ones .

  22. 爱所祈求的唯一礼物根本那是爱。

    The only present love demands is love .

  23. 照顾好你自己;这是你能够给予你所爱的人最好的礼物。

    Take care of yourself ; its the most valuable present you can give your loved ones .

  24. 我愿打赌,你必需生活在一个构架之中,方能让爱这一不相上下的礼物水到渠成。

    I would hedge to bet , there is a framework you must live within to let this gift that has no rivals mature .

  25. 鼓起勇气.在所有礼物中,你能给你所爱的人最大的礼物就是让他们看到,你过着幸福的生活。

    Have courage . One of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved ones is to let them see you living a happy life .

  26. 赠送礼物是表现爱的方法之一。礼物代表的不仅是购买力,更是诚意、爱和绝对的享受。

    One way of showing such emotion is through giving gifts that does not just measure one 's purchasing power , but thoughtfulness , love , and sheer enjoyment .

  27. 事实是幸福就是付出爱时的体验,爱是上帝恩赐的礼物。

    The truth is happiness comes when you love . Love is a gift from God .

  28. 对别人微笑一次,实际上就用行动爱了一次,送了一件爱的礼物,一样美妙的东西。

    Every time you smile at someone , it is an action of love , a gift to that person , a beautiful thing .