
  • 网络Dionysus;Dionysos;dionysius
  1. 马克:DionisioSuerte.Suerte是幸运的意思,Dionisio听着像希腊神(酒神)狄俄尼索斯的名字。

    Mark : Dionisio Suerte . Suerte means " luck , " and Dionisio sounds like the name of the Greek god Dionysus .

  2. 要是狄俄尼索斯在世多好!他会在哪儿用餐呢?

    If only Dionysus were alive ! Where would he eat ?

  3. 赫拉克勒斯和狄俄尼索斯都去过印度。

    India , where hericlees , and dienisious traveled .

  4. (希腊神话)参与狄俄尼索斯的狂欢仪式的女人。

    ( Greek mythology ) a woman participant in the orgiastic rites of Dionysus .

  5. 狄俄尼索斯走过北回归线,掀起痛苦和狂喜。

    Dionysus walked across the tropic of cancer , his pain and ecstasy is on fire .

  6. 酒神狄俄尼索斯象征有活力的生命溪流,没有约束与障碍,挑战所有限制。

    Dionysus symbolised the dynamic stream of life , which knows no restraints or barriers and defies all limitations .

  7. 肉桂、紫葡萄和常青藤是希腊酒神狄俄尼索斯的珍贵植物。

    Cinnamon , along with grape vines and ivy , is a sacred plant of Dionysus , the Greek god of ecstasy .

  8. 在底比斯,是泰瑞西斯第一个认出了宴会神、也是酒神的狄俄尼索斯,并向他表示欢迎。

    He was the first to recognise and welcome Dionysus , god of feast and wine , on the The ban land .

  9. 国王迈达斯找到狄俄尼索斯的忠实同伴塞利纳斯,问他:“人最大的幸福是什么?”

    King Midas seeks out Silenus , the constant companion of Dionysus , and asks him : " What is man 's greatest happiness ?"

  10. 狄俄尼索斯锁定艾米西斯特就是他要报复的人。他猛咬手指,两只猛虎应声而出要一口吞下这个如花似玉的少女。

    Dionysus targeted Amethyst as the object of his revenge , and with the snap of his fingers , he summoned two ferocious tigers to devour the girl .

  11. 让酒神狄俄尼索斯浇洒了神酒,使它拥有了芬芳的气味。又有美惠三女神将魅力、聪颖和欢乐赐予了它。

    Dionysus , the god of wine , added nectar3 to give her a sweet scent , and the three Graces4 gave her charm , brightness and joy .

  12. 象征本能的酒神狄俄尼索斯,在底比斯确立自己的宗教,使信徒放纵狂欢,并残忍地摧毁异己。

    Dionysus , a symbol of life instincts and death instincts , establishes his own religion in Thebes and lets his followers indulge in his excessive instinctive activities , and destroys his antagonists .

  13. 后来,正如狄俄尼索斯所预言,她被变成了一条狗,眼带血丝。她不堪忍受这种新的痛苦,就跳进海里,结束了自己不幸的一生。

    Later , as Dionysushad prophesied , she was transformed into a dog with bloodshoteyes and , unable to endure the new misery , she leapt into thesea and thus ended her unfortunate life .

  14. 本文以酒神精神为立足点,对普希金前期作品进行分析,挖掘其中所蕴涵的深刻的狄俄尼索斯式热情。

    If taking the spirit of the God of wine as the stand , we can analyze and the find out the profound enthusiasm of Dionysus embodied in Pushkin 's works written in his .

  15. 尼采把狄俄尼索斯当作一个发现虚无的世界真相的神祗,它与文化谎言不共戴天。

    Nietzsche regards Dionysus as the god who has discovered the " truth " of the world as nihil , and who stands in the absolute opposite of the " lie " of a culture .

  16. 在那个时候,将婴儿篮子里展示是希腊人的传统。以此来庆祝的酒神狄俄尼索斯每年的复活,意在象征多产。

    It was their tradition at that time to celebrate their god of wine , Dionysus , by parading a baby in a basket , representing the annual rebirth of that god as the spirit of fertility .

  17. 从狄俄尼索斯秘仪到十七世纪的法国古典主义,古希腊悲剧从起源到复兴,伴随着对激情与理性的不停追问而被传承下来。

    From Dionysus ' ritual to French classicism in the seventeenth century , the ancient Greek tragedy , from the origin to the renewal , accompanied with the seeking for passion and ration was spreading from generation to generation .

  18. 克罗斯请求爱神阿佛洛狄特赋予了它美丽的容貌;让酒神狄俄尼索斯浇洒了神酒,使它拥有了芬芳的气味。又有美惠三女神将魅力、聪颖和欢乐赐予了它。

    She asked the help of Aphrodite , the goddess of love , who gxdye her beauty Dionysus , the god of wine , added nectar to give her a sweet scent , and the three Graces gxdye her charm , brightness and joy .

  19. 歌手兼音乐人斯汀:我去年11月开始就得开始留胡子,因为我要和埃尔维斯·卡斯提洛共同出演一部歌剧,我饰演一个希腊人、我耍扮演狄俄尼索斯,于是我留起了胡子,然后他们把我的头发染黑。

    STINC , SINGER AND MUSICIAN : I had to grow a beard last November because I was in an opera with Elvis Costello , and I had to play a Greek . I had to play Dionysus , so I grew the beard and they made my hair dark .