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quǎn zǐ
  • my son
犬子 [quǎn zǐ]
  • (1) [a self-depreciatory expression of one's own son]∶谦辞,对别人称自己的儿子

  • (2) [young dog]∶幼犬

  1. 你认为你有机会打败犬子吗?

    Do you think you stand a chance of defeating my son ?

  2. 这是犬子亲手锻铸的。

    Forged and tempered by my son here .

  3. 我的叔叔转向旁边的人,用阿拉伯语说到,“Ibnabuh”——虎父无犬子。

    My uncle turned to the other men , and in Arabic said , " Ibn abuh . " Like father , like son .

  4. 谨此通知犬子订婚。

    Announcing our son 's engagement .