
  1. 1998年,奥利奥获得Kosher认证(指符合犹太教教规、清洁可食的产品的认证)。

    Oreos became kosher in 1998 .

  2. 禽类的肝脏应当摘除,并按照犹太教饮食教规的规定单独烹煮。

    The Liver must be removed from the cavity and broiled separately in accordance with kashruth procedures .

  3. 然而,这个说法看起来并不那么可信。因为卡拉库弗斯基是犹太教徒,但将牛肉和芝士搭配在一起不符合犹太教的教规。因此,这看起来更像是个笑话。

    That claim seems unlikely , since Kulakofsky was Jewish and it wouldn 't be kosher to mix beef and cheese , but maybe it was a joke ?

  4. 基督教自创立以来,就不断地与其同宗的犹太教发生教义、教规、甚至人身的冲突,这种现象在中世纪尤为明显。

    Christianity conflicted continuously with co-original religion Judaism on dogma , canon , even physical since its foundation .

  5. 因此,一些信仰犹太教的人就可能只吃犹太教规定的食物-根据一些犹太教传统教规制作的食物。

    So , someone who is of the Jewish religious faith may only want to eat food that is kosher – that is prepared according to certain rules and regulations that are traditional in the Jewish community .