
  • Catwoman;Selina Kyle;Cat Girl
  1. Penny是我见过的打扮最糟的猫女比HalleBerry还差劲(HalleBerry扮演过猫女,因此曾获金酸梅最差女配角奖)-她扮的不是猫女,她就是一只普通的猫。-

    Penny is wearing the worst Catwoman costume I 've ever seen . And that includes Halle Berry 's. Leonard : She 's not Catwoman . She 's just a generic cat .

  2. 《高谭魅影》属于漫画系列之一,主要讲述蝙蝠侠的女性敌人——小丑女、毒藤女、猫女(Catwoman)的故事。

    Sirens was a comic book series based around some of Batman 's lady enemies such as Harley , Poison Ivy and Catwoman .

  3. 首先是Pitof,由1名法国人谁执导好莱坞失败,“猫女去。”

    First came Pitof , the Frenchman going by one name who directed a Hollywood flop ," Catwoman . "

  4. 猫女是《蝙蝠侠》中的一个人物。

    Cat woman was one of the characters in Batman .

  5. 她看起来像我第四喜欢的猫女。

    Sheldon : She 's like my fourth favorite Catwoman .

  6. 猫女是和蝙蝠侠,而黑猫和蜘蛛侠。

    Catwoman haunting Batman , and Black Cat with Spider-Man .

  7. 光是穿上猫女那标志性的戏服就绝非易事。

    Even just getting into Catwoman 's trademark outfit was no mean feat .

  8. 我为何要信任一个猫女?

    Why should I trust some catbroad anyway ?

  9. 在另外一些案件中,还有跟人打架的山羊,在普利茅斯失踪的猫女等等。

    Other incidents included a fighting sheep and Cat Woman going missing in Plymouth .

  10. 我在努力,我在数猫女。

    Sheldon : I 'm trying . I 'm counting Catwomen . lumbar whatsoever :

  11. 猫女和韦恩又是在何时相遇,上演了他们的爱恨情仇?

    When and how will Catwoman meet Wayne and form her complicated love-hate relationship with him ?

  12. 我们离开了西班牙的帕洛斯,并回到地面,正发现“猫女”穿着晚礼服站在我们面前。

    We left Palos and landed to find Cat standing in a nightdress in front of us .

  13. 安妮·海瑟薇从头到脚都是黑色,她的灵感来自于《蝙蝠侠》中猫女的黑色套装。

    Taking inspiration from Catwoman 's black suit , the Anne Hathaway wore a head-to-toe black look .

  14. 猫女或者酱料王了

    Or Catwoman Or Condiment King

  15. 虽然猫女最初是作为对抗蝙蝠侠的一个角色,但正因为她本身的特质使她逐渐成为粉丝最爱的一个人物。

    Though originally conceived as a Batman villain , Catwoman has grown to become a fan-favorite protagonist in her own right .

  16. 那哈利贝瑞就是我第五喜欢的猫女,朱莉·纽玛,米歇尔·菲佛,艾萨·凯特,还有李·玛丽维泽。

    Sheldon : That makes Halle Berry my fifth favorite Catwoman . It 's Julie Newmar , Michelle Pfieffer , Eartha Kitt , Lee Merriweather

  17. 刚刚为出演猫女而减肥的海瑟薇,又不得不为接下来在《悲惨世界》中出演的芳汀一角剪掉长发。

    Right after losing weight for Catwoman , the actress also had to cut her long hair for her role as Fantine in Les Miserables .

  18. 本届金酸莓奖依然是无人前来认领。至今只有曾获奥斯卡奖的哈莉?贝瑞在四年前来到现场坦然接受颁奖,当时她凭借《猫女》被评为年度最差女演员。

    Few Raspberry winners collect their trophies but Oscar winning actress Halle Berry sportingly showed up four years ago to take home her prize for Catwoman .

  19. 猫女在1940年的第一卷《蝙蝠侠》中就出现过,黑猫直到1979年在《蜘蛛侠》中出现。

    Catwoman has been lurking around since Batman \# 1 in 1940 , whereas Black Cat didn 't sink her claws into the webhead until 1979 .

  20. 这位“猫女”戴着一双毛茸茸的粉色爪子,并用它们来给自己梳理,特别是当她面对着一滩水时就忍不住做出了这样的举动。

    The cat woman wears a pair of pink fluffy paws with which to groom herself , and feels especially like doing so when she is in contact with water .

  21. 若非近日上映的好莱坞大片《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》,没人能想到安妮•海瑟薇竟能成功驾驭猫女这一聪明、性感的经典角色,就连她本人亦是如此。

    Until the recent Hollywood blockbuster The Dark Knight Rises , no one would have imagined Anne Hathaway landing the classic role of the sexy , smart Catwoman – neither did she .

  22. 纳诺现在二十岁了,她讲述了自己如何利用超乎寻常的听觉和视力在夜间捉老鼠的过程,给大家再现了她的“猫女”生活。

    The 20-year-old has opened up about her life as a puss , describing how she has a superior sense of hearing and sight which allows her to hunt mice in the dark .

  23. 她们是谁?猫女是塞琳娜·凯尔,她既是一个挥舞着鞭子的小偷同时又是一个英雄式的义务警察,这些角色的转换取决于她是什么心情(和谁在创作这角色)。

    Who they are : Catwoman is Selina Kyle , who has been both a whip-wielding thief and a heroic vigilante , depending on what mood suits her ( and who is writing her ) .

  24. 《哥谭》还是那个“哥谭”(注:《蝙蝠侠》中对纽约的别称),人物还是我们熟悉的人物:布鲁斯•韦恩,“猫女”塞琳娜•凯尔,“企鹅人”奥斯瓦尔德•科波特……只有一个明显的不同:没有蝙蝠侠。

    It 's the same Gotham with the same familiar characters : Bruce Wayne , " cat " Selina Kyle , " Penguin " Oswald Cobblepot ... The only significant difference is there is no Batman .

  25. 八年以后,蝙蝠侠回到了高谭市,决心要揭露神秘的猫女瑟琳娜的真面目以及阻止毒药摧毁整个城市的计划。

    Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight , Batman returns to Gotham , where he must discover the truth regarding the mysterious Selina Kyle and stop the villain Bane 's plans to destroy the city .

  26. 海瑟薇还曾出演《断背山》和《一天》,她将在下部影片《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》中出演猫女塞琳娜·凯尔。克里斯蒂安·贝尔也将出演该片。

    The actress , whose film credits also include Brokeback Mountain and One Day , will next star in the new Batman movie , The Dark Knight Rises . She plays Selina Kyle , also known as Catwoman , alongside Christian Bale .