
  • 网络Dental drill;burr;dental burs
  1. 结果脉冲Er∶YAG激光组和常规牙钻组的光固化复合树脂与洞壁间的染液渗透无统计学差异;

    Results There were no statistically significant differences between cavity prepared method dental bur and pulsed Er ∶ YAG laser .

  2. 方法:用高速牙钻于患骨表面行钻孔术,然后继续应用MEBO治疗。

    Method : Drilling through the surface of the injured bone , followed by application of MEBO .

  3. 使用玻璃离子材料的ART组及牙钻组两年继发龋发生率(6.85%、9.2%与6.35%、8.62%)低于汞合金对照组(16.9%、21.5%),差异有显著性。

    Secondary caries were 6.85 % and 9.20 % in the group of ART , 6.35 % and 8.62 % in drill + glass ionomer restoration , 16.9 % and 21.50 % in amalgam restorations , respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. ART组第1、2年的成功率(84.7%、69.1%)与汞合金对照组(77.1%、66.2%)、牙钻玻璃离子组(87.5%,74.9%)无显著性差异。

    And 2 years after ART the success rate was 84.7 % and 69.1 % , after drill + glass ionomer restorations that was 87.5 % , 74.9 % , and after amalgam restorations that was 77.1 % , 66.2 % , respectively ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 在这部惊悚片中,劳伦斯奥利弗(LaurenceOlivier)饰演的牙医曾是一名战犯,他用牙钻钻动着达斯汀霍夫曼(DustinHoffman)的牙神经,却不给他使用麻药。

    In this cult-thriller , Laurence Olivier plays a war criminal turned dentist who tortures Dustin Hoffman by drilling through his dental nerves without anaesthetic .

  6. 用121℃压力蒸汽灭菌处理20min,对牙钻手机内外均达到灭菌要求。

    Autoclaving at 121 ℃ for 20 min fulfilled the requirement of sterilizing the exterior and interior of the handpiece of the dental drill .

  7. 口腔科牙钻与弯机头消毒方法实验研究

    Surface Disinfection of Dental Drill and Handpiece : An Experiment Study

  8. 气涡轮高速牙钻机油雾器原理和雾化机制分析

    The principle and method of the turbine unit micro-fog lubricator analysis

  9. 速灭安加热消毒高速涡轮牙钻手机的研究

    Study on disinfection of high speed turbine dental handpiece by heated SUMIE'AN solution

  10. 国产牙钻混合陶瓷球轴承性能评估分析

    Performance Evaluation of Domestic Dental Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearing

  11. 新设备消除牙钻声和病人的恐惧

    Device Cancels the Sound and the Feary

  12. 伦敦的科学家们开发了一种技术来抵消牙钻发出的令人不快的尖锐刺耳的噪鸣声。

    Because researchers in London have developed technology to cancel out the drill 's unpleasant high-pitched whine .

  13. 嘉兴市医院胃镜、牙钻污染与消毒质量调查

    Polluted and Disinfected Situation of Gastroscope and Dental Drill in Hospitals of Jiaxing City : A Survey

  14. 1例高速涡轮牙钻拔除左下颌第4磨牙的护理

    Nursing care of a case underwent high-speed turbine dental drill to pull out fourth molar of left lower mandible

  15. 2寻找一种有效、适用、经济的牙钻手机消毒方法。

    Look for a better disinfection way for the air turbine dental handpieces which could be effective , economic and applicable .

  16. 医牙激光通过连在手上类似一个标准牙钻的东西上的光导纤维索而发射出强大的光束。

    A dental laser shines a powerful beam through a fiber-optic cable connected to a hand piece resembling a standard drill .

  17. 牙科新的治疗方法应取消牙钻吗?不再有牙洞,不再有痛苦!

    New treatments for your teeth should do away with the dentist 's drill ? No more cavities , no more pain !

  18. (牙钻声)牙医手中牙钻的声音恐怕会激起全世界人的恐惧。

    [ Sound of dentist drill . ] That 's a sound that inspires fear around the world : the dentists ' drill .

  19. 目的了解高速牙钻法拔除下颌智齿后拔牙创的愈合状况。

    Objective To realize healing conditions of the wound after mandibular impacted third molars were extracted with the use of high speed turbine dental drills .

  20. 本文研制了一种新型激光牙科治疗仪,能够对牙齿进行切割和钻孔,代替牙钻进行治疗。

    The paper has developed a new laser therapeutic instrument for dentistry . It can incise and drill in tooth in place of tooth drill .

  21. 结果治疗过程中实验组患者疼痛得分平均为0.22且均未麻醉,而牙钻组疼痛得分平均为1.6,且2例进行麻醉。

    Results All cases of laser treatment did not need anesthesia . The average scale of pain was 0.22.The 2 of 9 cases of dental drill group treated with anesthetic .

  22. 兔牙髓组织的形态学改变:术后即刻和72hEr:YAG激光组与普通牙钻组均可见牙髓轻度炎性反应,两组比较差异无显著性。

    The histologic examination showed that there was no appreciable difference in the manner in which dental pulp tissue responded to cavity preparation with either laser or a conventional bur .

  23. 隔音耳机使你听不到牙钻刺耳的噪音,倾听自己喜欢的音乐。特别定制的治疗椅将音乐的声波转换成全身按摩。

    Noise-reduction headphones block the screech of the drill and play a CD of your choice , and the specially constructed dental chair channels the sound waves from the music into a full-body massage .

  24. 结果,使用高强度紫外线照射消毒和消毒剂擦拭消毒,牙钻手机上细菌总数超标率分别为18.18%和9.09%;

    Results : After disinfection with high-intensity ultraviolet irradiation and wiping with disinfectant , the rates of total bacterial count on toothdrill handpiece exceeding the allowable limit were 18.18 % and 9.09 % respectively .

  25. 静压气体轴承具有运转平稳、无污染、摩阻低、速度高等优点,被广泛应用于仪表机床、陀螺仪、高速牙钻、涡轮增压器、制冷机等设备。

    Aerostatic bearings have great advantages , such as smooth operation , no pollution , low friction and high-speed . It is widely used in meter machine , gyroscope , high-speed dental drill , turbochargers , refrigerator and other equipment .

  26. 方法对150例下颌阻生牙、复杂牙断根、埋伏多生牙随即分成两组,分别采用高速涡轮牙钻法和凿骨法,并进行比较。

    Methods 150 cases with mandibular impacted molars , impacted supernumerary teeth or complicated tooth roots were divided into 2 groups at random . The complications after extraction were compared between high speed turbine dental drill group and dental chisel group .

  27. 结论,紫外线照射法和消毒剂擦拭法对牙钻手机消毒效果较差,压力蒸汽灭菌法可使牙钻手机达到灭菌要求,但其对牙钻手机有一定损坏作用。

    Conclusion : The efficacy of ultraviolet irradiation method and disinfectant wiping method in disinfecting toothdrill handpiece is relatively poor , while autoclaving can fulfil the requirement of sterilization of toothdrill handpiece , but it has certain damaging effect on toothdrill handpiece .

  28. 为了比较不同消毒方法对医疗机构口腔科手机消毒效果,采用现场采样检测方法,对紫外线照射法、消毒剂擦拭法和压力蒸汽灭菌法消毒牙钻手机的效果进行了观察。

    In order to compare the disinfection efficacy of different disinfection methods in disinfection of stomatological handpiece in medical institutions , field sampling examination method was used to observe the efficacy of ultraviolet irradiation , disinfectant wiping and autoclaving in disinfection of toothdrill handpiece .