
  • 网络significant level
  1. Frete:一种利用特性层知识的改进Rete算法

    FRete : An Improved Rete Match Algorithm by Using Knowledges of Feature Relations

  2. 研究结果表明,插层LDHs的红外吸收选择性和吸收效率主要由层间阴离子的红外吸收特性和层间阴离子的数量所决定,LDHs的层状结构对选择性红外吸收具有明显的促进作用。

    The obtained results indicate that the selectivity and the efficiency of IR absorption of the intercalated LDHs are mainly determined by the IR absorption features of the interlayer anions and the amount of the intercalated anions in the interlayer .

  3. 铁的冲击卸载特性和层裂

    Characteristics of shock unloading in iron and its fracture

  4. 该框架包括特性说明层、心智状态层、计算处理层和信息交互层。

    This framework has a four-layer structure with feature declaration , mental status , computing and processing , and information interacting layers .

  5. 本文介绍了酚醛玻璃钢在一维应变的平板撞击条件下的层裂特性与层裂准则的实验研究。

    An experimental study of spallation properties of phenolic-resin based woven roving glass fibre reinforced composite material under uniaxial strain condition were reported in this paper .

  6. 权重作为联系具有异质特性各层次子模型或各个指标的核心要素直接影响综合评价的结果。

    As the core elements being a liaison with all levels of heterogeneous characteristics of the various sub-model or indicators , the weight directly impact on the comprehensive evaluation results .

  7. 结果表明,由于超晶格的结构特性及层内、界面问相互作用强弱的不同,导致自旋的重新取向,出现了不同于大块完整晶格的新的自旋取向状态。

    The results show that the nonhomogeneous characteristic of the superlattice structures results in the reorientations of the spins , and the new spin orientation states are found in such system .

  8. 船舶主机与双层底间的固液耦合振动特性研究层合板弯曲层间变形与应力的两尺度耦合实验分析

    Fluid-solid Interaction Vibration Analysis between the Ship Main Engine and the Double Bottom ; Experimental Study of Interlaminar Deformation and Stresses in Laminates under Bending Load by Coupling DIC and FEM in Dual-scale

  9. 然后利用各模型和公式计算出地质旅游地、地质旅游资源、区域条件和区位特性各层评价因子权重值。

    Then the weight for the appraisal factor of each level which is about the geological traveling place , the geologic traveling resources , the areal condition and the position characteristics will be calculated by each model and the formula for them .

  10. 这些特性在Web层引入了编程式和声明式的安全增强。

    These features include programmatic and declarative security enforcement in the web tier .

  11. 回归结果不仅证明了C层效应的存在,而且揭示出C层效应的日、季变化特性:C层效应在全年均存在,夏秋两季明显强于冬春两季;

    It is obvious that C-layer effect is more intense in summer and autumn than winter and spring by the results of liner regression .

  12. 很多流行的Web应用程序都有视图层的特性,视图层足够智能可以将请求和应答变量与HTML输入标记同步。

    Most modern Web applications feature view layers that are smart enough to synchronize request and response variables with HTML input tags .

  13. 在介绍IEEE802.16发展起因基础之上,着重阐述了其协议栈模型,物理层特性和MAC层特性。

    On the basis of IEEE 802.16 ` s development , the paper explains the protocol layering model , the PHY characteristic and MAC characteristic .

  14. 基于已知工况条件下的散热边界条件,通过模拟流场和温度场空间分布规律,3D模型可以计算机舱流动阻力特性和边界层散热情况。

    Based on the known thermal boundary conditions , 3D model can calculate flow resistance characteristics and boundary heat dissipations of engine cabin by simulating the spatial distributions of flow and temperature field .

  15. Insb表面损伤层的光谱特性和损伤层厚度的测量

    Optical Spectral Properties of Surface Damage Layer of InSb and Measurements of Damage Layer Thickness

  16. 协助确保HDS中国商店有效的工作特性及管理层的指导为落实到每位员工。

    Assist in ensuring the effective performance of the HDS Retail China store during allocated shifts or at the direction of management .

  17. 首先采用跨层优化技术,综合考虑多层业务参数及系统特性,对层间的依赖关系进行了分析和利用,动态跟踪多业务QoS需求和信道实时变化情况,提高了系统多层分集增益。

    First , with cross-layer optimization techniques , we jointly consider the multi-layer service parameters and system characteristics . Through analyzing and adopting dependencies among the layers , we track differentiated QoS demands of multi-traffic and real-time channel changes dynamically to improve the multi-layer diversity gain of the system .

  18. 采用纳米稀土La2O3为添加剂,研究其对电铸镍溶液特性、铸层微观结构及其性能的影响。

    The effects of the rare earth nano-La_2O_3 added to the basic sulfamate solution on ( microstructure ) of electroforming nickel layers and its property were studied .

  19. 计算表明,复合涂层各分层均发挥着特定的功能特性,Al2O3层厚度决定着涂层内最大剪应力的位置,铝层的存在可降低界面处的剪切应力。

    It is seen that every layer of composite coating has a special function . For example , the thickness of Al2O3 layer determines the location of maximum shear stress within coating . The advantage of Al layer is that interfacial stresses can be reduced greatly .

  20. 试验结果表明:同普通钢筋混凝土梁相比局部碳纤维混凝土梁具备导电特性,CFRC层的厚度不但决定试验梁的初始电阻,而且对其在加载过程中电阻的变化也有影响。

    The results indicate that partial carbon fiber reinforced concrete beams exhibit electrical property compared to the virgin beams , the CFRC layer thickness influenced not only the initial electric resistance but the electrical property during the load processing .

  21. 真空渗氮工艺特性及渗氮层性能研究

    Study of Process Characteristics and Nitrided Layer Properties of Vacuum Nitriding

  22. 步进电机;牵入特性;齿层比磁导动态分析理论;

    Stepping motors ; Pullin performances ; Tooth-layer permeability dynamic analysis theory ;

  23. 基于车轮-桥面接触耦合特性的铺装层受力分析方法

    Mechanics Analysis Method for Deck Pavement Based on Tire-deck Contact Coupling Characteristic

  24. 气溶胶吸收光学特性对低层大气短波加热率的影响

    The effects of aerosol optical absorption characteristics on lower atmospheric heating rates

  25. 气泡管内弹状流传递特性与晶层生长的研究

    Study on Transfer Characteristics of Slug Flow and Crystal Layer Growth in Bubbling Tubes

  26. 研究了新型准贝氏体钢渗碳特性及渗层磨损性能。

    Carburization characteristics and wear behavior of new type meta bainitic steel were studied .

  27. 壳聚糖包膜尿素养分释放特性及包膜层通透性的变化

    Nutrient Release Characteristic of Chitosan Coated Urea and Change of Penetrability of Its Coating Layer

  28. 极光区电离层特性和磁层-电离层耦合

    The feature of the ionosphere in the auroral zone and the magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling

  29. 这些波系的出现,将对边界层的失稳特性以及边界层转捩产生重要影响。

    This shock wave structure has important influences to the stability characteristics of the boundary layer .

  30. 实验已证明,衰减特性对储层岩石的弹性性质和流体性质等反映灵敏。

    Many tests have confirmed that the attenuation characteristics is sensitive to the elastic and fluid property of reservoirs .