
  • 网络independent alternatives;Independent Scheme;Project Independence;stand-alone protocol
  1. 有限资金约束下独立方案的比选

    Election of Independent Scheme with in Limited Fund

  2. 受资金限制的独立方案传统评选方法包括互斥化法和双向均衡排序法。

    The traditional methods of selecting the independent projects with capital restriction are mutually-excluding method and the ranking method of two-way balancing .

  3. 通过对独立方案在有限资金的约束下,进行方案组合比选的两种方法进行讨论,使两种方法结合在一起形成一种新的比选方法。

    This paper analyses two methods in selection scheme within limited fund , points out the advantage and disadvantage of two methods in evaluating , and forms a new method which can select and evaluate scheme precisely and quickly .

  4. XML可以在电子商务、政府文档、报表、出版、信息交换等领域中一展身手,根据不同的系统,提供各具特色的独立解决方案。

    XML can be used greatly in different fields such as e-commerce , government documents , report forms , publication and data exchange . According to the varied systems XML can provide special and independent schemes .

  5. 由于XML能针对特定的应用领域而定义特定的标记集合,使得XML可以在电子商务、政府文档、报表、出版和中介信息交互等领域,根据不同的系统和应用提出各具特色的独立解决方案。

    Because XML is able to define corresponding tag set for specific application fields , XML can present special project in different systems where there are e-business , government documents , report , publishing and intermediate information etc. .

  6. 也就是说,CBS不是独立解决方案,而是能够使用一个或多个CBS创建的解决方案。

    In other words , a CBS is not a stand-alone solution , but a solution can be created using one or more CBSs .

  7. 使用COST239网络拓扑进行的仿真实验表明:相同网络负载和波长资源条件下,p-cycle和p-path混合保护方案比p-cycle独立保护方案的网络冗余度可以优化10%,同时保留了p-cycle快速保护的优点。

    Simulation results with the COST 239 topology show that this hybrid protection scheme provides 10 % better in network redundancy than a pure p-cycle scheme . Meanwhile , it retains the merits of the p-cycle for fast protection .

  8. 4×4轮式两栖车可升降独立悬架方案的仿真研究

    Simulation of the Design of Unaided Lift Suspension for 4 × 4 Wheeled Amphibious Vehicle

  9. 我们独立解决方案的特点是产品日益综合化,多功能化,电子智能化。

    Hallmarks of our individual solutions are increasingly product integration , electronic intelligence and multifunctionality .

  10. 采用以多网合一为主的数字化集成方式与少数子系统独立建设方案,能发挥网络优势、充分整合系统资源、降低投资成本。

    Adopt the method of most subsystems integrated in multi-network , and a few subsystems built independently .

  11. 净现值指数排序法是解决资金预算总额有限情况下独立型方案选优问题的方法之一。

    The method of NPV index is one of the methods that chooses the optimum plan of independent alternative for fund-limited enterprises .

  12. 考虑供应链企业间互动关系的抽检方案与不考虑这种关系的独立抽检方案相比,能有效降低抽样成本,并使供应商和制造商获得更大的期望收益。

    In comparison with the traditional sampling plan , the sampling plan described in this paper can lower the costs , and increase the expected profits of supplier and manufacturer .

  13. 作为一家大型私立家庭学校“独立学习方案”(家庭学校族的综合学校)的校长,我每天都看到曾被这个疯狂、没有人性的体系戕害的孩子。

    As principal of a large , private homeschool Independent Study Program ( umbrella school for homeschoolers ), I see children daily who have been battered by this insane and inhumane system .

  14. 因此敏捷供应链的实现需要摆脱独立解决方案的实现模式,需要舍弃复杂系统连接的实现方法,同时这样的应用应当本身就具备高可定制的即时装配和规模可伸缩等特性。

    Therefore to realize this Agile Supply Chain , it is necessary to abandon independent solution methodology and complex system connection technology . At the same time , this kind of application should also possess such properties as instantaneous assembly and flexible scalability .

  15. WebSphereApplicationServer将内存泄漏的检测和分析看作两个不同的问题,并使用两个相关但又相互独立的解决方案来加以解决。

    WebSphere Application Server has identified detection and analysis of memory leaks as two different problems with related but independent solutions .

  16. LotusLiveiNotes可以与现有的预部署电子邮件解决方案共存,也可以作为一个独立的解决方案运行。

    LotusLive iNotes can coexist with an already existing on-premise email solution , or it can be operated as a stand-alone solution .

  17. 工业园区独立能源系统方案分析与应用

    Schematic Analysis and Application of an Independent Energy Source System for Industrial Parks

  18. 转盘独立电驱动方案及优越性

    Advantages of independent and electrical drive rotary table

  19. 连接一个认可的独立争议解决方案服务,使客户的投诉得到及时和有效地处理;

    Access a recognized independent dispute resolution service to allow client complaints to be resolved promptly and effectively ;

  20. 针对应用于单通道语音增强的谱相减技术中存在的音乐噪声问题,提出了一种独立的抑制方案。

    A stand alone noise suppression scheme is presented for reducing Musical noise in enhanced speech by using the signal channel spectral subtraction algorithm .

  21. 在低码率时,右通道采用MCP+DCP编码的方案效果明显比左右通道独立编码的方案效果好。

    At low bit rate , the right channel MCP + DCP coding the program significantly better than the left and right channels independently coded scheme .

  22. 为了避免上面的情况,架构师设计独立的解决方案,并维护复杂且昂贵的可跟踪性表来以某种方式说明每个需求得到了满足。

    To avoid the situation above , architects design separate solutions , and maintain elaborate and expensive traceability matrices to somehow demonstrate that each requirement is being met .

  23. 为了提高计算效率,我们将正交表作为一个独立的抽样方案引入到敏感度指标的计算中,提出了一个新的数值积分估计式。

    To improve the computation efficiency , we bring orthogonal arrays , as sampling plans , to the calculation of global sensitivity in-dices and propose a new estimator for the multi-dimension integration .

  24. 采用独立高压供电方案,行扫描电路的设计和调整得以简化,也使行扫描输出电路负载过重问题得到较好的解决。

    Moreover , the scheme of the Independent high-voltage power supply in the design not only simplifies the design and adjustment line-scanning circuit , but also successfully solves the problem of overcharge of line-scanning circuit .

  25. 我已经想过用独立于实现的方案来指定Ruby方法的签名。

    I 've been thinking through implementation-independent ways to specify signatures for Ruby methods .

  26. Portal还通过内置的安全基础设施提供个性化特性和单点登录;它们还可以与各种独立供应商的解决方案集成。

    Portals also provide personalization features and single sign-on through their own built-in security infrastructure ; they can also integrate with solutions from independent vendors .

  27. 事实上,根据特定平台的需要以及在哪一平台上开发和部署认识到的方法软件,每一个CM解决方案完全独立于其他解决方案在发展。

    In fact , each CM solution evolved completely independent of others , according to the needs of its unique platform and the perceived way software was being developed and deployed on that platform .

  28. 提出一种光电二级稳定粗、精控制通道融合新方案,并与现有粗、精控制通道相互独立二级稳定方案相比较。DS-1、DS-2精脱硫剂在涠洲岛液化气脱硫装置的工业应用

    A new scheme is proposed which blends the coarse and fine control channel used in photoelectric two-stage stabilization system . Industrial Application of DS-1 and DS-2 Fine Desulfurizers in LPG Desulfurizing Unit of Weizhou Island End Plant

  29. 高寒地区独立光伏电站设计方案探讨

    Design Principle of Independent Solar Power Station in Paramos

  30. 长大隧道平面控制测量独立坐标系统选择方案探讨

    Selecting Proposals of the Independent Coordinate System for Long Tunnel 's Plane Control Survey