首页 / 词典 / good

  • father;dad;daddy;pa
  • 父亲:~~。~娘。

  • 对老人或长者的尊称:大~。老~。


[口] (父亲) father; dad; daddy; pa:

  • 爹娘

    father and mother; mum and dad; ma and pa; parents

  1. 知道了某些N爹的事,让他很不安。

    N learns something about his father that upsets him .

  2. 他加入Theta是因为他爹在Theta

    He 's just saying that because his father was a Theta .

  3. 我爹以前常常喝醉了回家,又是喊又是骂。

    My dad used to come home drunk , shouting and cussing .

  4. 影片中约翰·古德曼饰演梅兰尼·格利菲斯的甜爹。

    Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith 's sugar daddy in the film .

  5. “盐爹”是“糖爹”的反义词,“盐爹”也想成为“糖爹”,但是无奈腰包太瘪。

    Saltdaddy is the complete opposite of a sugardaddy , one who tries , but is broke and fronting .

  6. 我说过我想要一套从梅西百货买的新床上用品,不是祝愿……他可真是个“盐爹”!

    Example : I said I wanted a new comforter set from Macy 's not the goodwill .... he is such a saltdaddy !

  7. 还有一个就是我爹了,Julius.早,Julius!

    And there 's my dad , Julius . Morning , Julius !

  8. 饲养鹦鹉需要鸟笼鸟食还要各种备品但是我们的perfectpolly只要$14.99哦还附赠栖木绝不坑爹亲

    live parakeets need a cage , food and multiple accessones , but pefect polly , complete with perch , is yours for only $ 14.99

  9. 哭爹喊娘的恐惧加上身患痢疾,我终于被撤下前线并被降级为B2。

    This mixed with cries of " mother " and a free flow of dysentery enabled me to be taken out of the line and down-graded to B2 .

  10. 无论是ESPN还是其他媒体机构,总会有一个麦克风或电视摄像机围在球爹身边来记录他的发言。

    There will always be a microphone or television camera around to capture him saying it , whether it 's ESPN or any other media entity .

  11. Sheldon和Amy在一家书店里正好碰上Brian正在读自己新书的内容,Sheldon认为又要科学又要优雅的想法是在坑爹。

    Sheldon and Amy [ Mayim Bialik ] attend a reading at a bookstore where Brian is reading from his new book and Sheldon thinks the notion of trying to teach science to the general population is nonsense .

  12. 你已经干得不错了,很努力,比你爹像男人别说了Lyons先生,过分了,不是么?

    You 've done well . You 've tried fard . You 're more of a man than your father . Come on now , Mr. Lyons , that 's a bit rough , isn 't it ?

  13. 他在这个赛季原本有个梦幻般的开局,但是在坑爹的U19国家队受伤之后,缺阵三个半月的时间。

    Having started the season so promisingly , Wisdom was ruled out for three and a half months after getting injured while playing for England U19s .

  14. 球爹告诉ESPN记者杰夫·古德曼,他认为主教练已经失去对球队的掌控,一波九连败,他呼吁让沃顿下课。但鉴于球爹无话不谈的特点,没有人对他的言论感到意外。

    Nobody , not even the Los Angeles Lakers , can act surprised that LaVar Ball told ESPN 's Jeff Goodman that head coach Luke Walton has lost the team , all but calling for Walton to be fired amid a nine-game losing streak .

  15. 男孩一看见他爹就溜了。

    The boy bobbied off at the sight of his father .

  16. 爹,您为什么老吃这种坏面包?

    Father , why do you eat horrible bread like that ?

  17. 我爹生气的话,我会跟他解释的。

    I 'll explain to my daddy if he gets cross .

  18. 我要去救我爹和可怜的赫里。

    I 'm going to help my father and poor harry .

  19. 我会代替我爹为国出征。

    I will serve the emperor in my father 's place .

  20. 要是晚了我爹又会罚我的。

    My father will punish me again if I am late .

  21. 夺命书生,当年你用计打赢了我爹。

    Evil Scholar , you trapped my dad in te duel .

  22. 我又不知道我爹是谁。

    Hey , I don 't know who my father is .

  23. 我爹是强盗还说是老实话。

    It 's the truth that my dad is a bandit .

  24. 吉文:我觉得自己把亲爹弄丢了。

    Ji Won : I think I 've lost my Dad .

  25. 又当爹,又当妈,够辛苦。

    I 've got four kids at home and no wife .

  26. 那是你丈夫,你孩子他爹

    That 's your husband , the father of your child .

  27. 是啊,这是我爹的车。

    That 's right , this is my dad 's car .

  28. 这个表情的意思是如果你还想当爹的话

    That look means if you want to keep beg a father

  29. 她不把他当阿公,而当作亲爹。

    She considered him not a father-in-law but a father .

  30. 我问了,我爹说他支持布什。

    I did and my dad said he 's a total bush-man .
