
dú tè xínɡ
  • idiotype
  1. T淋巴瘤TCRβ链独特型DNA疫苗在小鼠骨骼肌中的基因及蛋白表达

    Gene and protein expression of idiotype DNA vaccine of TCR β chain of T cell lymphoma

  2. 独特型TCRVβ2DNA疫苗的构建和体外表达检测

    Construction and expression analysis of idiotype TCR V β 2 DNA vaccine in vitro

  3. 抗黄曲霉毒素B1单抗独特型抗体的制备

    Preparation of Polyclonal Anti-Idiotypic Antibody Against Anti-Aflatoxin B_1 Monoclonal Antibody

  4. 融合型B细胞淋巴瘤独特型DNA疫苗表达质粒的构建

    Construction of Expression Plasmid for Fused Idiotypic DNA Vaccine of B-cell Lymphoma

  5. B细胞淋巴瘤独特型DNA疫苗诱导特异性免疫反应的实验研究

    Idiotypic DNa Vaccines for B-cell Lymphoma Induce Specific Immune Responses in Vivo

  6. T细胞受体β独特型抗原决定簇DNA疫苗诱导抗淋巴瘤抗体的研究

    Experimental study on TCR β idiotypic antigenic determinants DNA vaccine to induce anti-lymphoma antibodies

  7. 用基因组DNA制备独特型抗淋巴瘤核酸疫苗的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on the Idiotypic Nucleic Acid Vaccine Constructed from the Genomic DNA to Lymphoma

  8. 马立克氏病毒单克隆抗独特型抗体间接ELISA方法的建立

    Establishment of Indirect ELISA Method of Anti-idiotypic Antibodies of MDV

  9. 黄曲霉毒素B1抗独特型抗体的制备和应用研究I抗独特型抗体的制备和性质研究

    Preparation and application of aflatoxin b1 ( afb1 ) anti-idiotype antibody I. Study on Preparation and characterization of afb_1 anti-idiotype antibody

  10. 应用TCR独特型DNA疫苗有可能激发抗肿瘤独特型免疫反应。

    TCR idiotypic DNA vaccine may generate anti - idiotypic immunity against the tumor .

  11. 独特型网络AB模型免疫耐受的研究

    A modeling study of acquired immune tolerance due to idiotypic network

  12. IL-2与TCRγ独特型DNA疫苗联合诱导小鼠特异性免疫反应

    Immunologic reaction to lymphocytic malignancy induced by combination of IL-2 and T-cell-receptor idiotypic DNA vaccine

  13. 抗独特型抗体(Ab2)是指针对独特型抗体(Ab1)的独特型抗原决定基产生的抗体。

    Antibody idiotype is the antigen determinant of antibody .

  14. 应用噬菌体展示技术能成功地区分糖尿病相关性IAA与IA的独特型。

    Phage display can distinguish idiotypes of diabetes-related IAA from IA .

  15. 酶标SpA法在检测小鼠同系抗独特型中的应用

    Detection of Anti-idiotypic Antibody Produced in Syngenic Mouse by HRP-SpA

  16. NAA内部通过独特型-抗独特型相互作用形成一个网络结构。

    Amongst NAAs themselves a network structure is formed by idiotype-antiidiotype interactions .

  17. 目的:检测T淋巴瘤TCRβ链独特型DNA疫苗的基因表达。

    Aim : To test the gene expression of idiotype DNA vaccine of TCR β chain of T lymphoma .

  18. 结论建立了MDV抗独特型抗体的间接ELISA方法。

    Conclusions The indirect ELISA and competition - inhibition ELISA methods are established .

  19. IgM类抗HCV独特型抗体(抗HCV-Ab2)的ELISA法检测及意义

    Detection and significance of IgM antiidiotype antibodies against anti hcv ( IgM anti HCV ab2 ) by ELISA

  20. 抗TSH独特型抗体与TSH及其受体的关系

    Study of the Relationships Between Anti-idiotypic Antibodies of TSH 、 TSH and Its Receptors

  21. 含4个抗原决定簇的DNA疫苗免疫的6只小鼠中有4只产生了特异性抗独特型抗体,但滴度均较低(最高滴度1∶80);

    Specific anti-idiotype antibody was detected in all of the six mice immunized with DNA vaccine containing all the five determinants ( the highest titer was 1 ∶ 480 ) .

  22. 实验提示,虽然抗DNA自身抗体独特型往往结构分离,从而表现抗体多样性,但有些抗体由于独特型结构类似,多样性受到限制;

    These results suggest that although frequently idiotypes have diversity , some antibodies on the basis with similar structure of the idiotypic determinants were limited in the extent of diversity .

  23. 具有疟原虫CSP内影像的单克隆抗独特型抗体的制备及鉴定

    Production and Identification of Monoclonal Anti-idiotype Antibody That Bears the Internal Image of CS Protein of Plasmodium

  24. 不同肝病Ig类别抗HBs独特型抗体的检测及意义

    Detection and significance of different Ig antiidiotypes directed against anti-HBs in hepatitis B patients

  25. 用间接ELISA检测抗H9亚型AIV独特型单克隆抗体的研究

    Studies of the anti-idiotypic McAb against AIV ( H9 ) by indirect ELISA

  26. 鼻咽癌患者血清中Epstein-Barr病毒早期抗原特异性抗体的IgA类抗独特型抗体的检测

    IgA class anti-idiotypic antibody against antibody to Epstein-Barr virus early antigen in sera from nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients

  27. 分泌抗IBDV独特型抗体细胞株的建立

    The Establishment of Cell Lines of Hybridoma Secreting Idiotype Antibodies Against IBDV

  28. 结论:T淋巴瘤TCRβ链独特型DNA疫苗在小鼠骨骼肌中有效地表达了基因产物。

    Conclusion : The idiotype DNA vaccine of TCR β chain of T lymphoma can effectively express gene production in the skeletal muscles of rats .

  29. 一种抗AIV共有独特型抗体具有AIV血凝素分子的内影象

    An Anti-species-sharing-idiotypic Antibody to AIV Bearing the Internal Image of Hemagglutinin on AIV

  30. 目的研究树突细胞(DC)介导的独特型瘤苗诱导骨髓瘤抗原特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)的抗肿瘤免疫反应。

    Objective To investigate the specific antitumor immune response induced by idiotype protein ( Id ) - pulsed dendritic cells ( DC ) in vitro .