
yù mǐ xiǎo bān bìnɡ
  • leaf spot of corn
  1. 详细叙述了玉米小斑病T、C小种的侵染特征,并在对二者分析比较的基础上,提出了玉米雄性不育胞质的利用途径:(1)育成异型胞质杂交种;

    Based on the detail analysis and comparison of the infective characteres of Bipolaris Maydis Race T & C the using methods of the corn male-sterile cytoplasms were suggested : ( 1 ) selecting corn hybrid varieties with different male-sterile cytoplasms ;

  2. 玉米小斑病(Southernblightofcorn)是当前国内外玉米生产区普遍流行的一种真菌性病害,在致病过程中能产生对其寄主植物具有致病活性的代谢产物,即致病毒素。

    Southern blight of corn was a king of universal fungal plant disease at the present . During infecting corn seedings , the pathogen of Bipolaris maydis race C could produce an active metabolic production , namely pathogenic toxin ( HMC-Toxin ) .

  3. 玉米小斑病重要流行环节的初步定量研究Ⅰ.孢子萌发侵入、病斑潜育显症及扩展

    Preliminary Quantitative Studies On Important Epidemic Links of Bipolaris maydis

  4. 植物组织培养技术在抗玉米小斑病育种中的应用

    The Advances on Applying the Techniques of Plant Tissue Culture to SCLB-Resistant Plant Breeding

  5. 夏玉米小斑病发生规律研究

    Occurring law of bipolarize maydays of summer corn

  6. 对玉米小斑病的重要流行环节&孢子萌发侵入、病斑潜育显症扩展进行了定量研究。

    Systemic quantitative studies on spore germination penetration and incubation symptomatic appearance of Bipolaris maydis were made .

  7. 国内外虽然对该病进行了大量的研究,但由于地理条件及环境因素的不同,玉米小斑病的研究结果在地区间的应用受到一定的限制。

    Although there were a large number of researches on this disease both at home and abroad , the research methods subjected to certain restrictions as a result of the differences from geographic conditions and environmental factors .

  8. 玉米对小斑病T小种抗性的遗传模型分析

    Genetic Model Analysis of the Resistance in Maize to Helminthosporium maydis Race T

  9. 结果表明:玉米对小斑病T小种的核抗性主要受加性和显性效应控制,以显性效应为主。

    The results indicated that additive and dominance effects , with the dominance effect predominating mainly controlled the nuclear resistance .

  10. 用广义遗传模型方法,研究了玉米对小斑病T小种的抗性遗传特性。

    Genetic studies were conducted for the resistance in maize to Helminthosporium maydis race T , using the generalized genetic model method .

  11. 诱发玉米抗小斑病突变体的研究&Ⅳ.从玉米单倍体胚性细胞无性系筛选抗玉米小斑病突变体

    Studies on Induction of Helminthosporium maydis Resistance Mutation in Zea mays ⅳ . The Screening of Disease-resistant Mutation from Haploid Embryonic Cell Clone in Zea mays

  12. 以上结果表明接种AM真菌能够提高玉米对小斑病的抗性,其机理与改善磷营养状况有关。

    Through the above results , we could conclude that the inoculating of AM fungi could improve the resistance of maize to the disease of corn southern leaf bligh and the P nutrition .

  13. 玉米小斑病菌产生的致病毒素(Hm-毒素)在玉米小斑病的发生发展过程中起了重要作用。

    It has been well demonstrated that pathotoxins produced by Helminthosporium maydis ( Hm-toxin ) play important roles in the initiation and development of Southern corn leaf blight .