
  • 网络Beef offal;Beef entrails
  1. 怡丰茶餐厅除了Laksa之外还有牛杂汤和砂煲鸡饭。

    Other than Laksa , there are also Mixed Beef Soup and Claypot Chicken Rice .

  2. 小丫头,买这么多牛杂。

    Hey kid , why are you buying so much cooked bull-organs .

  3. 我祝你的牛杂企业快点儿上市。

    I wish your company could soon be listed in the stock market .

  4. 而且要牛杂少,多汁,外卖的。

    Besides , I want more sauce with less tripe , take away .

  5. 牛杂碎碎包括肝、脑、心、肾、胸腺和舌。

    Variety meats include liver , brains , heart , kidneys , sweetbreads , and tongue .

  6. 试试这里的牛杂,上面裹了一层蜂蜜并沾满了谷粒。

    Try the sweetbreads , which are glazed with honey and surrounded by kernels of corn .

  7. 走进阿秋牛排馆才发现,才发现这家以牛排和精品牛杂汤而出名的餐厅并不简单,其独特的牛排烹制技术,沿袭至今已有很长的历史。

    Qiu into the steak house and found only found in the fine steak and offal soup and the well-known restaurant is not a simple , unique steak cooking techniques , followed has been a long history .

  8. 夫妻肺片由腌制的牛的肺片、牛肉或者碎牛杂制成,颜色红亮,软糯入味,麻辣鲜香。据说上世纪30年代成都人郭朝华和他的妻子以卖肺片为生。

    Fuqi Ox Lung Slice was made by marinating ox lung , beef or chopped entrails , eye-pleasing , tender and spicy.It is said that in the 1930 's , Guo Chaohua , a native of Chengdu , and his wife sold ox lung slices for a living .