
  • Stories;AD
  1. 同时,可口可乐上月宣布将重新推出34年前的NewCoke,作为与《怪奇物语》联动的环节。

    Meanwhile , Coca-Cola announced last month it was bringing back New Coke after 34 years as part of a tie-in with " Stranger Things . "

  2. 《怪奇物语》第三季的首支预告片中解锁了一个全新的地点:StarcourtMall。

    The first trailer for Stranger Things Season 3 features one brand new location : the Starcourt Mall .

  3. 这位《怪奇物语》的演员,把印有Logo的黑色T-恤塞进了黑色的牛仔裤,还配了一件黑色的夹克衫。

    The Stranger Things star tucked her black UNICEF tee into matching black jeans and also donned a black jacket .

  4. 《怪奇物语》第三季再次由Matt和RossDuffer导演。

    Stranger Things season 3 once again comes from creators Matt and Ross Duffer .

  5. 汉堡王希望能把Netflix《怪奇物语》的粉丝吸引到“颠倒汉堡”中。

    Burger King is hoping to pull fans of the Netflix series " Stranger Things " into the Upside Down .

  6. 汉堡王不是唯一一家与Netflix合作宣传《怪奇物语3》的食品连锁店。

    Burger King isn 't the only food chain teaming up with Netflix to promote " Stranger Things 3 . "

  7. 这家连锁店和可口可乐合作,用汉堡王APP举办一场比赛,胜利者能获得特殊奖品:从食物到《怪奇物语》VIP体验。

    The chain is partnering with Coke on a contest involving the Burger King app where winners can earn special prizes from food to a Stranger Things VIP Experience .

  8. 在一款名叫农场物语(美版的开心农场FarmVille)的在线游戏中,玩家可以在农场中养鸡,当然这些鸡和农场都是虚拟的。

    PLAYERS of FarmVille , an online game , raise virtual chickens on an imaginary farm .

  9. 2017年4月,爱奇艺与Netflix签署了一项授权协议,以播出美国提供商的部分原创内容,包括《怪奇物语》和《黑镜》。

    In April 2017 , iQiyi signed a licensing agreement with Netflix to steam some of the US provider 's original content including Stranger Things and Black Mirror .

  10. 粉丝们最喜欢的装扮是《反斗智多星》里的“加斯”、碧昂斯、《星球大战》里的“汉·索洛”和Netflix公司暑期巨制《怪奇物语》中的“十一”。

    Fan favorites include Garth from " Wayne 's World , " Beyonce , Han Solo from " Star Wars , " and Eleven from the Netflix summer hit " Stranger Things . "

  11. 新可口可乐是那些经常被用作市场营销失败案例研究的产品失败案例之一,但可口可乐希望通过与Netflix大热剧集《怪奇物语》的交叉推广扭转这一局面。

    New Coke is one of those product flops that often is used as a case study on marketing failures , but Coca-Cola is hoping to turn that around in a cross-promotion with Netflix 's hit show " Stranger Things . "

  12. 作为宣传活动的一部分,《怪奇物语》的创作者和制片人马特·达菲(MattDuffer)和罗斯·达菲(RossDuffer)兄弟还导演了一则广告,片中人物在一家电影院喝着新可乐。

    As part of the promotion , the creators and showrunners of " Stranger Things , " brothers Matt and Ross Duffer , also directed an ad that features the show 's characters enjoying New Coke at a movie theater .

  13. 《怪奇物语》的粉丝们还得多等等才能再次看到逆世界,不过虽然第三季依旧让我们等得很焦急,我们现在实际上已经知道Netflix这部超自然热播剧的一些情报了,下面就来盘点一下:

    It 'll be awhile before Stranger Things fans can return to the Upside Down , but while we 're all anxiously waiting for Season 3 to premiere , here 's a rundown of what we know is coming up on Netflix 's supernatural hit :

  14. 《怪奇物语》的粉丝们还需要再等等才能等到颠倒模式,不过虽然我们等《怪奇物语》第三季开播等的很焦急了,我们知道了一些这部Netflix超自然热播剧第三季的资讯了,下面是我们的盘点:

    It 'll be a while before Stranger Things fans can return to the Upside Down , but while we 're all anxiously waiting for Season 3 to premiere , here 's a rundown of what we know is coming up in Season 3 of Netflix 's supernatural hit :

  15. 论佛教对日本物语文学思维图式的影响

    Influence of Buddhism on Japanese mode of thinking of legendary literature

  16. 颜色如花命如叶&浅析《源氏物语》中的女性悲剧

    On the Tragedy of Women in The Tale of Genji

  17. 论《平家物语》中的武士价值观念

    On the Warrior Value in Story of the Ping 's

  18. 基于二级搜索模型的有声出版物语音分割算法

    Talking publications speech automatic segmentation algorithm based on two levels search model

  19. 紫姬无疑是《源氏物语》中最引人注目的女性形象。

    Genji is undoubtedly the most attractive female figure .

  20. 这篇作品,也受到了《今昔物语》的影响。

    This work has also been a " Past and Present Story " effect .

  21. 办公室物语&裁员风暴

    Office tales & storm of staff - trimming

  22. 在压抑中寻觅自我&试论《源氏物语》中的紫姬形象

    Seeking ego under depression - On Genji 's image of The Tale of Genji

  23. 物语:源自法国的古典与浪漫

    Grange : origin from French classics and romance

  24. 京晶:是啊,现在我非常感兴趣想看看《水形物语》。

    Yeah , now I 'm really interested in seeing the Shape of Water .

  25. 《源氏物语》被称为是日本文学中最伟大的成就。

    The tale of Genji has been described as the greatest achievement of Japanese literature .

  26. 语象是凭借着语言与表象的稳定的对应关系而呈现的直觉性的心理画面,可分为象形语象、指物语象、描述语象。

    Language image offers a mental picture based upon the steady relationship between language and image .

  27. 日本经典文学作品《源氏物语》引用了白居易的很多诗。

    Many of Bai 's poems are quoted in the Japanese classic The Tale of Genji .

  28. 论日本古典物语中的悲剧人物

    Tragical Characters in Japanese Classical Novels

  29. 然而,《水形物语》的发行方福克斯探照灯影业公司不接受以上所有指控:

    But the Shape of Water 's distributor Fox Searchlight isn 't having any of it :

  30. 摘要《源氏物语》是世界上最早最优秀的散文体长篇小说。

    The tale of Genji is the earliest and best novel with prose form in the world .