
niú ròu bǐnɡ
  • hamburger
  1. 比方你吃过美国牛肉饼吗?这句话英文可以这样说:Haveyouevereatenahamburger?

    M : Have you ever eaten a hamburger ?

  2. 然后把牛肉饼放在下面半个汉堡面包上面。

    Then put the hamburger on the bottom half of the hamburger bun .

  3. 香肠和牛肉饼在烤架上咝咝作响。

    The sausages and burgers sizzled on the barbecue .

  4. 这种牛肉饼的名字最后缩短成了“汉堡包(Hamburger)”。

    This steak would eventually have its name shortened to ' hamburger . "

  5. 这种牛肉饼的名字最后缩短成了汉堡包(Hamburger)。

    This steak would eventually have its name shortened to ' hamburger ' .

  6. 你的祖父母对烙牛肉饼可有不同的定义;

    Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping ;

  7. 汉堡王新推出的香水是为了让人们身上的味道闻起来像铁板牛肉饼。

    The new Burger King perfume is meant to smell like sizzling beef patties .

  8. 这的牛肉饼非常棒。

    The veal piccata is very good .

  9. 外宾:好,我就要牛肉饼,红烧鱼和番茄汤。

    Well , I 'll have beef pie , saut é fish and tomato soup .

  10. 你的祖父母对烙牛肉饼可有不同的定义;他们称它为机遇。

    Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping ; they called it opportunity .

  11. 今日牛肉饼停止供应。

    The steak pie is off today .

  12. 今日牛肉饼停止供应.厅里不应停放自行车。

    The steak pie is off today . Bicycles should not be left in the hall .

  13. 环行在你的餐厅,把案板上所有的汉堡牛肉饼都撒上调料,加以完成。

    Walk along your restaurant and complete all the hamburgers by stomping its ingredients through platforms .

  14. 布雷克斯利捏制汉堡牛肉饼时,他的嘴里出现鲜明的苦味。

    When Matthew Blakeslee shapes hamburger patties with his hands , he experiences a vivid bitter taste in his mouth .

  15. 烙牛肉饼并不有损你的尊严。你的祖父母对烙牛肉饼可有不同的定义;他们称它为机遇。

    No.5 Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity . Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping ; they called it opportunity .

  16. 1955年,福喜集团成为麦当劳的长期合作伙伴,为麦当劳这个当时才刚刚起步的汉堡连锁公司供应牛肉饼。

    In 1955 , OSI struck what would become a lasting alliance with McDonald 's , agreeing to supply the then-fledgling burger chain with beef patties .

  17. “超级披萨汉堡”的夹心由400克烤牛肉饼做成,配上腌黄瓜、洋葱、一种特殊的肉酱芝士、番茄酱和芥末酱。

    It is made of 400ggrilled beef burger patties with gherkin pickles , onions and a special cheese blend seasoned with meat sauce , ketchup and mustard .

  18. 如果麦当劳割断双方的联系,这将是历史性的,因为从1955年麦当劳在伊利诺伊州德斯普兰斯开设首家麦当劳餐厅起,福喜就一直在为其供应牛肉饼。

    If McDonald 's cuts ties , it would be historic : OSI supplied beef patties to the first ever McDonald 's in Des Plaines , Illinois back in 1955 .

  19. 但必须说明的是,这是牛排自身的起源——没人知道把一个煎牛肉饼贴在两个圆面包之间的主意从哪儿来。

    What must be noted , however , was that this was the origin of the steak itself - nobody quite knows where the idea of sticking a hamburger between two buns came from .

  20. 为了用一种引人注目的方式证明这一观点,英国农渔食品业部长约翰。噶尔马决定在摄像机面前以一个煎牛肉饼来招待他的四岁女儿考狄利娅。

    In order to make the point in a dramatic way , Britain 's Agriculture , Fisheries and Food Minister John Gummer decided to feed his four-year-old daughter Cordelia a beefburger in front of the cameras .

  21. 我要烤牛肉、菇鸡蛋饼和洋葱汤。

    I 'll have roast beef , a mushroom omelet and onion soup .

  22. 但我实在没法说,五香熏牛肉、百吉饼和奶酪蛋糕有什么超出它们品质的意义。

    But I can 't honestly write that the pastrami and bagels and cheesecake have any meaning that is deeper than their own quality .

  23. 它们可被称作“全牛肉汉堡”或“全牛肉饼”,以区别于添加了面粉、膨体植物蛋白或其他添加剂以降低成本制成的廉价汉堡包。

    this may be described as an " all-beef hamburger " or " all-beef patties " to distinguish them from inexpensive hamburgers made with added flour , texturized vegetable protein or other fillers to decrease their cost .