  • bright;clear;crisp;frank
  • deviate
  • 明朗,清亮:~目。

  • 轻松,利落:清~。凉~。~口。

  • 痛快,率(shuài )直:~朗。~快。~利。豪~。直~。

  • 差失,违背:~信。~约(失约)。毫厘不~。屡试不~。

  • 干脆,索性:~性。

  • 舒服:~心。~意。~适。身体不~。


(明朗; 清亮) bright; clear; crisp:

  • 秋高气爽。

    The autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp.


(率直; 痛快) frank; straightforward; openhearted:

  • 豪爽

    straightforward; forthright


(舒服) feel well:

  • 身体不爽

    not feel well


(违背; 差失) deviate:

  • 毫厘不爽

    not deviating a hair's breadth; without the slightest error


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 爽明

    Shuang Ming

  1. 特有的竹叶清香,使口腔保持长时间的爽洁,给您一天的好心情。

    The unique fragrance of bamboo , oral keep long bright , give you the day in a good mood .

  2. 最好是CS一个战队过来参加,让虚拟与现实结合,让自己爽一把!

    Should better be CS corps participates , lets hypothesized unify with the reality , lets oneself crisp !

  3. 几乎没有比复仇更爽的事情了。

    There are few things quite as sweet as revenge .

  4. -7-放假前的那天晚上比第二天真正放假还要来得爽。-8-

    The night before a day off is more satisfying than the actual day off .

  5. 春天和夏天喷挺好,因为这款香挺提神的,闻着精神爽。

    It 's nice for spring or summer days , as I found it to be quite refreshing .

  6. 最爽外星纳美人世界的3D体验,尽在《阿凡达》。

    Have you ever experienced Na'avi world in 3D . " Avatar " gives you 。

  7. 软质乾爽,PVC止水热压贴合,加工性优。

    Soft grade , dry touch , PVC heat lamination , good workability .

  8. 接下来是爽肤水喷雾和抗衰老乳液,还有关键的保湿霜(我用的牌子是JackBlack)。

    Next came a spray toner , an antiaging serum and the pivotal moisturizer ( mine came from the Jack Black brand ) .

  9. 好不容易才让晶爽V请我吃一次快餐,因为他也和我一样的画饼充饥的人。

    Let the hard-won crystal Shuang V asked me to eat fast food once because he and I , like the castles in the air .

  10. 既然我知道这种感觉,拿一个NBA冠军,应该比拿高中冠军爽100倍。

    Knowing how that felt , I think winning one in the NBA would be 100 times as cool .

  11. 选取健康纯种的KM小鼠进行身神爽补酒的急性毒性和应激能力实验。

    Shen Shen Shuang ( S.S.S. ) Tonic Wine is proceeded in acute toxicity and irritability experiments with selected healthy pure KM mices .

  12. 少量涂抹在皮肤上比如每天使用一到两次含水杨酸的爽肤水被认为是安全的。Johnson说道。

    Small amounts applied to the skin such as a salicylic acid-containing toner used once or twice a day are considered safe , says Johnson .

  13. 常温冲泡2h,茶汤仍具绿茶的鲜爽滋味,无闷熟味道。

    Brew the tea with room temperature water for 2h , the tea was still heavy and mellow , without stewed taste .

  14. 本次旅程的组织者KhinOmarWin也是笑容满面,反问道:“真有那么爽吗?”

    Khin Omar Win , one of the trip 's organisers , beams and asks rhetorically : " How exciting was that ? "

  15. 他们不在乎我Geoff是否因为不能在这个时间段去银行而感到爽与不爽。

    And they don 't care whether or not Geoff is upset he can 't go to the bank .

  16. 目的探讨持续静脉应用地尔硫(合贝爽)治疗老年不稳定性心绞痛(UA)的临床疗效和安全性。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical therapeutic effect and safety of diltiazem to treat unstable angina ( UA ) of old people by continuous intravenous injection .

  17. 她故乡的韩国食品,饱含丰富的味道,需要清新酸爽富有变化的葡萄酒,如长相思(SauvignonBlanc)或一支果味黑比诺。

    Her native Korean food , packed with a range of flavours , demands versatile wines with refreshing acidity such as Sauvignon Blanc or a fruity Pinot Noir .

  18. 理财顾问charleslowenhaupt称,创造财富通常很爽,但省钱就乏味了。

    Creating a fortune is often fun , but conserving it can be tedious , says Charles lowenhaupt , an adviser to the wealthy .

  19. 结果26例老年UA患者用药前72h内平均心绞痛发作次数为5.26±2.57次,给予合贝爽治疗后(9.2±6.8)min时症状缓解;

    RESULTS The advent frequency of angina during the 72 hours before therapy was ( 5.26 ± 2.57 ), while the symptom relieved after the diltiazem injection for an average of ( 9.2 ± 6.8 ) minutes .

  20. 美酒佳肴,爽而不腻;

    Good wine and delicacies , is refreshing but no meticulous ;

  21. 主要探讨了8°淡爽型啤酒的酿制工艺。

    The article researched technology process of 8 ° light beer .

  22. 摆脱城市的懒散还真是爽。

    It 's nice to get away from the urban sprawl .

  23. 大声说出来是不是十分爽?

    Doesn 't it feel good to say it out loud ?

  24. 我想鲁尼在这个位置上一定踢得很爽。

    I think Wazza is happy to play there as well .

  25. 距离是有点远,不过看着很爽。

    But from a distance , he 's great to watch .

  26. 规规矩矩,脑筋清清爽爽的人决不会想到这类事情。

    Decent , sane people did not think of such things .

  27. 松鼠鱼的鱼肉爽滑细腻,汤汁鲜美异常。

    Such fish-meat tastes refreshing and delicate with extraordinarily delicious juice .

  28. 治疗过程中未发现爽肤巾组有皮肤刺激等不良反应。

    No skin irritant reaction and other adverse reactions were found .

  29. 我一向得到一股出自玛丹娜音乐的爽劲。

    I always get a bang out of madonna 's music .

  30. 气候较凉爽,空气也乾爽。

    The weather is cooler , and the air is dry .