
quǎn rú xué pài
  • cynicism
  1. 犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。

    Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers .

  2. 犬儒学派古代希腊哲学学派的成员,认为美德是唯一的善的东西,自制是唯一获得美德的方法。

    A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who believed virtue to be the only good and self-control to be the only means of achieving virtue .

  3. 犬儒学派的作家们沿着这条道路就走得更远了。他们以丰富多彩的风格驰骋于散文与韵文之间,而达到“狂妄的苏格拉底”的诗情画意,他们在现实生活中也往往模仿他。

    The Cynic philosophers went even farther in that direction , seeking , by their utterly promiscuous style and constant alternation between verse and prose , to project their image of the " raving Socrates " in literature , as they sought to enact it in life .

  4. 犬儒主义学派产生于极特殊的历史环境和社会现状之中。

    Cynicism emerged in a special historical environment and social situation .

  5. 这就是被称作古希腊小苏格拉底学派之一的犬儒主义学派。

    This is known as one of the ancient Greek small Socrates which called cynicism .

  6. 综合来看,古希腊犬儒主义学派的观点受到智者学派的思想启示,也继承了苏格拉底的某些主张,产生于古希腊社会转型期矛盾激化的时代背景之下。

    On the whole , the cynics school of ancient Greece that inherited the view of The Sophists and Socrates , appeared in the era background of intensified social conflicts .

  7. 后因追随者众多且思想独特自成一派,这个哲人群体又被称作古希腊犬儒主义学派。

    As a consequence , these misanthropic and perverse philosophers are called cynics . Eventually the group is called the cynics school of ancient Greece due to many followers and unique idea .

  8. 摘要早期的犬儒主要指犬儒学派的创始人安提斯泰尼、第欧根尼与克拉底及他们的门徒。

    The early cynics refer to antisthenes , diogenesand crates , as well as their disciples .