
shēng kou
  • beasts;bullamacow;bullamacau;beasts of burden;draught animal
牲口 [shēng kǒu]
  • [beasts of burden;draught animal] 牲畜的俗称。专指供人役使的家畜,如牛、马、骡、驴等

牲口[shēng kou]
  1. 以前他听父亲说过,旧社会地主喂牲口都不用高粱&这是一种最没营养的粮食。

    As his father had told him before , landlords in the old society would not feed draught animals with broomcorn – because it was the least nutritious grain .

  2. 他们的眼睛经常看到的是他们那一点小财产,无非是一两匹牲口呀,一辆大车呀,十几亩地呀。

    Most of the time their eyes are glued on that precious bit of property they possess , which is no more than one or two draught animals , a cart and a dozen mou of land .

  3. 暴雨和大水淹死了许多牲口。

    The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock .

  4. 他们在为牲口寻找牧场。

    They were in search of pasture for their animals .

  5. 买主以稳定的价格买光了这一天牵到集市来的牲口。

    Buyers cleared the day 's cattle run at steady rates .

  6. 我去套牲口。

    I 'll go and harness the beast .

  7. 牲口一眼离就惊了。

    The animal shied the moment it began to see things .

  8. 注意牲口的使役和繁殖。

    Pay attention to the proper use and breeding of animals .

  9. 他们将准备好牲口在破晓时出发。

    They were to catch up and begin the march at daybreak .

  10. 牲口不听吆喝。

    The animal wouldn 't obey its driver .

  11. 入侵者抢走了许多牲口。

    The invaders carried away lots of cattle .

  12. 多给牲口加点儿料。

    Add more fodder for the animals .

  13. 在暴风雨中,牲口聚集在一起。

    Cattle congregate during a storm .

  14. 他们关心的是天气、牲口、疾病、生育和与地主斗智。

    Their concerns were the weather , animals , disease , childbirth and outwitting the landlord .

  15. 他贩卖牲口。

    He trades in cattle .

  16. 牛被赶进了牲口棚。

    The cows were driven into the barn .

  17. 我们的牲口都烙上了字母b的记号。

    Our cattle are branded with the letter B.

  18. 资本主义来自拉丁文Caput,即牲口的头,指拥有的财产。

    Capitalism originates from the Latin caput , cattle heads , and refers to possessions .

  19. 罗德岛普罗维登斯的托马斯•彭特(ThomasPontes)以为自己16岁、14岁和12岁的孩子对于祖父的故事并不感兴趣。他们的祖父是一位移民美国的农场工人,他凭借自己的双手,从只能住牲口棚到拥有自己的家庭。

    Thomas Pontes thought his children , 12 , 14 and 16 , shrugged off tales of his grandfather , an immigrant farmhand who worked his way up from living in a barn to owning a home .

  20. 黄昏时,Murias的部队来到了格兰德河附近的一处牲口农场,他听说这儿是枪手们的一个藏匿点。

    At dusk , Murias'unit shows up at a cattle ranch near the Rio Grande that he hears is a hideout for gunmen .

  21. 于是车夫决计一心吹口哨,要不就骂他的牲口。

    The coachman took to whistling and swearing at his horses .

  22. 由于干旱,牲口成群成群地死去。

    Herds of cattle were dying off because of the draught .

  23. 这些母牛靠稻草在牲口棚里过冬。

    The cows are wintering over on straw in the barn .

  24. 这些干草可以给牲口作铺垫。

    This dried grass will make good bedding for the animals .

  25. 持续地他不住地挥响着鞭子,吆喝牲口。

    He continually cracked his whip and shouted at the mule .

  26. 农夫把奶牛赶到牲口棚门口。

    The farmer herded the cows over to the barn door .

  27. 为此我们租了一间不大不小的房子,一个牲口棚和160英亩地。

    So we leased a modest house , a barn and160acres .

  28. 牲口棚恶臭难闻,她捏住了鼻子。

    The barn smelled so bad that she held her nose .

  29. 噢,我可怜的牲口将想不通。

    O ! what excuse will my poor beast then find .

  30. 这个人把新买的驴牵进牲口棚的院子里。

    The man led the new Donkey into the stable yard .