
  1. 描述了用于祀天的圭璧结合的玉器造型。

    This describes a kind of the jade combined by Gui and Bi .

  2. 古代玉器造型图案设计构成法

    Ancient Jadeware Modelling Constructive Approach of Pattern Design

  3. 大多数玉器造型简单、精美,且制作精良,琢磨技术已相当成熟。

    Most of the jade articles were made delicately with simple and elegant feature . The polish technology has come to a mature age .

  4. 一些玉器的造型和图案渐渐受到文人的影响。

    The shape and design of jade objects were greatly influenced by the ideas of the literati .

  5. 文章主要介绍了汉代玉器纹饰在造型、装饰风格和雕刻手法上的发展演变,指出汉玉对汉代以前纹饰的吸收和发展以及其对后世的深远影响。

    The article introduces the veins of Han jade from the aspects of shape , decoration style and engraving skill , as well as its innovative development and profound influence on the future jade production .

  6. 古代玉器的种类、造型及鉴赏

    Category , carved shape and appreciation of Ancient jade

  7. 清代玉器的某些特殊造型鲜明的体现了满族的文化特征。

    Some special models of the Qing jadearticles clearly display the Manchu cultural features .

  8. 在对比前人对独山玉原料分级的基础上,将普通的独山玉玉器成品按照玉器的使用、造型设计、琢工、抛光四个方面划分为三个等级,完善了独山玉的分类体系。

    Jade article can be parted into three group on the bas of using , sculpt designing , caving and polishing .