
  • 网络tray;denture
  1. 用自凝牙托材料制作铸型标本的实验研究

    The experimental studies for making cast specimen with self-curing denture material

  2. 牙托美白也是在欧美比较流行的一种牙齿美白的方法,属于家庭型的牙齿美白产品。

    Denture whitening is more popular in Europe and a teeth whitening method , belongs to the family-based teeth whitening products .

  3. 方法:取成人全长新鲜股骨标本6例,远端用牙托粉包埋固定,安装交锁髓内钉与锁钉,于MTS试验机轴向加载0~1000N,速度为50N/s。

    Methods : Distal tip of six fresh adults femoral were coated with dental base acrylic resin powder and installed on MTS machine .

  4. 方法:3具新鲜离体下颌骨标本,利用牙托粉和下颌骨,根据Hanau牙合架原理制备对牙合模型,在生物材料试验机上进行验证。

    Methods : To make simple mandibular collision models with 3 cases of fresh and intact human mandibular specimens with artificial tooth material according to the principle of Hanau articulator with MTS biological material testing machine .

  5. 目的研究标准型定制类牙托对于外力打击的缓冲能力。

    Objective To evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of standard size custom-made mouthguard .

  6. 0号无色牙托粉,自凝树脂液,红蓝染料等。

    0 # colorless resin powder and self-solidification resin liquid , and so on .

  7. 真空压膜牙托在前牙及牙槽骨损伤治疗中的应用

    Clinical Application of the Vacuum Suction Membrane Tray In Treatment to Injury of the Teeth and Alveolar Process

  8. 采用软塑料牙托戴鞣酸氟化物在牙面上防龋(一年临床观察研究)

    Prevention of Dental Caries by Loading Soft Plastic Tray with 0.5 % Tannin Fluoride Gel on Teeth ( A 12-month Clinical Observation )

  9. 结论牙托粉的分子量和分子量分布对义齿基托的挠曲强度和冲击强度有较大影响。

    Conclusion The molecular weight and the distribution of molecular weight of denture base powder obviously affect flexure strength and impact strength of denture base .

  10. 然而,在儿时进行牙托矫形过的儿童,在成年时心理健康和生活质量都有点负面影响。

    However orthodontic treatment , in the form of braces placed on children 's teeth in childhood , had little positive impact on their psychological health and quality of life in adulthood .

  11. 结果22例患者中做防护牙托前有牙外伤史的为17例(77.3%)。

    Results Seventeen of 22 users (( 77.3 % )) had previous history of dental trauma . Model preparation with wax were carried out for 8 children whose permanent teeth eruption were uncompleted .

  12. 将未添加蒙脱土的牙托水与牙托粉按临床制作义齿基托的要求进行聚合,制成空白组的标准试件。

    Mixed the mono-MMA which was not been added montmorillonite with PMMA powder , and then initiated polymerizing according to the preparation rule of clinic denture base in order to get the blank group .

  13. 这种病特别可能发生在牙托不好、不完全或装配不当或掉了很多牙而咀嚼发生困难的人。

    The difficulty is especially likely to occur in those with poor , incomplete , or ill-fitting dentures , or in those in whom a number of teeth are missing , thus making chewing difficult .

  14. 而同时设计牙合支托及颊突,其脱落率仅为12.5%。

    While that with rest and bar reduced to 12 . 5 % .

  15. 三种丙烯酸树脂牙和丙烯酸牙托粉的结合强度实验研究

    Bond strength of plastic teeth to denture base resin