  • whole and broken linear symbols making up the eight trigrams in The Book of Changes
  • 组成八卦中每一卦的长短横道:~象(a.卦的形象;b.喻形迹、真相)。

  1. 《易经》卦爻辞的诗歌特征

    Poetic Features Found in the Divinatory Phraseology of Book of Changes

  2. 周易爻卦与人生决策。

    Divination in book of change and decision making in life ii .

  3. 西安南郊三爻村汉唐墓葬清理发掘简报

    Excavation Brief of Han and Tang Tombs in the Southern Suburbs of Xi'an

  4. 论《周易》爻辞的表述结构及其解读方式

    The Structure of Expressions and Way of Interpretations to Yao Ci in Zhou Yi

  5. 《易经》卦爻符号是一种象征符号。

    According to the usage , the symbols of yaogua are symbolic tokens of YiJing .

  6. 中国的亚文明时代是从爻号、母系社会、神话时代演变过来的。

    Chinese sub civilization originates from line in the eight diagrams , matriarchal society and mythology .

  7. 《周易》爻辞语篇认知隐喻结构分析

    An Analysis of the Cognitive Metaphorical Structure of the Liner Judgment Text in the Book of Changes

  8. 《周易》爻辞是歌体结构的,而且属于口头歌谣创作的产物;

    The lines of Zhouyi were composed in ballad structure , which belongs to the fruit of oral ballad creation .

  9. 其腹圆鼓,八卦爻符突出,象征着中华民族文化的博大精深。

    Its abdomen round drum , the eight diagrams trigram symbol is prominent , symbolizing Chinese ethnic culture broad and profound .

  10. 利用阳爻和阴爻,他创建了八卦,并且用八卦来解释自然、社会和人。

    From these he constructed eight trigrams , each of which stood for an aspect of nature , society , and the individual .

  11. 语境是百科全书的,难以穷尽,本章对《周易》的语境进行了举例分析。第三部分是《周易》卦爻辞结构分析。

    This chapter made a example analysis on context of " Zhouyi " . The chapter three is the hexagrams structure analysis of " Zhouyi " .

  12. 其中一爻变的筮例,主要用本卦变爻的爻辞,以及与变爻相关的2个经卦的卦象为占。

    In the cases where only one line changes , divination is deduced from the remarks of the changing line and the hexagram image of the related two Jing hexagram .

  13. 外卦,共七种。前五种用龟甲卜卦,后二种用蓍草占卦,封卦爻的意义,要认真加以研究以弄清所有变化。

    Of these seven symbols , the first are given by the tortoise and the last two by the milfoil , both of which deserve close observation and study for fortune-telling .

  14. 先贤用天象来解释乾卦六龙,但由于未涉及具体的星宿证据,不能断定乾卦爻辞只能来自与苍龙有关的天象。

    As they did not illustrate specific constellations as evidence , we can not assure that the line statements are necessarily related to the " green dragon " in the sky .

  15. 通过学习研究,观察天、地、动物足迹、人自身,它发明了阳爻和阴爻,并用它门来代表宇宙的基本要素。

    By studying and observing heaven , earth , animal tracks and his own body he devised the broken and unbroken line as symbols of the fundamental nature of the universe .

  16. 本文认为乾卦六爻爻辞所说的“六龙”各种状态是苍龙星在一个回归年中所运动的不同天象。

    This paper advocates that the six states of the dragon described in the hexagram of Qian are six celestial phenomena of the star of the green dragon in a tropical year .

  17. 论小过卦的过与不及&析小过卦卦爻辞具有装置效率高,水力损失小,过流能力大,机组结构紧凑,水工布置简单,土建和运行费用低等优点。

    Tubular pumps have high pumping devices efficiency , small hydraulic loss , strong discharge capacity , compact units structure , simple construction arrangement and low cost both for construction and running .

  18. 《周易》爻辞语篇形成的认知隐喻模式是经过长久历史的演变成为认识自身、他人和世界的一种方式。

    After a long history the cognitive metaphorical structure of the linear judgment text in the Book of Changes developed to a mode of knowing man himself , others and the world .

  19. 本文梳理了由二分法思维习惯向阴阳爻、奇偶数、阴阳概念逐步抽象的历史和逻辑的进程。

    I comb out the course of history developing from the primitive thinking to divided and undivided lines , then to odd and even numbers , and then to Yin and Yang .

  20. 《易经》卦爻辞中格言和谚语以其内容的丰富性、思想的深刻性和语言运用的艺术化形式,具有重要的文学价值。

    The maxims and proverbs in the divinatory words in Yi Qin are of important literary value with the abundance of contents , profundity of thinking , and artistic form in language use .

  21. 中国的人文,就是从爻号发展而来的中国文字符号,把握天、地人变化规律的能力和精神,并付诸实践。

    China ′ s humanities refers to the application of Chinese literal signs , which derives from the lineal symbols , to the description of the changing rules of the heaven , earth and human beings .

  22. 我们可以从苏轼易学的立场、苏轼对易学史上卦爻结构观的考察以及对“卦合爻别”方法的实际运用,来理解苏轼在卦爻结构观上的“卦合爻别”说。

    We may understand this theory from his standpoint , his examinations of the structures of the hexagrams and lines and the actual application of the theory to the interpretation in the history of the Yi-ology .

  23. 它的卦爻符号系统既是一种有着象征意义的逻辑符号系统,又是一个开放的系统,所以在当今世界还散发着它神秘的魅力。

    Since a kind of logic symbol system with symbolic meaning of its divinatory symbol Yao s symbol system , it is an open system , so is still distributing its mysterious glamour in our times .

  24. 耶稣搭渠讲,「尔讲著爻:我还有搭尔许讲,从今以后尔许会望著人个儿子坐在有能干主子顺手边,咦驾天上个云来。」

    Jesus saith unto him , Thou hast said : nevertheless I say unto you , Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power , and coming in the clouds of heaven .

  25. 大体上,推易法虽然强调爻位的阴阳分聚、上下推移而非卦变的概念,且屡次提到,自己的推易说与前儒的卦变说不同。

    In general , Tuiyi method is to emphasize the Yao-bit yin and yang sub-gather , goes up and down instead of Gua change concept , and has repeatedly mentioned his Tuiyi theory with the former Confucianism Gua change different variable .

  26. 故本文从训诂学的角度对震卦卦爻辞加以重新解读,认为震即地震,卦爻辞乃记录了古代一场地震的完整过程。

    Therefore , this paper , from the hermeneutic angle of ancient texts , makes a new interpretation to the remarks to Zhen , pointing out that Zhen refers to earthquake and the remarks recorded a whole course of an earthquake occurred at the ancient time .

  27. 《周易》思想和其揭示的道理,从根本上影响了中国传统文化,尤其是在通过卦、爻、彖、象揭示道理的同时也奠定了中国艺术和美学的内涵。

    The thoughts from " book of changes " and the principles it exposes has influenced fundamentally china ? S traditional culture , and has established the connotation of Chinese art and aesthetics by revealing principles by way of gua , yao , tuan , and xiang .

  28. 从、二爻象征男女生殖器这一基本的表意单位出发,《易经》将世间的万事万物统统视为两种相反相成的原始力量共同作用的结果,并用这种观点来揭示宇宙和人生的奥秘。

    Proceeding from the two ideographic units of and , called yao , which symbolize the male and female genitals , Yi Jing regards everything as the consequence of the interaction between two opposite but interdependent primary forces , and accordingly reveals the mysteries of universe and human life .