
  • 网络species diversity index;species diversity indices;Shannon-Wiener
  1. 群落结构较为简单;物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数)以草本层最高,为36673。

    Vertical structure of community was simple , The Shannon-Wiener diversity index of herbage layer was 3.6673 in the community .

  2. 鸟类群落的Shannon-Weiner物种多样性指数为1.607,均匀性指数为0.784。

    The avian Shannon-Weiner species diversity index is 1.607 , evenness index is 0.784 .

  3. 对防护林草本层物种多样性指数与土壤肥力因子的关系研究表明:影响草本层物种多样性的主要因子是土壤PH值,其次是土壤全磷含量。

    Study on the relationship between soil fertility properties and species diversity in grass layer showed that the main factor affecting species diversity was soil PH , then was the soil total phosphorus .

  4. 同一层次的物种多样性指数D和H′虽然数值不同,但在不同阶段狼牙刺群落有基本一致的趋势,灌木层物种多样性指数基本上随恢复时间的增加而增加;

    D and H ′ of species diversity indexes of identical layer are different , but it has basically the same tendency in different growth stages of Sophora davidii community . Species diversity indexes of shrub layer increase with increasing time .

  5. Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(H')呈现从2001年到2005年总体下降的趋势,单纯度(C)上升,工程对底栖环境的干扰导致底上动物的栖息地破碎化,群落结构稳定性下降。

    Shannon-Wiener index slightly declined from 2001 to 2005 ( no survey in 2002 ) . The disturbance of the Yangshan engineering made the benthos habitat fragmentate and the stabilization of benthos community structure descended .

  6. 从物种多样性指数上看,除优势度指标经择伐林分升高外,种数、丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数都稍低于对照林分。

    Species number , abundance index , Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index , Pielou uniformity index in the community are little lower than those of contrast forest .

  7. 封禁后各项经营措施下的林下植被的Simpson物种多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和物种丰富度指数都有所提高。

    The undergrowth vegetation species diversity index of Simpson index , Pielou evenness index and species richness index are all improved after the management measures take in to implementation .

  8. 本文采用了Simpson.Shannon-Wiener和PIE三个物种多样性指数及以前两者指数为基础的均匀度公式,研完分析了山东栎林的物种多样性。

    This paper analyses , by using three diversity indexes ( Simposon , Shannon-Wiener and PIE ) and the evenness indexes based on Simpson and Shannon-Wiener , the species diversity and the species evenness of the Asso . Quercus spp .

  9. 从物种多样性指数的平均值来看,灌木层的物种多样性大于乔木层,但乔木层和灌木层之间的Shannon指数和群落均匀度无明显的差异;

    The results showed that there were 5 types of the communities with Taxus mairei , which species diversity of the shrub layer was higher than those of the tree layer , but there were no significant difference in the Shannon diversity index and evenness ;

  10. 通过丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,结合TWINSPAN、DCA、DCCA排序,多元回归和相关分析,研究了物种多样性及其变化机制,把植物群落分为8个群落类型;

    By using of the richness , diversity and evenness indices , combined with TWINSPAN , DCA , DCCA , multi-factors regression , correlation analysis techniques and so on , species diversity and diversification mechanism were studied . The communities were classified into eight types by TWINSPAN .

  11. 各个垂直带鼠形小兽群落物种多样性指数分别为,Ⅰ云南松林及山坡耕作地带(2000~2650m)13814;

    The species diversity indexes of the vertical zones are as followings : 1 . Yunnan pine forest and cultivated area ( 2 ! 000 ~ 2 ! 650 ! m ): 1.381 ! 4 ;

  12. 植物物种多样性指数较高。

    The index of plant diversity of the community was higher .

  13. 皆伐和间伐后物种多样性指数高;

    The diversity indexes of clear-cutting and thinning-cutting blanks are high .

  14. 不同群落间,物种多样性指数也存在差异,这种差异与群落所处的演替阶段相关;

    And discrepancies between communities have correlations with their succession stages .

  15. 物种多样性指数及其分形分析

    A new species diversity index and its fractal analysis

  16. 缓冲区内种类最多,物种多样性指数、F-指数、G-指数最高。

    Shannon-wiener index , F-index , G-index are the highest in this area .

  17. 为此提出了新的物种多样性指数计算公式。

    A new calculation equation of SDI was proposed .

  18. 灌木层的物种多样性指数高于乔木层和草本层,由木映山红白栎乌饭盐肤木山柿、青冈栎、冬青、枫香红楠野桃香港黄檀木等组成,草本层以芒萁五节芒等组成。

    Species diversity index in shrub was higher than that in arbor and herb .

  19. 赤城湖指示藻类的组成及物种多样性指数分析

    Analysis of Constitution Features and Species Diversity Index of Indicator Algae in Chicheng Lake

  20. 物种多样性指数分析表明,沙漠化过程是一个物种多样性衰减的过程,沙漠化导致大多数原生性物种消失。

    The species diversity indexes analysis showed that desertification was a process of bio-diversity loss .

  21. 草本层的物种多样性指数随着海拔高度的升高呈下降趋势。

    The trend of the species diversity index of the herb layer is downward with altitude .

  22. 土壤种子库中自然萌发的种子物种多样性指数为纯灰岩>纯白云岩>不纯碳酸盐岩。

    Species diversity indices were pure limestone region > pure dolomite region > impurity carbonate region .

  23. 人民大街、前进大街、南湖广场物种多样性指数较低。

    Renmin street , Qianjin street and Nanhu square have a lower diversity index , respectively .

  24. 太行山北段、中段和南段3个区域各层物种多样性指数变化趋势各不相同,表现出明显的分异现象。

    The species diversity index of different regions had different variable trend , showing clear differentiation phenomenon .

  25. 群落的优势种较明显,乔木层的物种多样性指数较高。

    The community had outstanding dominant species and the arbor layer possessed a comparatively high diversity index .

  26. 不同专类园中乔木和灌木的物种多样性指数有不同程度的变化。

    There are varying degrees of change of arbor and shrub species diversity index in the theme park .

  27. 随土壤深度增加,种子的种类和物种多样性指数均逐渐减小。

    In the soil , the species diversity index of germinative seed declined gradually with increasing soil depth .

  28. 利用12个物种多样性指数,研究了芦芽山旅游开发对不同植被层物种多样性的影响。

    The impact of tourism development on biodiversity of different vegetation layers is studied by12 indices in Luya Mountain .

  29. 用生物量计算出来的物种多样性指数与物种多度和物种生物量均匀性这两个因素是正相关的,即物种数越多,生物量平均度越高,则多样性指数越高。

    That is , more species contained in a community and more evenly the biomass distributes , the higher diversity is .

  30. 3平沙地与其它3个样地的土壤种子库的物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和生态优势度的差异显著。

    The shannon-Wiener index , ecological dominance and evenness index of soil seed banks in flat dunes was more different than others .